The Drink Tank 068 (2006).pdf

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Yet Another Fanzine Spit Out
By Christopher J. Garcia
The Drink Tank Issue 68
cover by Frank Wu
You know, the irst thing I do af-
ter I send Good Ol’ Bill my issue of The
Drink Tank is start the next, and I think
Frank Wu has captured that nicely with
his cover this issue.
So, what’s this issue about? Well,
it’s the last one before Cinequest, so I
have a lot to say about what’s coming
up, and there’s so much to say about so
many things, I’m just going to get on
with it.
If I Only Had The Money:
The Movieland Wax Museum Auction
Well, it’s happened. They closed one
of the big Wax Museums and are now sell-
ing off the pieces. I’m doomed, because they
sent me the catalog and I’m seriously think-
ing about bidding on several things that are
on the block. There are limits in my money
bags, which are actually quite shallow, but
there are things that are hard to pass up.
I’ve spent much of the last few days exam-
ining the goods available. There are some
amazing buys that
someone is just going
to snap up.
I’m most inter-
ested in the pieces
that speak of the
museum itself. It was
such a part of the Or-
ange County Tourist
thing that I’d love to
own pieces of it.
The ive things
I want more than the rest are the sign that
hung over the entrance (top left), the glass-
fronted display (bottom left), The fake ticket
booth, below, and of course, the Lighted
Sign that stood on top of the building. While
I could probably win the sign over the en-
trance (they’re starting the bidding at 50
dollars) all the oth-
ers are too much
for my blood and I’ll
just have to dream.
Still, the pieces
are wonderful and
owning a piece of a
place where I spent
a fair amount of
time when I was
younger would be a
treat that I couldn’t
pass up.
Now, other than the pieces they have
of their own history, there are pieces that
I want to collect
because they are
of wonderful enter-
tainers. There’s a
Harold Lloyd igure
(which doesn’t look
like him at all) and
one of Tom Mix
(that actually does
look like him) and
one of Myrna Loy
and William Powell,
of Laurel & Hardy,
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of Tiger Woods, and on and
But, there’s always the
Gold Standard. The bridge.
Do I even have to say that it’s
of the Enterprise C? That’s
right, the First Generation,
complete with Wax igures
of Shatner, Nimoy, Kelley,
Doohan and Nichols is on the
block. This is the highlight of
the auction for us SF geeks.
What I wouldn’t give to have
So, it all goes on
sale March the 11th. If you
wanna see the catalog, go to I
wouldn’t go if you don’t have
the strength to resist pur-
Have No Fear, there are still plenty of Wax Museums around. Along with those famous
ones in London and Paris, there are well-loved Wax Museums in Niagara Falls, San Fran-
cisco, in Hollywood and I believe there’s a good one in Vegas. I love Wax igures, so I’m
sad to see Movieland go
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A Tale About a couple of Girls Down
by M LLoyd
Art by Zombie Bunny
I’ve got a lot of stories about Girls
Gone Bad. In many cases, I’m the one who
has caused said girls to go the way of Evil.
This is a story of a girl I had a lot to do with,
but I certainly wasn’t the one who turned
her the way she went.
It all started one day in the 1990s,
a decade full of promise, and I had been
single, sorta, for a few weeks. I say sorta
because I was dating a guy (my future hus-
band) and I was messing around openly with
another girl (she’s often featured in this here
rag) but I had another girl that I had started
playing around with when I could get away
with it, whcih was about two to three hours
every day. She lived in the dorm that was
just across the street from my place. She
wasn’t a perfect girl, oh Heavens no, but she
was a black haired girl of eighteen years who
had all the right pieces, even if they weren’t
in deal form.
I met her one afternoon while walking
to the store. I liked this little Mom and Pop
place and it was about two blocks south.
She was standing outside smoking one after-
noon. It was cold that day, I remember that,
and she was wearing a thin jacket. I remem-
ber thinking that she could’t be warm. I
went in and got a few things, enough to ill
a small bag, and a bottle of wine. I wasn’t
conciously planning to seduce her, but
the way the bottle of wine was sticking
out of the bag would actually make me
a bit guilty. I mean she was obviously
a kid, just off the wagon from Western
Mass, and I had a bottle of wine.
“Hey, you mind if I bum one of
your cigarettes?”
“No problem.”
“Thanks, I’ve been wanting one
all day.”
I leaned up agaist the wall next
to her as she pulled out a package and
shook one of them loose. She handed
me a Kool, which is really the only
brand you should be smoking if you’re
a girl. I pulled a lighter out of my inner coat
pocket, making sure not to bring the pack of
cigarettes with them.
“I’m Nancy.” She smiled as she lit my
smoke. I decided to be far too cinematic for
my own good by lighting the smoke, inhal-
ing, fully exhaling and then staring her in
the eyes.
“I’m M.”
“That’s a short name.”
“Well, I’ve got a longer one.”
“What is it?”
“Well, I’m not sure I should tell you
At his point, she was hooked in a way
that I know girls get and guys really don’t
understand. She saw that I was interesting
and I was older and I had a bit of mystery.
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A couple of minutes later, we got to
my place. SaBean had moved in with Ju-
dith already and Jay was off in Europe for a
semester, so I had no roommates. The two of
us simply drank that bottle of wine, I used
my skills to get ingrained in her head and
she laughed at all my jokes. It was a beauti-
ful afternoon spliting that bottle of wine. I
gave her a close and long hug right before
she left. Less than ive minutes after Nancy
left, I had to start getting ready for my date.
I had cut it a little close, but still, it was
worth it for the next couple of weeks.
I did mess up and not get her phone
number that irst day, but I igured if she
was hanging around outside the store smok-
ing, she must be there a lot. I made the walk
every day and I found Nancy there exactly
one week later. I went stopped and talked to
her for a while and I asked if she wanted to
head over to my place again. Nancy was very
This time, I bought a large bottle
of wine and called Eric to tell him that I
wouldn’t be around all-night because I was
going to some meeting out in Western Mass.
I also unplugged the
We inished
the wine fast, then
we started talking
about guys on my
couch. Then I start-
ed kissing her. Then
she started reacting.
It all went perfect
from there. She was
reserved and even
said the most cli-
ched thing you can
say in this situation:
‘I’ve never done any-
thing like this be-
fore.’ Could’ve fooled
me, the girl had a
tongue and knew
how to use it.
The evening
was great, we or-
That made her want
to be me. I know
that sounds weird,
but it’s totally true.
I knew that she’d
follow if I led, and so
I made some small
talk (I seem to re-
member it being
about her school,
Boston College) and
then went for the
“You wanna
come with me to my
place, help me kill
this bottle of wine?”
I can still
remember how her
eyes got all glassy
when I asked her.
And we were
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