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Chapter 13 - 13.8
1 . 78 = 1 . 27m is the horizontal distance from the rear axle to the
center of mass; F 1 is the force exerted on each front wheel; and, F 2 is the force exerted on each back
(a) Taking torques about the rear axle, we find
F 1 = Mg
2 L
= (1360kg) 9 . 8m / s 2 (1 . 27m)
2(3 . 05m)
=2 . 77
10 3 N .
(b) Equilibrium of forces leads to 2 F 1 +2 F 2 = Mg ,fromwhichweobtain F 2 =3 . 89
10 3 N.
8. Our notation is as follows: M = 1360kg is the mass of the automobile; L =3 . 05m is the horizontal
distance between the axles; =3 . 05
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