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B Tests
Unit 8
Name: _________________________________________________
Score: ____________________ /50 points
1 Uzupełnij brakujące litery.
I feel terrible! I am really 1 h o t . I feel 2 d _ _ z _ and
3 _ i _ k. I think I’ve got a 4 c _ _ d. And I’ve got a
5 t _ _ p _ r _ t _ _ _ – 40°! And I’m getting a terrible
6 h _ _ d _ c _ _.
3 Napisz odpowiedzi do podanych pytań,
używając czasu Past simple oraz wyrażeń
podanych w nawiasach.
1 Why did you go to town? (meet my friends)
I went to town to meet my friends .
2 Why did you go to the cinema? (see a ilm)
3 Why did you take an aspirin? (feel better)
4 Why did you go to the airport? (catch a plane)
5 Why did you wash up? (help my mum)
6 Why did you buy that shirt? (look good at work)
2 Odszyfruj podane wyrazy dotyczące
problemów ze zdrowiem.
1 h t o hot
2 l d o c
3 r o s e h o t r a t
4 h o e t o c a t h
5 c c h a s m h a t e o
6 u e m a p r e r t e t
1 Dopasuj do siebie części zdań.
1 You must keep
1 Wpisz w luki have got lub feel
w odpowiedniej formie.
1 I feel dizzy.
2 She (not) ________________ a temperature.
3 ________________ you ________________ a cold?
4 He ________________ a toothache.
5 ________________ he ________________ hot?
6 She (not) ________________ sick.
a a glass of water.
2 You must go
b cool.
3 You must take
c in the sun.
4 You must drink
d to bed.
5 You mustn’t eat
e sweets.
6 You mustn’t sit
f medicine.
2 Uzupełnij dialog wyrazami z ramki.
ill lie matter dear temperature
throat take drink
2 Napisz zdania, używając must lub mustn’t .
1 Don’t bring animals into the library.
2 No smoking.
3 Arrive early.
4 No eating.
5 Be nice to the customers.
Doctor What’s the 1 matter ?
Patient I feel 2 ________.
Doctor Oh 3 ________. Have you got a 4 ________?
Patient Yes, I have and I’ve got a sore 5 ________.
Doctor: You must 6 ________ down and 7 ________
lots of water. And you must 8 ________
some paracetamol.
Patient Thanks, doctor.
1 You mustn’t bring animals into the library.
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