A Separation - angielskie napisy.txt

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{2757}{2843}Things you say to a divorce|not valid reasons.
{2858}{2935}- If you have something else|Tell me. - Like what?
{2939}{3065}For example, such as addiction. Or beating you|or does not give you pocket money.
{3068}{3164}There is no such thing.|He's a good, decent human being.
{3166}{3218}So why would a divorce?
{3226}{3271}Does not come with me.
{3276}{3385}If you back if I withdraw my claim for a divorce.
{3413}{3490}- Are you next?|- No, I will not come.
{3496}{3583}- Why not, Mr. Judge?|- Do you know why?
{3587}{3657}No, I do not know.|Explain the cause of your back.
{3660}{3739}Why leave such conditions abroad|explain that he wants to go.
{3743}{3813}- Show me a good reason to stay.|- I show you a thousand.
{3817}{3918}- Just one.|- My dad. Can not leave him.
{3920}{3953}But you can drop your wife?
{3960}{4022}- When you quit?|- You brought me here.
{4027}{4076}You applied for a divorce.
{4082}{4142}I mean go to your wife and children,|not to leave them?
{4145}{4223}Dear Judge,|did not say if you want to go?
{4228}{4310}Yes, and I'll say again.
{4313}{4393}- I do not want to hold a force.|- Keep your voice down. Calm down.
{4398}{4540}One day I came to live with me.|Do not you want today.
{4542}{4601}- Preferred're ...|- Your "preferred" What is understanding?
{4605}{4670}This is something that we both started.
{4675}{4781}Mr. Hakim, 18 months unfolded, the cost|After you have vizemizi.
{4784}{4873}Six months have passed and|Expire after 40 days.
{4878}{4929}Why ka????ral??m this opportunity?
{4932}{5003}You do not want to miss this opportunity|Bring a proposal at that time.
{5006}{5068}You know my status.
{5072}{5131}Tell us what we should do|Say, Mr. Judge.
{5136}{5216}Ideologies - his father ...|- Does not excuse. Reason.
{5220}{5312}- Let them talk.|- Calm down.
{5314}{5446}His father was suffering from Alzheimer's.|His son does not even know that.
{5451}{5538}- What difference does that make?|- Why do you say that?
{5543}{5595}Are you aware of his son?
{5598}{5655}I know he is my father.
{5657}{5717}The girl and her future|that is not important to you?
{5719}{5862}Does that say something about K??z??m??zla?|Why do you think I only care about you?
{5865}{5959}In other words, children in this country|Do not have a future?
{5964}{6062}As a mother I am on the circumstances of this|yeti??memesini prefer.
{6067}{6122}Under what conditions?
{6164}{6305}Here, the mother and father, there|being a father, not better?
{6312}{6380}This is why I want her to come.
{6385}{6496}I can not go.|How many times do I have to say?
{6503}{6615}He can 't come.|So, what will happen to me?
{6619}{6683}Nothing.|You will return to your life.
{6725}{6783}Could go|ba??vurmazd??m for divorce.
{6786}{6905}Both of you must have the approval.
{6907}{7001}- He was willing.|- Have you ever been willing to divorce?
{7003}{7110}If you are abroad, leaving his family|wants to go, yes I am.
{7115}{7211}He was willing.|What about my daughter?
{7214}{7315}Each subject agreed to stay.|How old is your daughter?
{7319}{7387}Will be 11 after two weeks.
{7392}{7469}Can not go without her father's permission.
{7475}{7528}Does not allow.
{7534}{7587}This is between you two.
{7592}{7661}Please sign here and a good day.
{7664}{7739}Dear Judge, I am here|I came to solve my problem.
{7744}{7803}Please sign here.|You too.
{7808}{7888}- Where to I sign?|- Here.
{7894}{7985}He can take everything.|I just want my daughter.
{7990}{8103}My daughter is very fond of me.|I already which you want to go.
{8107}{8174}- He does not know the truth.|- Why not?
{8178}{8231}He was 11.
{8236}{8345}Please Sign here, and|Do not steal the time of the court.
{8347}{8460}- No one knows better than you.|- No, you know best.
{8465}{8552}Mr. Judge, what do I do?|Only 40 days left.
{8555}{8618}Every small problem,|not apply for divorce.
{8622}{8665}Small issue?
{8669}{8714}My problem is not small.
{8716}{8753}The problem is my daughter.
{8758}{8872}He and his daughter.|He also has rights.
{8877}{8961}According to me a little problem with yours.
{8965}{9047}Sign here please and a good day.
{10247}{10349}- Second floor you said.|- This is the second floor.
{10353}{10401}So, what this is?
{10407}{10501}He ground, he first,|that the second floor.
{10505}{10590}Our price was for the two-fold.
{10594}{10681}- But you will pay the receiver.|- Only for the two-fold.
{10703}{10762}Do not understand what you said.
{10770}{10885}Search for the receiver.|This three-fold.
{10938}{11024}I'll pay a kat??nkini.|* * * Offline leave.
{12105}{12170}Excuse me, ma'am?
{12322}{12375}Tell your father want to go.
{12378}{12420}Why do you say it?
{12442}{12529}- I told you?|- Anla??mam???? we?
{12585}{12648}Course I'm trying.
{12940}{13026}- Hello.|- Hello.
{13066}{13111}I'll be right.
{13180}{13257}I do not know for how long.
{13268}{13323}Work to look at my father.
{13333}{13449}I have some at home jobs ...
{13452}{13592}Her meds ... but the real work|time to give ...
{13594}{13766}... Keep him away from the stove,|against removal from home.
{13809}{13953}To go to work|At 7:30 am You should be here ta.
{13960}{14012}7:30 is too early.
{14016}{14110}He can come back home for an hour|5:00 in the need to get out.
{14113}{14166}- Can you do eight?|- I do not know.
{14169}{14288}- Is eight.|- Play the buzzer from above.
{14292}{14438}I leave the keys here.
{14443}{14505}- OK?|- Yes.
{14510}{14624}- Could you give our money?|- What is the salary?
{14633}{14674}He comes now.
{14679}{14755}- 300,000 per month.|- It's too little.
{14763}{14819}No, the prices of such.
{14823}{14866}Ask around.|Distance is too much.
{14869}{14909}A few buses to change.
{14918}{15087}But until I can give it.|If they match you can get on tomorrow.
{15092}{15139}News to you tomorrow|Can I?
{15144}{15221}- This may also be required.|- I do not have the disorder.
{15225}{15288}Tomorrow afternoon|You have time to.
{15292}{15351}If you can not attend you can keep|There's another one.
{15400}{15480}Termeh! Buy clothes!
{16011}{16063}Are you coming?
{16268}{16362}- Books Why are you taking?|- I want them.
{16380}{16456}All for only two weeks?
{16712}{16770}- Thank you.|- You're welcome.
{16925}{17014}- Which uses the setting?|- Do you go and ask?
{17019}{17136}G??z??kmemi my bad do you want?
{17257}{17349}- Simin, where are you going?|- Now I'll be back.
{17354}{17452}Presently, I'm going to the corner.|Be right back.
{17561}{17611}I will return.
{17627}{17691}I have an appointment.
{17700}{17772}- Four.|- Why four?
{17788}{17843}Because it faded.
{17859}{17966}Most should have used it.
{17974}{18078}The four then.
{18105}{18194}Presently, from the moment|quartered everything upfront.
{18218}{18272}It is really going.
{18277}{18364}- He'll be back.|- Termeh!
{18369}{18435}B??y??kbabanla come and stay.
{18818}{18871}Termeh, honey, go to your room.
{18911}{19015}Father, kalksana.|B??raksana hand.
{19036}{19162}Kalksana.|I want to take the toilet.
{19303}{19368}Where are you taking me?
{19373}{19464}The toilet and then|to get the newspaper.
{19478}{19576}Honey, you to your room|I told you to go ...
{19634}{19696}- Where are you taking me?|- Come on.
{19817}{19876}Put your hand there.
{20657}{20719}I get this CD.
{20757}{20835}- Which one you want al.|- No, just do it.
{22349}{22471}You thought you were having there.
{22476}{22540}No, I moved into my mother.
{22584}{22651}It's a bit difficult.
{22656}{22742}No, I can trust him.
{22747}{22807}Do not worry about such things.
{22820}{22887}In addition, it will not be ayakalt??nda.
{22897}{22966}Will go early in the|and the way you will be back.
{22969}{23049}Bring in your daughter.|My daughter is friends with ...
{23054}{23113}... I feel better.
{23140}{23269}Yengenize say the decision.
{25389}{25451}Where are you going?
{25956}{26080}What is this?|- Oxygen.
{26085}{26132}What is oxygen?
{26136}{26195}Back off.|Her wake.
{27078}{27132}I can not hear anything.
{27408}{27461}What is he doing?
{27880}{27931}Where would you go?
{27933}{27998}- Newspaper.|- What?
{28024}{28056}I want the newspaper.
{28073}{28138}Newspaper in your room.
{28161}{28222}Bridal'll take you to your room.
{28350}{28464}Take you to your room,|Can I get a meal.
{28703}{28761}Anne ...
{28782}{28837}... Peed his pants.
{29029}{29083}Sit on the bed.
{29181}{29242}What is this?
{29381}{29426}What are you doing here?
{29431}{29561}Giysene shoes.|You see the wet places.
{29651}{29705}Said it needs to go.
{29783}{29850}I take it to the toilet ...
{29946}{30065}I can not.|Hours until 12:00 have a lesson.
{30116}{30208}Call my husband.
{30258}{30328}Do you have a number?|Yazsan??za.
{30334}{30405}I have the pen by the phone.
{30713}{30811}You get that pants|Would you change?
{30845}{30931}Clothing, Would you change?
{30954}{31034}- Simin?|- Do you wash yourself?
{31038}{31098}- Wash yourself?|- Simin?
{31359}{31425}Clothes here.
{31445}{31562}Wash, then wear them.
{31596}{31665}I put your towel here.
{31681}{31727}- OK?|- Yes.
{31859}{31924}Put the trousers do.
{32061}{32108}Are you capable of?
{32527}{32649}Remove it.|Wear you have given.
{32653}{32689}Is this OK?
{32871}{32931}Simin ...
{33777}{33857}Hello.|Religious have a question.
{33865}{34031}I'm trying a home.|I have to look after an elderly man.
{34041}{34091}I want to ask ...
{34103}{34167}Excuse me, but I peed in his pants.
{34196}{34309}I wonder if I change it,|Is considered a sin?
{34348}{34388}No one here.
{34428}{34576}70 or 80 years of age and dementia ...
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