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Chapter 11 - 11.4
4. If we make the units explicit, the function is
θ =(4 . 0rad / s) t
3 . 0rad / s 2 t 2 + 1 . 0rad / s 3 t 3
but generally we will proceed as shown in the problem – letting these units be understood. Also, in
our manipulations we will generally not display the coe$cients with their proper number of significant
(a) Eq. 11-6 leads to
dt 4 t
3 t 2 + t 3 =4
6 t +3 t 2
Evaluatingthis at t = 2 s yields ω 2 =4 . 0 rad/s.
(b) Evaluatingthe expression in part (a) at t =4sgives ω 4 = 28 rad/s.
(c) Consequently, Eq. 11-7 gives
α avg = ω 4
ω 2
=12rad / s 2
(d) And Eq. 11-8 gives
dt = d
dt 4
6 t +3 t 2 =
6+6 t.
Evaluatingthis at t = 2 s produces α 2 =6 . 0 rad/s 2 .
(e) Evaluatingthe expression in part (d) at t = 4 s yields α 4 = 18 rad/s 2 . Wenotethatouranswer
for α avg does turn out to be the arithmetic average of α 2 and α 4 but point out that this will not
always be the case.
ω = d
α =
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