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119 - E-Commerce
ESL Dialog
A: Where did you buy your new computer?
B: I ordered it online. I saved 20% doing it that way.
A: Weren’t you scared of being ripped off ?
B: No, I order stuff online all the time and I’ve never had a problem. I
use paypal and only buy from sellers with good ratings. Paypal makes it
much safer for the consumer because they will return your money if you
don’t receive the product.
A: Why was it so much cheaper to buy online?
B: Selling online is a much cheaper for the seller. They don’t need to pay
staff or rent a huge store. In a competitive market, these savings are
passed on to the consumer.
A: How does paypal make any money?
B: They just take a couple percent of each transaction . Even with that
fee, it’s still often cheaper to buy online. It really depends where you
shop and what you are buying though. It’s always a good idea to shop
around if you have the time.
A: Why do so many people still buy things in brick and mortar stores
B: A lot of people still feel it’s safer to buy things that way. Some people
aren’t very price sensitive and don’t mind paying the premium . They
like to physically look at the product and deal personally with the sales
staff. Besides, when you order online, you can take the product home
that day. You don’t need to wait for the shipping.
A: I think I’m more like you. I’d rather have the savings than those other
"conveniences". I’m going to get a paypal account and start ordering stuff
Phrases and Vocabulary used:
Ripped off : Getting "ripped off" often means paying too much money for
something. In this case, getting ripped off refers to being totally cheated
and not receiving the product at all.
Paypal : Paypal is an extremely popular online payment option. You can
go to www.paypal.com to find out more information if you don’t already
use this service. It is available in most countries and is easy and safe to
Transaction : Every Sale or purchase is considered a transaction. Paypal
makes a little bit of money every time someone uses their service to buy
Shop around : If you "shop around" for something it means that you look
at many different places to buy something. It’s a good idea to shop
around for large purchases such as a new car or a new home. You can
often get a much better deal if you spend some time shopping around.
Airline tickets are often priced quite differently so it’s a good idea to shop
around when you are buying airline tickets.
Brick and mortar : Brick and mortar stores refer to the physical store.
Some brick and mortar stores also have an online store.
Price sensitive : If someone is price sensitive, it means that they really
care about the price. If it is a certain price they will buy it, if it is a little
more expensive than they won’t. We can also refer to products as being
price sensitive. Oil is not very price sensitive because people still need to
put gas in their cars regardless of the price.
Premium : Paying a premium for something means that you pay extra
money for some service. You have to pay a premium to shop at a brick
and mortar store for example.
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