The Drink Tank 079 (2006).pdf

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The Drink Tank Issue 79
Maximum Placeholding Power!
As Everybody Already knows...
This week, I’m taking care of Dad
business, since we’re pulling the plug
tomorrow (and they really hate it at
the hospital when you call it that) and
he’s not expected to make it through
the weekend without the respirator.
Sucks? Yes. But there are upsides and
one of those upsides is making me a
bit excited for Friday Morning.
Let me take you back. On Tues-
day, the doctor called us in to tell the
family what I had already heard, that
Dad was severely brain damaged and
that they wanted to ‘make him com-
fortable and let him go’. I hate that
speech, at least in those words. I’d
much rather have had them say ‘Well,
he’s gonna die and we wanna let him.’
After they gave us the speech
and I told the family that was what we
were going to do (so they had no illu-
sions that they were making the de-
cision since Dad speciically wanted
me doing that) I went in and told my
Dad that’s what we were gonna do. He
didn’t hit me, so I think it was OK with
My whole family was there ex-
cept for one cousin, Amber, who was
babysitting, and another who was close
to Dad and just couldn’t handle it.
They should have known from the last
name to give us a bigger conference
room because we illed the thing.
I’m the oldest Grandkid and Rey-
na, my Aunt Naomi’s third kid, is the
youngest at 16. Reyna has a baby (see,
told you we were Mexican) that’s one.
I decided that Reyna’s kid, Diana, will
be the spoiled one of her generation.
She’s bringing her on Friday and I have
so much to tell her about the family
(where she probably already knows
more about than I do) and about wres-
tling (another family tradition) and
about how I’m gonna make sure she
gets to be the #1 Great-Granddaugh-
ter (since Dad was the #1 son and I’m
the #1 Grandson). I’m very excited and
everyone is tired of hearing me talk
about the Little Girl.
Other than that, the whole dy-
ing thing Pops is doin’ is pretty tired.
I’ve arranged for a cremation (and the
prices for those are jumping due to ris-
ing fuel costs) and we broke into Dad’s
house and got photos and Bailey, my
Sis, took Dad’s videos like he prom-
ised her. I got a Bret Hart Autograph,
a couple of wrestling tapes and books,
a snoglobe (which I collect) and Dad’s
porn collection. This is the second time
I’ve been the receiver of Dad’s porn.
After Mom threw him out, I got his old
Greenleaf Classics and other paper-
Issue 79 of the Drink Tank is one measley page and will
certainly by the shortest Drink Tank of all time. I’ll be back
next week with a full issue, but Chris Garcia never misses
a week. I’ll do LoCs next issue, Dad’s tributezine sometime
in Mid-June, and an issue on Family in early July.
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