
(31042 KB) Pobierz
Your complete
and exhaustive
guide to floppy
disk drives - the
first of many
buyers' guides
is on... page V
Our team of expert programmers guide
you through the complexities of assembly
language, Basic and C ............. page 32
Your guide to
free software
provides the
most detailed
coverage yet of
the massive
Public Domain 31
We don't just tell you what's the best
software and hardware to buy, we even
show you how to use 1S
Monthly tutorials to help you get the most
out of the software that has taken the
programming world by storm... page 26
Whatever your problem with the
Amiga we will help. Get in touch with
our panel of experts............. page 8
When it comes to mice and scanners, Naksha clearly lead
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The Naksha Upgrade Mouse is silky smooth, operating at a high
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Degas Elite* or Deluxe Paint II*.
The Naksha Mouse and Scanner are available for both the Commodore
Amiga and the Atari ST range of computers.
For further information call (0925) 56398 OR any of our distributors listed below for your nearest
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Degas Elite supplied for Atari. Deluxe Paint II supplied for Amiga.
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LIBERTY (0753 586805)
COLUMBUS (0457 860300)
AV MARKETING (0279 452733)
Trade marks and Registered Trade Marks are acknowledged
Welcome to the only monthly magazine totally dedicated to the serious side
of the Amiga. This special issue is a sneak preview of the fact-packed, hard
hitting, value-for-money magazine that will appear at a newsagent near
you every month from April 4. We can only give you a taste of the wealth
of news, reviews, tips and guides that await you, but our exhaustive test of
floppy drives should whet your appetite for the joys to come. Just imagine,
over 75,000 words and at least 116 pages every month for just 99p!
The floppy-drive test is an example of the comprehensive and ruthless
buyers' guides we will be conducting every month, covering hardware and software, to identify the best buys
for you. The rest of this special issue gives you a taste of the monthly columns we willl be featuring. They
will be joined in issue one by columns on video, comms, music, hardware projects and much more.
We can bring you this unrivalled store of Amiga information because we've assembled the most
experienced magazine team of Amiga experts ever. Consultant editors Jeff Walker, Mark Smiddy and Phil
South are three of the most respected Amiga journalists, now forming an unbeatable team that will give you
the most authoritative reviews and helpful tutorials available.
Amiga Shopper is packed with useful editorial. We've stripped out the expensive production costs so
we can cram in as much valuable information as possible. There are no expensive colour games pages
because there are no games pages at all!
My name is Bob Wade, I'm the Editor and, having spent 18 months editing our sister magazine Amiga
Format, I'm confident we can give you the serious Amiga magazine you've been asking for. Why don't you
write to me and tell me what you want from Amiga Shopper ? If you want to be where the news happens
first, the reviews are exhaustive, the help unlimited and the bargains the best - then be here!
If it's happening, if it's new, you will
get the full, detailed story here first.
Amiga Answers
Whatever your problem, our experts
are on hand to help solve it for you.
Disk drives on test
The most comprehensive, exhaustive
and destructive floppy drive test ever.
Find out which is the best buy for you.
Desktop publishing
Is Professional Page 2 the best DTP
program yet? W e've got the facts.
Get down to really serious business
and put your Amiga to real hard work.
Can you be as good as W alt with
Disney Software's Animation Studio ?
Invaluable tips and advice on using
this hugely successful programming tool.
I / s
t — L
A never to be repeated bargain offer
on Amiga Shopper itself. Don't miss it!
From beginner to expert, our in-depth
tutorials offer you invaluable help.
Hard drives on test
W e will be putting all the hard disk drives
through their paces and recommending the
best buys. If you're planning to buy a hard
drive, this is the only guide you will need.
Find out how the Amiga is taking the video
production world by storm - and how you can
be a part of this exciting revolution.
Public domain
Expert opinion on what you should
buy and from where you should buy it.
W e w i l l a ls o b e r u n n in g r e g u la r
f e a tu r e s o n th e s e f a s c in a t in g a r e a s o f
th e A m ig a w o r l d :
In a d d i t i o n t o t h e c o lu m n s in th is
s p e c ia l is s u e , w e w i l l h a v e m o n t h ly
c o lu m n s o n a l l th e f o l l o w i n g s u b je c ts :
i ’i . U . f r . A
Jlj/j V i l l i ')
W e will tell you which shows are on, what will
be there and then whether it was worth going.
Keep yourself in touch with the world of
modems and find out who is worth calling.
'•i&'mm'wtmr m mmJ Jtm iiidr
Whatever your problem with tho
Amiga, our loam of exports will
solve it for you. Your questions can
bo about any sort of hardware or
software as long as they are to do
with the Amiga. If our panel can't
tome up with the answer then no-
one can. Turn to page 8 for some
examples. So get those queries and
tips coming in to:
Amiga Answers, Amiga Shopper,
30 Monmouth Street, Bath BA1 2BW
Hardware projects
Make your very own handy hardware add-ons
with the help of our special projects features.
Not only reviews, but loads of useful advice
on how best to educate with your Amiga.
Find the books that really deliver the hard info
and avoid those that are just plain doorstops.
User groups
Get active and involved with other users of
the world's best and most versatile computer.
Is CD software going to take the Amiga by
storm or w ill it be a white elephant? W e will
be reporting on all the new developments.
W e will show you how to make beautiful
noise and what gear to make it with.
Sifting on a
b y C lif f R a m s h a w
High-powered Amiga users previously dissatisfied with
available spreadsheet packages should take a look at K-
Spread 4, the newly released top-end spreadsheet from
Kuma Computers.
As well as offering features present on earlier
versions, such as the ability to read and write Lotus files
and user-defined functions, K-Spread 4 can draw graphs
and remember sequences of user commands as macros.
K-Spread 4 is available for £99.95. Owners of K-
Spread 2 can obtain an upgrade for £40.
Other Kuma products scheduled for release in March
include Amiga versions of a range of clip art previously
only available for PCs, Macs and STs.
The technically minded can look forward to 'Intuition:
A Practical Guide for Amiga Programmers' by Mike
Nelson, which aims to explain the more arcane elements
of the Amiga's graphics interface. It costs £14.95
Finally, K-Roget, the thesaurus-on-a-disk based on
Longman's Pocket edition, is the subject of a promotion till
the end of June. During this time it will be available for
£29.95 rather than for the normal price of £49.95.
Kuma Computers » 0 7 3 4 844335.
Bodega Bay
s v R o b W a d p
b y B o b W a d e
Bodega Bay is not as you
might think a seaside
resort; it is in fact a brand
new modular expansion
console from America's
California Access.
Designed to give the
A 50 0 owner the same
expansion capability as
on the A 2000, but at a
lower cost, it is to be
distributed in the UK by
the Amiga
Scotland. The
though not yet
should be about £350.
The console does not
require any internal fitting
to the 500. It just plugs in
and has its own built-in
power supply that
dispenses with the A 500's
and the monitor's so
everything operates from
one power switch.
The unit gives you
access to four A2000-
compatible card ex­
pansion slots into which
you can plug hard disk
cards, RAM expansions,
etc. Three of the four are
also IBM compatible so,
with a Bridgeboard
attached, IBM-compatible
by Cliff Ramshaw
Multilingual Amiga users can look forw ard to
the release this month of German and Swedish
versions of Arnor's Protext 5 w ord processor.
As well as coming w ith the relevant spell
dictionary, the program reports all status and
error messages in the appropriate language.
In addition, French, German and
Swedish dictionaries are now available for use
w ith Protext at £34.50 each. More dictionaries
are planned fo r the future and include Dutch,
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.
Arnor ® 0733 68909.
D efinitely the s ty lis h place to plo n k y o u r m onitor.
E xpandability and price cou ld make it a firs t resort.
can be run. This is further
aided by two extra drive
bays in which you can
of the Amic
delighted with
Bay and joked that
only problem found with it
so far was "that we just
uga Centre is
vith the Bodega
5 .2 5 "
floppy drives.
The console provides
a good platform for
placing the monitor on - a
welcome solution for 500
owners with restricted
desk space. Martin Lowe
incompatible with".
Amiga Centre Scotland
w 031-557 4242
California Access
* 0 1 0 1 408 378 03 40
by Mark Smiddy
P o w e r C o m p u tin g h a s a n n o u n c e d
a n e w S lim lin e 4 0 M b h a r d d r iv e .
A n IDE ( in te g r a te d d r iv e
e le c tr o n ic s ) l o w p o w e r m e c h a n is m
a f f o r d s t h e u n it its c o m p a c t siz e
( 2 3 0 x 1 0 0 x 3 0 m m s ) a n d a v o id s th e
n e e d f o r a c o o lin g f a n .
F u ll c o m p a t ib ili t y w i t h th e
A m ig a 's A u t o C o n fig s y s te m a llo w s
t h e d r i v e t o a u t o b o o t w h e n u s e d
w i t h K ic k s t a r t 1 .3 . U n u s u a lly , t h e
S lim lin e h a s a n i n t e r n a lly f it t e d
in te r fa c e in s te a d o f t h e d ir e c t ly
m o u n t e d m e t h o d . The d r i v e is th e n
a tt a c h e d b y a r u n o f r ib b o n c a b le .
T his s a v e s d e s k s p a c e b u t m a k e s
R A M e x p a n s io n im p o s s ib le .
T he s y s te m w i l l b e b u n d le d w i t h
ICD U t ilit ie s , m a k in g in s t a lla t io n
a n d b a c k u p s a s p a in le s s a s
p o s s ib le . A f u l l r e v i e w w i l l a p p e a r
in AS, is s u e 1.
P o w e r C o m p u tin g » 0 2 3 4 2 7 3 0 0 0
b y P e te r J o n e s in B e lg iu m
Amiga '91 Berlin will take place at the
Berliner Messe convention complex in
Berlin from April 25 - 28. All the 5,000-
square metre exhibition space has
been taken and more than 80 exhibitors
w ill be attending, including the
show's two official sponsors:
Commodore Buromaschinen GmbH and
A m ig a/M ag azi n / M&T.
Expected attendance this year is
estimated at around 4 0 ,0 0 0 people,
compared to a record 6 7 ,000 at the
show in Cologne last autumn.
Ticket prices are 12 Deutschmarks
for students and 17 DM for adults.
Discounted tickets can be purchased in
advance at 10 DM for students and 15
DM for adults.
For further show details contact AMI
Shows Europe w 01 0 49 81 06 31093
b y Cliff Ram shaw
Parents worried about declining standards of literacy in
schools can now give their children a little extra help
with LCL's Reading W riting Course for the Amiga.
Aimed at three to eight-year-olds, the course has
been designed with the National Curriculum in mind and
covers material up to attainment target five. Il is the latest
in a series of courses
produced by LCL
covering such subjects
as maths, English and
French, all available
for the Amiga.
The course
uses colour graphics,
animation and music to
enliven the learning
process. It consists of
24 programs, two
books and an audio
A package to help send kids tape and costs £24.
quite literately back to school. LCL w 0491 579345.
b y C lif f R a m s h a w
M a n d a r in S o f t w a r e , m a k e r o f A M O S , is s e t to
r e le a s e t h e Funschool Magic Storybook - a n
a n im a te d r e a d in g p a c k a g e a im e d a t f iv e t o
se v e n a n d s e v e n t o t w e lv e - y e a r - o ld s .
The f ir s t p a c k a g e , d e s c r ib e d b y M a n d a r in
a s c o n t a in in g ' a li t t le b i t o f m a g ic ', s h o u ld b e
a v a ila b l e b y m id - A p r il , a n d w i l l in c lu d e
'G o ld ilo c k s a n d t h e T h re e B e a r s '. F u r th e r
s to r ie s o n a d d i t i o n a l d a t a d is k s a r e p la n n e d .
A F re n c h v e r s io n o f Funschool 3 is a ls o
p la n n e d . A s w i t h t h e E n g lis h v e r s io n , it
c o n s is ts o f s ix in d iv i d u a l p r o g r a m s d e a lin g
w i t h su c h s u b je c ts a s n u m b e r s , s p e llin g a n d
r e a d in g . Funschool is s o ld in t h r e e s e p a r a te
p a c k a g e s f o r t h e u n d e r - f iv e , f iv e t o s e v e n a n d
o v e r s e v e n a g e g r o u p s .
A ls o in t h e p ip e lin e a r e F re n c h , G e r m a n
a n d A m e r ic a n
b y B o b W a d e
Most people have heard
of photo libraries, but
now Nik Williams
Broadcast has introduced
the first Amiga-based
picture library. Called
Pictureware, for £4.99
you will receive a disk
containing five digitised
pictures of extraordinarily
high quality.
This novel idea is
made possible by the use
of a broadcast-quality
camera to digitise the
pictures with Digi-View . It
produces quality on­
screen images that can
easily be mistaken for a
still TV picture.
Pictureware is the
brainchild of Nik
Williams and he thinks
the possibilities for it and
similar ventures are
tremendous. Apart from
Pictureware he specialises
in film and video work for
T his im p ressive ly clear d ig itis e d im age o f Vietnam is
ju s t one e n try in the firs t Am iga pictu re library.
( u s in g
r a t h e r t h a n
television, so he should
know impressive graphics
when he sees them.
All the pictures in the
library were actually
taken by Nik and so far
he has the following list of
two-disk sets, each set
costing £9 or £4 .99 for
one disk:
African animals, pets,
rocky coastlines, beaut­
iful sunsets, people,
motorbikes, views of
Vietnam, children,
silverback gorilla, African
famine, art in photo­
graphy, the nude, hippos,
African pygmies and film
crew on location.
Nik Williams Broadcast
* 0792 470503
v id e o ) v e r s io n s o f th e A M O S in t e r p r e t e r .
A M O S f a n s w i l l s o o n b e a b le t o g e t t h e ir
h a n d s o n t h e A M O S C o m p ile r , w h ic h s h o u ld
b e a v a ila b l e b y A p r i l. C la im e d t o b e
c o m p a t ib le w i t h a ll A M O S p r o g r a m s , i t s h o u ld
t y p ic a lly d o u b le t h e ir e x e c u t io n s p e e d .
M a n d a r in 's s o f t w a r e d e v e lo p m e n t te a m
h a s b e e n jo in e d b y M a r c D a w s o n , f o r m e r l y o f
s o f t w a r e h o u s e E ld ritc h th e C a t. H e jo in s a s
s e n io r p r o je c ts m a n a g e r .
M a n d a r in S o f t w a r e n 0 6 2 5 8 7 8 8 8 8 .
b y P e te r J o n e s in B e lg iu m
b y C lif f R a m s h a w
Colourful Collection
b y C lif f R a m s h a w
G r a b b in g c o lo u r im a g e s f o r th e
A m ig a w i l l s o o n b e le ss b o t h e r
w i t h t h e r e le a s e o f 'T h e C o m p le te
C o lo u r S o lu t io n ' b y R o m b o .
T he p a c k a g e b u n d le s
t o g e t h e r s o f t w a r e a n d e q u ip m e n t
p r e v io u s ly s o ld s e p a r a te ly : V id i-
A m ig a , V id iC h r o m e - A m ig a a n d
V id i-R G B . V id i- A m ig a d ig it is e s th e
in c o m in g s ig n a l in m o n o c h r o m e ;
V id i-R G B f ilt e r s t h e s ig n a l in t o r e d ,
g r e e n a n d b lu e c o m p o n e n ts so
i t c a n b e c o n v e r te d in t o a
c o lo u r im a g e b y V id iC h r o m e . The
p a c k a g e
Pandaal Marketing is
releasing the DAATAmouse
onto an already crowded
market. It works with both the
Amiga and Atari and has a
resolution of 280 dots per
inch. Price is £39.99.
Also new from Pandaal is
the DAATAscan Pro, a hand
held scanner already familiar
to Atari users. The Amiga
version is supplied with
editing software that creates
monochrome and grey scale . .
IFF files for use in DTP or aerodynam ic rodent?
paint programs. Scanning resolution can be selected from 100,
200, 300 or 400 dpi. Pandaal Marketing » 0234 855666
Toronto-based Ditek International has
released its 2D and 3D CADD program,
DynaCADD, for the Amiga.
Described as "the most powerful,
professional CADD solution for the
Am iga", the manufacturer claims its use of
a context-sensitive on-line help feature and
a sophisticated graphical user interface
helps to significantly reduce the learning
curve associated with CADD programs.
Minimum requirement is a 68 02 0, a
math co-processor, 2M b of RAM and a
hard drive. RRP is £ 6 5 0 plus VAT.
Contact Expressworks » 02 52 726255.
is th is the w o rld ’s firs t
c o m e s
c o m p le te
w i t h
PhotonPaint a t £ 1 7 9 .
R o m b o « 0 5 0 6 4 1 4 6 3 1 .
GET OFF TO A DATAFLYER by Bob Wade and Cliff Ramshaw
Trilogic now has available the
new Dataflyer SCSI interface
card from Expansion Systems
in the US. Currently only the
A1500/A2000 compatible
version of the card is in stock
at £89.99, but the A500
version is expected to follow
as soon as it is available.
The card is compatible
with most SCSI drives on
the market. SCSI - Small
Computer Systems Interface -
is the industry standard for
Amiga and other hard drives.
It comes with a bare
controller card, but Trilogic
can supply one of a variety
of SCSI<ompatible drives
already fitted. Typically, the
card with a 49Mb drive will
cost £349.99.
Once installed, the drive can
be configured to autoboot,
removing the tiresome need to
replace the Workbench disk
every time you power up.
The software required for
installing and configuring the
drive is supplied.
The A500 version, when
it becomes more freely
available, will be more
expensive as it will come with
a chassis of its own
Of particular interest to
A500 owners will be the
option of an addon 4/8Mb
memory card. This makes for
a useful feature as an
additional drive takes up the
slot normally used for memory
expansion beyond IMb.
» 0274 691115 CD
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