Silvia Violet - Taking a Chance(1).doc

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Taking a Chance

Taking a Chance

©2006, Silvia Violet

Becky forced herself to look down at the book she was theoretically reading. This was at least the tenth time she'd caught herself staring at the hot young barista as he pulled shots of espresso, foamed milk, and sprayed whipped cream on top of mochas. Ah, the things she could do with his hard body and some whipped cream.

She'd been sitting at home, moping after finally getting hard proof that her asshole boyfriend had been cheating on her for months. Tired of feeling sorry for herself, she'd forced herself to get out of her pajamas and leave the house. She'd considered calling a girlfriend to meet her for a drink, but she just didn't feel ready to spill the whole sordid story yet. She needed more time to absorb what she'd learned. So she'd picked out a book and drove to Starbucks.

She'd known the caffeine and sugar and the buzz of people around her would lift her spirits, but she hadn't expected the eye candy. The Hottie behind the bar looked like a young, - Thelma and Louise era - Brad Pitt. The mere sight of him made her panties wet.

She'd never been one to proposition strangers, and the idea of such a young guy wanting to come home with her made her laugh. God, for all she knew he was still in high school Several of the other employees were. But she had to admit a night with him in her bed would sure take her mind off The Asshole.

Becky sighed and forced her attention back to her book. Eventually, the story drew her in and she lost track of time. When she finished the last page, she realized the room was silent. She was the only customer left, and the woman who'd been running the register was sweeping and putting chairs up on tables.

She glanced at her watch. They were closing in five minutes. She stuffed her book in her bag and started to stand. But The Hottie came back out from the back, and she couldn't resist one final glance. This time, she wasn't discreet enough,. He caught her eye and smiled. She felt her cheeks heat. But before she could slink away in shame, he held up his hand, asking her to wait.

She sat back down, both intrigued and nervous. As soon as he'd restocked the bottles of water, juice, and iced coffee in the case by the register, he walked over and sat down at her table, giving her one of his sly, little boy grins. She nearly dissolved into a puddle.

He held out his hand. "I'm Luke. I couldn't help noticing you watching me tonight."

If her face had been any hotter, she'd have needed a fire extinguisher. She accepted his hand, but several long, embarrassing seconds passed before she could make her voice work. "I'm Becky." His lip curled up further. She fought the urge to swoon. "Please tell me you're legal."

His smile faded. "Do I really look that young?"

"Well, umm-"

"I'm twenty one. I graduated Parkwood U last month."

"That's a relief."

"Does that mean you'd like to take me home?"

Becky choked. She was glad she hadn't just taken a sip of her latte. She'd have spewed it all over him. Had she really heard him right. "I-I don't-"

"You want me, don't you?"

She didn't just want him. She wanted to savor every last morsel of his body like he was a piece of velvety devil's food cake. She took a deep breath and nodded.

"Then let's go do something about it."

Becky stared at him, unable to breathe. Not once in her careful, orderly life had she taken a man home like this. Of course, careful and orderly had left her lonely and fed up. So why not try something new. "When do you get done here?"

His lips curled up slightly, another mischievous smile. "Give me ten minutes."

The drive to her house took less than ten minutes, but it seemed like an eternity. By the time she was slipping her key into her front door, she was shaking with lust. The smell of Luke had filled the car with coffee and cinnamon and pure animal male. She'd tired to work up the nerve to touch the thick erection clearly outlined by his jeans but she'd been afraid she'd lose control of the car if she actually got her hands on him.

Her hands were so damp with sweat she almost dropped the key. She could feel Luke behind her and hear his rapid breaths. Dear God, was he really as turned on as she was?

She got her answer as soon as she stepped inside.. He pushed the door closed behind them and slammed her up against it as his mouth descended on hers. His tongue forced her lips open, and she wrapped hers around it, reveling in the slick heat.

Luke ground his hips against hers pinning her to the door. His erection felt like a steel pipe against her belly. She slid her hands up his back, luxuriating in the feel of his firm muscle. He explored every crevice of her mouth while he loosened the clasp of her bra.

When his palms rasped across her bare nipples, she moaned into his mouth and pressed even closer. Her hands slid across his abdomen, taking in the well-formed terrain of his abs before she began loosening his pants. She'd never been this reckless with a man before, but she couldn't get Luke undressed fast enough.

He pulled back a fraction of a inch from her lips. "Back pocket."


"Wallet. Back pocket. Condoms."

Condoms. Right. Good. She brushed her fingers over his amazing ass searching for the opening to his pockets as he pushed her shirt up to her collarbone and lowered his mouth to her breasts. She'd just extracted a foil packet from his wallet when his lips closed over her nipple. The jolt of pleasure nearly made her drop the condom.

She tried to rip the foil, but her fingers refused to work. Luke's hands didn't appear to be have any problems though. They managed to unzip her jeans and push them and her panties down her hips. She shimmied her body to make them fall to the floor then stepped out of them as she kicked off her shoes.

Luke's hand slid between her legs brushing the end of her clit. She bucked against him and bit her lip to hold in a scream. She finally understood what painful lust really was.

He slipped a few fingers inside her and pumped them slowly, curling them forward. How did a guy who was practically still a child now how to make her so hot?

She ripped open the condom wrapper, desperate to get it on him and get him inside her. She had a single lucid moment when she realized she was still standing against her front door, but then Luke sucked on her nipple and tweaked her clit simultaneously, and she saw stars.

By the time she'd gotten his cock sheathed in latex, she'd have fucked him anywhere. He had her so wet, her thighs were damp all the way to her knees.

"Wrap your legs around me." He cupped her ass to support her, and she did as he asked. She whimpered as he pressed the tip of his cock into her inch by inch. She couldn't take the slowness. Fisting her hands in his short hair, she pulled him against her and sank her teeth into the tight muscle connecting his shoulder and neck.

He gasped and thrust deep. She released his neck and licked at the wound. "Harder."

He obeyed. Within seconds, he was pumping against her so hard and fast her ass was being pulverized against the door. She knew she'd have bruises later but she didn't give a damn. She just wanted more of him. He filled her so deliciously and every time he drove into her, he managed to angle his hips perfectly to rub himself right over the g-spot she'd only been able to find with her vibrator.

When he slid one hand around the curve of her ass and past where their bodies were joined, she sucked in her breath. Then he squeezed her clit between two of his fingers and her body combusted. Her hips jerked against his and the scream she'd been holding in for what felt like hours roared out of her throat. He thrust deep and held her against the wall.

When she'd recovered enough to form a thought, she realized he wasn't moving. She opened her eyes. He was staring at her with that devil's smile on his face. "Liked that, did you?"

She nodded. He slid his hands out from under her and stepped back, forcing her to lower her legs the floor. She tired to shake the confusion from her head. "But you didn't…. I mean—"

He put his finger on her lips. "We're not done yet. I just thought it might be nice to try out your bed."

She didn't trust her wobbly legs to take her to the bedroom. "I don't think I can—"

Luke scooped her up, like a damsel who needing rescuing. She thought about protesting that she was too heavy to be carried, but she'd felt the muscles in his arms and back. He could probably bench press her.

He laid her down on the bed and climbed up beside her. "Turn over."

She raised her brows.

He slid his hand along her side and cupped her ass. "I've been watching your ass for weeks now. Every time you leave the store I get distracted, not to mention hard. I can't tell you how many times I've jerked off thinking about fucking you doggie style."

Jesus, she'd just had a killer orgasm and with a few words, he had her so hot she could come again in seconds. She flipped to her stomach and came up on her knees and elbows, folding her arms under her head.

He groaned. "You're so fucking hot." He licked each of her buttocks in turn, making slow strokes from the small of her back halfway down her inner thighs. She squirmed at the warm, tickly sensation and her inner muscles clenched in anticipation. She wanted more of his cock, and she wanted it now.

"Fuck me." Her voice sounded breathless, sultry, alien.

He chuckled, but he sat up and positioned himself between her legs. He slid the tip of his cock across her pussy, back and forth several times. "Is this what you want?"

"Yes. Oh please, yes."

He plunged deep as she spoke and her last word came out strangled. He pistoned her fast and impossibly deep, never slowing. Each time he reached the bottom of his stroke, her breath whooshed out. He quickly had her whimpering and fighting to take in enough air. She reached out and gripped the rails in her headboard, needing something to anchor herself to reality.

His nails dug into her hips as she pulled her back against him. He was grunting with each stroke, and his thighs were soaked with sweat where they torched hers. The headboard slammed again the wall over and over. As she neared another mind shattering orgasm, she worried she might actually break one of the rails with the force of her need.

Then he plunged deep, giving her just that last bit she needed to go over. She thought she screamed, but she wasn't sure, because he stiffened against her and let out a roar of his own. His hips pumped wildly against her ass as he poured out his come.

Moments later, they lay curled around one another, both too exhausted to move. Becky expected to feel embarrassed when they were done. She thought she'd want to send him home as soon as possible so she could be alone with her own shame. Instead, she felt liberated. She hoped he'd enjoyed himself as much as she had and that he'd want to stay until morning. She was definitely not done with him yet.


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