The Body Electric 2.pdf

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Co-author's Note 9
Introduction: The Promise of the Art
Part 1 Growth and Regrowth 23
1 Hydra's Heads and Medusa's Blood 25
Failed Healing in Bone 29
A Fable Made Fact 32
2 The Embryo at the Wound 40
Mechanics of Growth
Control Problems 47
Nerve Connections
Vital Electricity 60
3 The Sign of the Miracle 68
The Tribunal 69
The Reversals 71
Part 2 The Stimulating Current 77
4 Life's Potentials 79
Unpopular Science 82
12 The Body Electric
Undercurrents in Neurology
Conducting in a New Mode
Testing the Concept 94
5 The Circuit of Awareness 103
Closing the Circle 103
The Artifact Man and a Friend in Deed
The Electromagnetic Brain
The Ticklish Gene
The Pillars of the Temple 118
The Inner Electronics of Bone
A Surprise in the Blood 135
Do-It-Yourself Dedifferentiation 141
The Genetic Key 144
7 Good News for Mammals 150
A First Step with a Rat Leg 152
Childhood Powers, Adult Prospects 155
Part 3 Our Hidden Healing Energy
8 The Silver Wand 163
Minus for Growth, Plus for Infection
Positive Surprises169
The Fracture Market 175
9 The Organ Tree 181
Skull Bones
Eyes 190
Muscle 191
Abdominal Organs 192
10 The Lazarus Heart 196
The Five-Alarm Blastema 197
1 1 The Self-Mending Net
Peripheral Nerves206
The Spinal Cord 207
The Brain 213
12 Righting a Wrong Turn
A Reintegrative Approach 219
Part 4 The Essence of Life 227
13 The Missing Chapter 229
The Constellation of the Body 233
Unifying Pathways 238
Contents 13
14 Breathing with the Earth 243
The Attractions of Home 250
The Face of the Deep 255
Crossroads of Evolution 261
Hearing Without Ears 264
15 Maxwell's Silver Hammer 271
Subliminal Stress 276
Power Versus People
Fatal Locations 284
The Central Nervous System 284
The Endocrine, Metabolic, and Cardiovascular
Systems 288
Growth Systems and Immune Response
Conflicting Standards
Invisible Warfare 317
Critical Connections 326
Postscript: Political Science
Glossary 348
Index 353
The Promise of the Art
I remember how it was before penicillin. I was a medical student at the
end of World War II, before the drug became widely available for civil-
ian use, and I watched the wards at New York's Bellevue Hospital fill to
overflowing each winter. A veritable Byzantine city unto itself, Bellevue
sprawled over four city blocks, its smelly, antiquated buildings jammed
together at odd angles and interconnected by a rabbit warren of under-
ground tunnels. In wartime New York, swollen with workers, sailors,
soldiers, drunks, refugees, and their diseases from all over the world, it
was perhaps the place to get an all-inclusive medical education. Belle-
vue's charter decreed that, no matter how full it was, every patient who
needed hospitalization had to be admitted. As a result, beds were packed
together side by side, first in the aisles, then out into the corridor. A
ward was closed only when it was physically impossible to get another
bed out of the elevator.
Most of these patients had lobar (pneumococcal) pneumonia. It didn't
take long to develop; the bacteria multiplied unchecked, spilling over
from the lungs into the bloodstream, and within three to five days of the
first symptom the crisis came. The fever rose to 104 or 105 degrees
Fahrenheit and delirium set in. At that point we had two signs to go by:
If the skin remained hot and dry, the victim would die; sweating meant
the patient would pull through. Although sulfa drugs often were effec-
tive against the milder pneumonias, the outcome in severe lobar pneu-
monia still depended solely on the struggle between the infection and
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