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Chapter 5 - 5.79
79. Since ( x 0 ,y 0 )=(0 , 0) and v 0 =6 . 0i, we have from Eq. 2-15
x =(6 . 0) t + 1
2 a x t 2
2 a y t 2 .
y =
These equations express uniform acceleration along each axis; the x axis points east and the y axis
presumably points north (the assumption is that the figure shown in the problem is a view from above ).
Lengths are in meters, time is in seconds, and force is in newtons.
Examination of any non-zero ( x, y ) point will su.ce, though it is certainly a good idea to check results by
examining more than one. Here we will look at the t =4 . 0 s point, at (8 . 0 , 8 . 0). The x equation becomes
8 . 0=(6 . 0)(4 . 0) + 2 a x (4 . 0) 2 . Therefore, a x =
2 . 0m / s 2 .The y equation becomes 8 . 0= 2 a y (4 . 0) 2 .
Thus, a y =1 . 0m / s 2 . The force, then, is
F = ma =
153 )
where the vector has been expressed in unit-vector and then magnitude-angle notation. Thus, the force
has magnitude 27 N and is directed 63 west of north (or, equivalently, 27 north of west).
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