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Chapter 17 - 17.70
70. (a) Recalling from Ch . 12 the simple harmonic motion relation u m = y m ω ,wehave
ω =
0 . 04 = 400 rad / s .
Since ω =2 πf ,weobtain f =64Hz.
(b) Using v = , we find λ =80 / 64 = 1 . 26 m.
(c) Now, k =2 π/λ = 5 rad/m, so the function describing the wave becomes
y =0 . 04sin(5 x
400 t + φ )
where distances are in meters and time is in seconds. We adjust the phase constant φ to satisfy the
condition y =0 . 04 at x = t = 0. Therefore, sin φ = 1, for which the “simplest” root is φ = π/ 2.
Consequently, the answer is
400 t + π
y =0 . 04sin 5 x
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