The A to Z of Bones, Joints and Ligaments.pdf

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A to Z
Bones , Joints
and Ligaments
Dr A. L. Neill
m a N l
© D r A
A to Z
Bones , Joints
and Ligaments
The A to Z of Bones, Joints and Ligaments
This is now the fourth in the A to Z series and looks like as I
had hoped that it will be part of a greater A to Z project with a
website which will have all the images for student and health
professional use. Using the positive feedback I have obtained
from the A to Z of the Skull, I have enlarged the scope of the
book to include all the bones, joints and ligaments of the
human body. I have added and changed the presentation to
incorporate some of the excellent suggestions I have had from
the Skull and other books.
m a N l
Again I have included a feedback page at the end of this book
and I hope that from it if there are any suggestions or ideas
about the publication that this will be used as a guide to any of
you who may have some ideas for this project. However if you
just want to write fax, email or other send your suggestions to
me, I am always pleased to hear them.
I am always grateful for the feedback I have received from the
other publications.
Again I would like and need to thank Aspen Pharmacare for
their support and assistance in this valuable project particularly
Greg Lan. In a day when there is deep concern within the
medical and other health care professional bodies that anatomy
and other basic sciences are not being taught adequately to
new students, this type of resource is even more important.
Students are aware of what they need to know and nowadays
are extremely resourceful in finding information. Doctors and
other Health professionals are on a continuing pathway in the
quest to review their knowledge and keep abreast with new
and changing factors in medicine and it is hoped this resource
will help in these searches of the new and the experienced, of
all those interested in health and medicine.
© D r A
© A. L. Neill
The A to Z of Bones, Joints and Ligaments
To Ali, Zoe, Mickey, Quentin and Jody for support help and love
over the years. In memory of Monkey and Spook. And… hello
to Jack.
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How to use this book
Bones, Joints and Ligaments have been listed alphabetically
and cross referenced as much as possible with their common
names (e.g. the SHOULDER JOINT is the GLENOHUMERAL
JOINT and the COLLAR BONE is the CLAVICLE) preference is
made to list them as their proper anatomical names with cross
referencing in the index to their common names, but each item
may be looked up with either terminology.
Bones and joints are shown generally from at least 2 aspects,
with numbered features on the diagram page and the key or
index to these on the opposite page. Numbering is generally
started anew with each diagram except where it is obvious the
diagrams are related and then the numbering is continued on
to the second diagram and the key to the features is the same
for both.
Occasionally bones or groups of bones are also shown “in
situ”, or as an “overview” to relate them to the whole body
structure, in other words as they lay in body or cavity
anatomically. For example the RIBS together form the RIB CAGE
and anatomically this bony structure is the way most of the ribs
function most of the time not as individual bones.
Capitalization is used to demonstrate the bones involved in
several structures including joints of all kinds (e.g. sutures).
In other words the parietomastoid suture is listed as Parieto-
Mastoid suture to further remind the reader of the involved
bones or bony features involved in the composition of the
structure. This helps to further orientate the reader to the
structural components of the feature.
© A. L. Neill
© D r A
The A to Z of Bones, Joints and Ligaments
It is hoped that this will prove a valuable resource for those
examining individual bones and their articulations and support
structures to build up the complete joint as in the study of
ANATOMY and its many uses such as: archeology,
anthropology, chiropractic dentistry, forensics, geology,
medicine, orthopaedics, osteology, paleontology, paleobiology,
physiotherapy, massage therapy and surgery. Hence any
suggestions on format or inclusions will be gratefully received.
Note: colour coding on base is regional.
Thank you
Amanda Neill
ISBN 1 74138 167 5
m a N l
© D r A
© A. L. Neill
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