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Army Tactica
as told by Brahm Tazoul
The snarling vermin kept advancing,
despite having their hideous giant
rats fall one after another.
²Ignore the rats, dolt! Shoot
those red-eyed devils coming in
behind them!³
²I can't!³ screamed the
marksman as he let loose another
arrow. ²They're getting too close! I
have to take them out before they
chew my legs out from under me!³
Snarling with frustration,
Captain Yarim of the Bloods Brigade
drew his sword and dagger and went
to work on the ever-encroaching
horde. Squeals of stuck rats filled the
sewers, overcoming the shouted
commands of the captain.
²Shoot, damn you!³ he implored
as he dispatched yet another
oversized rodent. Looking quickly over
his shoulder, he failed to see his
archer. Without any time to spare, he
turned back to knock a bladed fist
away from his throat. ²It'll take more
than ye to take me down, rat-scum!³
he challenged. The skaven merely
hissed, and jumped away, scampering
into the shadows of the sewers. With
nothing but piles of dead and dying
rats laying about him, Captain Yarim
looked about for his missing
Seeing nothing in the
sputtering light of his failing torch, he
began to back-track, only to trip over
a prone form laying face-down in the
murky water. Rolling the body over,
Yarim knew it was his missing archer
even before he saw his bruised face
and split skull.
²Ignorant PESTS!³ he screamed
down the blackened passageway.
²Have you any idea the coin I had
invested in this man?³ The roar that
answered him was deafening.
Standing quickly and starring in
terror at the darkness, Captain
Yarim desperately searched for the
source of that blood-chilling sound,
but found nothingness mocking him
instead. Moments later, it became all
to clear.
The Rat Ogre came barreling
down the sewer line, it's great strides
carrying it ever-closer to the frozen
man. Yarim's mouth opened and
closed, but no sound came out. He
raised his sword feebly, it's tip
wavering in the air. With one fell swipe,
his head was removed from his body,
and the Blood Brigade was heard of
no more.
While it is true that each and every warband
that scours Mordheim has it's unique
strengths and weaknesses, one must first
successfully master tactics and understand
the battlefield before victory becomes a
constant companion. Over the next few
pages, I will cover the basics of guerilla
warfare, and point out several key elements
to a successful warband and campaign.
Understand that not all tactics are sound
with every warband; the Undead have a
nearly complete lack of long-ranged attacks,
however their fear-causing units dominate in
hand to hand. Keep that in mind as you read
over the tactics and tips held herein.
One of the key things to walking (and not
crawling) away from any scenario is
deployment. Too often I have seen good
warband rout from a table simply because
they were not properly prepared for the
rigors of the upcoming encounter. There are
a few things to keep in mind when deploying
your troops for battle.
units up front should be either those
with the highest toughness, best armor
or special abilities (Step Aside, Dodge,
Lightning Reflexes being prime among
them). They will buy you the time you
need to get within arms-reach of your
Regardless of pre-conceived notions of
an alliance or truce, never leave a flank
unguarded. Always leave some sort of
fodder or currently unnecessary troop
to guard your heroes as they advance.
I've seen it happen where two ³allied´
warbands were both eliminated because
one side chose the incorrect time to end
their agreement. An unprotected flank
shared with your ally can be the
quickest route to your downfall.
If you have the option, choose the side
of the table that best su ts your
warband. Don't immediately go for the
edge closest to the target area or
objective. Ensure that your warband is
going to be around long enough to
complete the objective or reach the
target. If you've many archers, choose
the side that either provides the most
(and easiest) attainable high-ground or
most defensible ground. If you've a lack
of missile attacks, choose ground with
lots of cover, allowing you to approach
your enemies in the best way. Always
consider your warbands abilities and
weaknesses when choosing where you
are going to sit, and not just the side
closest to the fridge!
The Crucial First Turns
It is extremely important to be able to
survey a battlefield and pick out the most
opportune places for you to engage in
hand to hand combat, where your archers
should be placed, and where you'd like to
pin your opponents down. Just as
important are your plans on how to obtain
and dominate those crucial locales. Make
them, and most importantly, stick to them.
When placing your figures, use
common sense. If you're going to try
and gain control of the high-ground,
then ignore the pot-shots and
hail-mary's that may present
themselves. Simply run your archers to
their chosen ground and do it quickly.
Your shots from your preferred ground
while not moving will more than
compensate for the possible one or two
shots that you ignored while getting
there. If you're making a mad dash at an
opposing side, then protect your good
melee fighters with fodder; henchmen,
warhounds, giant rats, etc. Let them
take the wounds while your strongmen
get up close and personal. On the other
hand, if you've a low-rout warband, the
Create a strategy while placing your
men before the first turn. Make a
mental note of what each of them is
going to do over the next two turns.
Attempt to stick to that plan as
closely as possible, while ignoring
minor details that may arise. If
someone is leaving themselves open
to a seemingly ³perfect´ attack, it's
probably not that perfect. Ensure that
your men reach where it is you want
them to go, and then work out your
next plan. If you react, you are
already fighting a losing battle. If you
force your opponents to react to you,
then you've the upper hand.
If you've the units to do so, you
should always have two fighting
squads. While not completely
independent of each other, they
enable you to cover more ground,
and force your opponents to consider
far too many options for them to
cover them a l w th certainty. A
favorite tactic of mine is to have a
squad of fighters and a squad of
archers. Working in harmony, these
two groups can decimate nearly any
opponent that stands before them; the
archers restrict enemy movement, as
well as enable me to choose when
and where I'd like hand to hand
combat to occur. Once I've engaged
my enemy, my archers are free to
move about and pick more choice
locales, or simply to carry-on and
finish any specific scenario objective.
your forces with preventing him/her
from obtaining that goal in mind. As
such, you should set up where you
can shoot down the runners, block
their likely routes of escape, and
allow yourself the benefit of escaping
relatively unscathed from battle. If
there are more than one other
warband on the table, all the better.
Bide your time, and allow them to
wear each other down. Then pounce
once one is gone and the other is
weakened. Although everyone loves
a hero, heroes very often wind up
Know Your Enemy
Whenever you encounter something new,
it is natural to fear it. Fortunately for us
table-top generals and commanders, the
world of Mordheim offers very little in the
way of surprises. The only surprises on the
battlefield are those that you allow to
Request to see your opponents roster
sheet before every battle. You may
not know what type of upgrades their
forces have received since you last
did battle with them.
Make note of any weaknesses you
see. If a model has suffered a massive
chest wound (thus a -1 to T) then it
would be a prime target for your
bows/long bows. Nervous system
damage is horrible to melee-based
units, so be sure to engage them
whenever the opportunity presents
itself. Exploit your foes weaknesses
to their fullest, and not only will you
prove to be a more dangerous
adversary, but your own troops will
be better off for it.
That is all for this installment. Be sure to
read my other supplements on Equipping a
Warband and Warband Choices , available
soon here at
You have to decide if you are going
to make a run for glory, or if you are
going to try and widdle-down your
competition first. I am personally a
fan of the latter. Unless the benefits
of the scenario-bonus is lost if you've
eliminated your foes early-on, I
would seriously recommend picking a
good place to bunker-down and force
your foes to come to you. This is
particularly true if you subscribe to
my previous point; find a good space,
deploy your ranged units
appropriately, and wait. Eventually,
they are going to have to come after
you. Just be sure that you are in the
better of the two positions.
If winning the scenario depends on a
specific task, I would suggest trying
to prevent others from doing it rather
than attempting it yourself. For
example, if you must remove a chest
from the field of battle to win the
scenario, pick the most likely
candidate for the task, and deploy
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