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language and skills test 1a

/20 points

Name:………………………………………………………………………….                            Score:                           

Test 10b              Sport              Testy Słownictwo

1              Uzupełnij poniższe zdania, wpisując jedno słowo w lukę. Pierwsze litery brakujących wyrazów zostały podane.

1               You must wear a h___________ when you go cycling. You might fall off and hit your head.

2               In tennis, you have to hit the ball over the n__________.

3               I came first in the 100 metres and got a m__________.

4               Oh no. I’ve forgotten my swimming t__________.

5               It’s quite cold so put your t_________ on over your shorts and T-shirt as soon as the race has finished.

6               It was an exciting m__________ . Liverpool won 5-2.

7               We’re losing but we can still win. We just need to play better in the second h_________.

8               There were 42,000 people in the s___________.


8 points


2              Wybierz odpowiedni sport.

1               It’s a team sport: gymnastics, ice-hockey, golf

2               It’s a water sport: diving, yoga, athletics

3               It’s a winter sport: cycling, windsurfing, skating

4               It’s an athletics event: the marathon, tennis, boxing

5               It’s played with a ball: judo, rugby, sailing


5 points














3              Uzupełnij poniższe zdania słowami z ramki. Dwa słowa zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej luki.

beat        break        champion        lead        miss        pitch        round

score        work out


1               I hope Milan __________ Madrid.

2               The players are on the __________ but the match hasn’t started yet.

3               Roger is in the __________ with only 50 metres left to run.

4               Peter has started to __________ in the gym because he wants to get fit.

5               I’ve only just arrived at the match. Do you know what the ___________ is?

6               How did Dennis ___________ the goal from two metres?

7               Christine might __________ the record for the 200 metres today. She’s really fit.


7 points



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