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Chapter 5 - 5.72
72. Wetake+ x uphillforthe m =1 . 0kgboxand+ x rightwardforthe M =3 . 0kgbox(sotheaccelerations
ofthetwoboxeshavethesamemagnitudeandthesamesign). Theuphillforceon m is F andthedownhill
forces on it are T and mg sin θ ,where θ =37 . The only horizontal force on M is the rightward-pointed
tension. Applying Newton’s second law to each box, we find
mg sin θ = ma
T = Ma
which are added to obtain F
mg sin θ =( m + M ) a . This yields the acceleration
a = 12
(1 . 0)(9 . 8)sin37
1 . 0+3 . 0
=1 . 53 m / s 2 .
Thus, the tension is T = Ma =(3 . 0)(1 . 53)=4 . 6N.
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