WoodWorking Plans Roll-out Shelves.pdf

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Shop Notes
Kitchen Cabinet Roll-
Out Shelves
E very kitchen I've worked in has seen me on my
hands and knees rooting around in back of the lower
cabinets. Roll-out shelves like these make those
spaces a lot more convenient.
The roll-out consists of a drawer suspened in an outer tray
on side-mounted drawer glides. The dimensions given here
are suited to my cabinets, 3/4" thick lumber and drawer
glides 1/2" thick. Dimensions should be adjusted to suit
your lumber, drawer glides, and cabinet dimensions.
The tray and drawer could be assembled with butt joints
secured by countersunk screws. Since I spent way too
much on a very good dovetailing machine, I treat these
projects as an opportunity to try different dovetail types and
arrangements. (and not incidentally to justify the purchase
of the machine in the first place)
Drawer bottom possibilities.
a) inset 1/4" plywood
b) rabbetted 1/2" plywood
c) flush trimmed 1/4" plywood
The bottom of the outer tray is 1/4" plywood glued and
nailed in place. My habit is to cut the bottoms oversized,
then trim off with a flush-cutting router bit later. The drawer
bottom could be done the same way as well. I prefer to run
a groove around the inside of the drawer and insert a 1/4"
plywood bottom. If I need to make an unusually large drawer,
I'd probably rabbet the perimeter of a piece of 1/2" plywood
and let that into a groove instead.
Section through finished roll-out.
Outer tray
1/4" plywood
Secure to
cabinet with screws
2 - 1 / 2 "
2 - 1 / 2 "
Typical dimensions for outer tray and drawer.
©2002 Dale Austin www-personal.umich.edu/~mrwizard
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