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Vampire Hunter: Book 1 – Vintages by Ann Cory
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 - Vintages
By Ann Cory
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 – Vintages by Ann Cory
A Silk’s Vault Electronic Publication, in arrangement with author Ann Cory.
ISBN # 1-934055-55-7
Copyright © 2006 by Ann Cory
Cover Design and Art by Dyana Lunaris, © Copyright 2006
Edited by Wendi Felter-Gabbidon
SilkÓs Vault Publishing
s Vault Publishing
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form
or by any means, without permission from both the author and publisher. All characters,
incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity
to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 – Vintages by Ann Cory
Chapter One
She walked along the desolate street turning down Halsey and Fifth, her eyes intent on
the night prowlers. This downtown dive was the place she had been asked to come to the area the
young woman had called “The Vines”. Streetlamps were burned out. An onslaught of garbage
coated the sidewalk. To her it seemed to be a place where the trash walked and fit right in.
The chill of the wind bit at her face. She pulled the collar of her leather jacket up close
as a shield. Her black leather pants seemed to hold up well for the late autumn weather. She
should have thought twice about her skimpy top. Her nipples pressed tight against the fabric,
making her wince.
Nearly knocking her down, a tall lanky man dressed in black and silver spandex brushed
roughly against her shoulder without uttering a word of apology. She hated downtowns in any
city. They always reeked of trouble and degenerates. People had no respect for others. Stopping,
she came to the end of the sidewalk. Turning to her left she spied a wrought iron sign dangling in
the breeze. She found exactly what she was looking for.
Taking a deep breath, Regan walked up to the red door. If the woman had not told her
what to look for, she never would have found it on her own. Another gust of wind blew against
her body. Quickly, she opened the door and dashed inside.
Following the winding metal staircase down, she entered the seedy nightclub with the
roar of music vibrating the floor. All eyes fixed on her as she strode in, making her feel
completely naked.
Immediately a petite redheaded waitress greeted her, eyeing her up and down with
interest. “Welcome to The Vines. Sit wherever you would like.”
Regan pressed the flap of skin around her neck a little closer to make it sure it would not
be seen.
“Thanks. I was wondering if you could help me. I’m looking for a young woman named
Selena. Do you know if she’s here? I was asked to meet her.”
The redhead played at her curls giving a soft chuckle.
“Sure, we’re great friends. I’ll let her know you’re here. And you would be?”
“Regan, like I said, she’s expecting me. I guess I’ll be over at the bar waiting.”
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 – Vintages by Ann Cory
She glanced at the bartender who was busy attending to a large group of men, taking a
seat on the red velvet swivel stool. Bars really were not her scene. Especially the ones who made
it out to be a meat market more than anything else. It had been a long time since she had been in
one. This particular bar seemed packed with obscenely good-looking men and women, all
dressed in black designer clothes, somewhere in their late twenties. Regan looked down at her
own attire, figuring she fit in as best she could. Her only regret was wearing the high-heeled
boots that laced up to her knees. After seeing them in a store window, she convinced herself she
had to have them. Ten minutes into wearing them her feet started to ache.
The bartender handed a tray of drinks to one of the waitresses then turned her way,
flashing a smile that was somewhere between smug and charming.
“What’s your poison, beautiful?”
Regan scanned his pale face, light stubble, and piercing green eyes. If he were on the list
of samples she would be happy to try him.
“Anything you consider your best drink is fine.”
The noise of the club lowered to a faint murmur when she spoke, making her feel self-
conscious. She did not like looking the part of a newcomer. It usually made people suspicious. In
her line of work suspicions were not a good thing. Briefly, Regan looked around making sure no
one stared at her.
Mister pale and sexy appeared to be amused at her request. He took a large bowled goblet
down from the upper rack.
”We carry only the finest vintages here.” His eyes glanced down to her chest where the
tops of her breasts peeked out. One thing was for certain, when it came to guys, it was rare that
they could recite her eye color, but they usually figured out her bra size.
“The finest you say.”
“Yep. This is a quality establishment. We serve only the best.”
Regan laughed. “That is very impressive, for a bar.”
“Are you waiting for someone?”
She watched him set several bottles in front of her, none of them had labels.
“Yeah, I am.”
She laughed as she folded the corner of a napkin several times.
Vampire Hunter: Book 1 – Vintages by Ann Cory
“No. I’m waiting to talk with Selena.”
“Ah. She’s a real sweetheart, sometimes. Really it depends on her mood! Now tell me,
what’s your fancy?”
Drumming her fingers on top of the counter Regan tried to think of something intelligent
to order. Nothing came to her mind. Lately, the hardest alcohol she’d had was a martini.
“You know, I’m not too terribly picky. So give me anything you highly recommend. I’ll
trust your judgment.”
“Very well.”
She watched him uncork the bottle with little effort, filling the goblet midway with a
deep, ruby liquid. Casually he slid it in front of her. Regan reached out for it and with her
fingertips ran across the top of his. It was only a second, but it sparked an interest that went
straight to between her thighs.
“Consider this one on the house.”
He leaned across the counter propping his head in his hands, waiting for her to take a
“Thanks, that is very kind of you.”
She took a whiff of the wine, blinking a couple times. The smell was familiar and
awakened her senses. Regan tilted the glass to her mouth. A thin stream of liquid almost touched
her lips when it was snatched out of her hands smashed to pieces behind the bar.
“You reckless son of a bitch! Don’t serve her that stuff!”
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