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Chapter 26 - 26.81
81. We do not employ energy conservation since, in reaching equilibrium, some energy is dissipated either
as heat or radio waves. Charge is conserved; therefore, if Q = C 1 V bat =24 µ C, and q 1 and q 3 are the
charges on C 1 and C 3 after the switch is thrown to the right (and equilibrium is reached), then
Q = q 1 + q 3 .
We reduce the series pair C 2 and C 3 to C =4 / 3 µ F which has charge q = q 3 and the same voltage that
we find across C 1 . Therefore,
V 1 = V
q 1
C 1
q 3
which leads to q 1 =1 . 5 q 3 . Hence,
Q =(1 . 5 q 3 )+ q 3
leads to q 3 =9 . 6 µ C.
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