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ACL deficient knee
Kolano bez wiæzadÆa krzyºowego przedniego
Grzegorz Adamczyk
Carolina Medical Center, Warszawa
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) acts as a main re-
straint of anterior translation of the tibia. ACL is in-
trasynovial but extraarticular, because it reflects syno-
vium from posterior capsule of the knee joint and is
covered by a synovial fold that serves as a main sour-
ce of nutrition and vascularisation for ACL. Part of
ACL tear may spontaneously heal inside the synovial
coverage. Ligament is highly innervated, more than
1,5% of its volume is constituted by nerve endings,
4 types of receptors are detected inside the ACL,
mainly in approximity of bone attachments. ACL
serves as a main tract for proprioceptive reactions. In
the knee joint ACL is gradually loaded as the knee
extends. In the absence of sufficient coactivation from
the hamstrings, the posterior pull they apply to the
proximal tibia is not available, leaving the ACL as
the sole structure to stabilize the joint. Latency of
neuromuscular control of deformity in healthy indi-
viduals is 53 ms and among the ACL deficient in-
dividuals latency is about 200 ms. In the absence of
ACL patients tend to develop a quadriceps-avoidance
gait to reduce a quadriceps contraction during walk-
ing and finally loose about 10% of quadriceps muscle
strongth. Untreated ruptures lead to anterior laxity
and subsequent meniscal tears in a great majority of
cases, but about 1/3 patients in a long-term may be
asymptomatic, and 47% may for some time returned
to amateur sport. Meniscal tears are observed among
86% patients with an ACL lesion. The clinical inves-
tigation is highly unreliable among these patients
and arthroscopic assessment is necessary in such ca-
ses. Patients with an ACL tear and meniscal destruc-
tion develop degenerative joint disease (DJD) visible
on X-ray, theres no good evidence of DJD progres-
sion among patients with isolated ACL lesions. DJD
is visible in 65% of the ACL-deficient knees with me-
niscal lesions as early as 4,4 years post meniscectomy.
[Acta Clinica 2002 2:11-16]
Key words: ACL-deficient knee, ACL tear, knee ar-
throscopy, sensorimotor control of the knee joint
Unaczynienie WKP pochodzi w wiækszo¥ci od tætnicy
¥rodkowej kolana, jak równieº z gaÆåzek koñcowych
tætnic dolnych kolana przy¥rodkowej i bocznej. Wiæk-
szo¥ì ukrwienia dociera z tylno-górnej okolicy przy-
czepu udowego. Naczynia krwiono¥ne rozgaÆæziajå siæ
w bÆonie maziowej formujåc oplatajåcå wiæzadÆo sieì,
która tworzy osÆonkæ odºywczå. Naczynia te komuni-
kujå siæ z sieciå naczyñ wewnåtrzwiæzadÆowych. PoÆå-
czenia wiæzadÆa z ko¥ciå nie uczestniczå w zaopatrze-
niu WKP w krew. Ponad 1,5% WKP stanowiå nerwy.
W wiæzadle stwierdza siæ 4 typy mechanoreceptorów,
pomiædzy nimi så np. wolne zakoñczenia nerwowe,
które inicjujå ochronne napiæcie miæ¥ni juº w 53 msek
po urazie, podczas gdy w kolanie pozbawionym WKP
ta reakcja jest opóªniona o koÆo 200 msek. WKP jest
wiæc bardzo waºnym ogniwem w szlakach czucia gÆæ-
bokiego, jego impulsacja peÆni podstawowå rolæ w re-
gulacji odruchowego napiæcia miæ¥ni zapewniajåcego
kontrolæ stabilno¥ci kolana w mechanizmach tzw. ko-
kontrakcji miæ¥niowej. Wiækszo¥ì pacjentów po uszko-
dzeniu WKP zmienia stereotyp chodu, by uniknåì
przedniego podwichniæcia piszczeli, które nasila siæ
przy skurczu miæ¥nia czworogÆowego (przy kåcie
15 25° podwichniæcie jest najwiæksze) i rozwija chód
z unikaniem jego aktywno¥ci. Nie leczone uszkodze-
nie WKP prowadzi do przedniej niestabilno¥ci stawu
kolanowego, a w konsekwencji do uszkodzenia Æåko-
tek, a nastæpnie degeneracji chrzåstki stawowej.
U mÆodych i aktywnych pacjentów postæp choroby jest
bardzo szybki, w grupie pacjentów starszych, o nie-
wielkich oczekiwaniach ruchowych okoÆo 1/3 nie od-
czuwa dolegliwo¥ci z powodu braku wiæzadÆa, A 47%
moºe na jaki¥ czas powróciì do amatorskiego uprawia-
nia sportu. Bardzo niekorzystne rokowniczo så: wystæ-
powanie objawów niestabilno¥ci rotacyjnej, np. testu
pivot-shift, uszkodzenie Æåkotek, nieprawidÆowa o¥
koñczyny, duºa aktywno¥ì fizyczna chorego czæsto
prowadzåca do ponownych urazów. Uszkodzenia Æå-
kotek towarzyszåce zerwaniu WKP zaobserwowano
u 86% pacjentów. Badanie kliniczne nie jest w peÆni
wiarygodne u tych pacjentów i wskazana jest artrosko-
pia, celem operacji naprawczych Æåkotek. Nie ma do-
wodów na to, ºe izolowane uszkodzenie WKP prowa-
dzi do zmian zwyrodnieniowych stawu kolanowego,
ale u pacjentów z rozlegÆymi uszkodzeniami Æåkotek
64% ma ewidentne cechy gonartrozy w badaniu rent-
genowskim juº w 4,4 lata po urazie. [Acta Clinica
2002 2:11-16]
SÆowa kluczowe: kolano bez wiæzadÆa krzyºowego
przedniego, uszkodzenie WKP, kontrola sensomoto-
ryczna stawu kolanowego
Tom 2, Numer 1 11
Acta Clinica
Neuromuscular control
Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) acts
as a main restraint of anterior translation of
the tibia. ACL originates from medial as-
pect of the lateral femoral condyle and pas-
ses anteriorly and medially to the posterior
cruciate ligament (PCL) to insertion on the
anterior aspect of the tibia in front of me-
dial tibial eminence. ACL is intracapsular
but extraarticular, because it reflects syno-
vium from posterior capsule of the knee jo-
int and is covered by a synovial fold that
serves as a main source of nutrition and
vascularisation for ACL. Vessels for ACL
originate from middle genicular artery and
5 types of mechanoreceptors appear in-
side the knee joint (Tab. 1), among them
4 types of receptors are detected inside the
ACL (27). So that ligament is highly inner-
vated, more than 1,5% of its volume is con-
stituted by nerve endings, mainly in appro-
ximity of bone attachments, and it serves as
a main tract for proprioceptive reactions.
Ligamento-muscular protective reflex
was proposed by Payr in 1900 as a part of
kinetic chain theory according to which
ligaments, bones, muscles and receptors
acts synergistically to provide safe, stable
motion of the joint. For example ACL is
subjected by large forces, when tibia is dis-
placed anteriorly beyond the physiologic
strain limits and then receptors of ACL re-
lease contraction of hamstrings, which will
protect against the anterior subluxation by
pulling the tibia posteriorly (4, 13, 17).
That observation was confirmed and docu-
mented in humans by Grüber in 1986 (11).
All experiments have confirmed the hypo-
thesis, that there is a direct neuromuscular
link in humans in between a ACL and all
the muscles surrounding the knee (9, 11,
27). Beard (4) defined a latency of neuro-
muscular control of deformity in healthy
individuals as 53 ms and among the ACL
deficient individuals latency was doubled.
The most primitive neuromuscular re-
flex is flexion reflex called withdrawal re-
flex, because it withdraw of the organism
away from noxious stimulus that may harm
it e.g. extreme heat, and invariably is as-
sociated with pain. The ligamento-muscu-
lar reflex may be considered as an example
of withdrawal reflex and is directly con-
nected to the ligament receptors. In the
knee its action consist of simultaneous hip
or knee flexion approximating the limb to
the trunk and away from stimulus. Parallel
flexion of two joints earned this reflex the
name flexion. This is a spinal reflex,
Figure 1. Partial lesion of anterior cruciate ligament
part of fibers outside the synovium, latero-poste-
rior bundle inside the synovial coverage
from terminal branches of medial and late-
ral inferion genicular circumflex artery.
Main part of that nutritional vessels penet-
rates from upper-posterior aspect of femo-
ral attachment and they form a rich net-
work of intraligamentary vessels. Bone at-
tachments do not participate in nutrition of
ACL, thats why part of ACL tear may
spontaneously heal inside the synovial cov-
erage (1, 2) (Fig. 1).
12 Wiosna 2002
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ACL deficient knee
Tab. 1. Types of mechanoreceptors of the knee joint (acc. to Solomonow M., Krogsga-
ard M: Sensorimotor control of knee stability. A review. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2001
11:64 80)
Type of stimulus
Bare nerve endings Extreme deformity, pain,
Articular surface,
Spinal cord (reflexes),
sensory cortex
Ruffian endings
Low-level deformation
(slow adapting)
Ligaments, menisci Spinal cord (reflexes),
sensory cortex
Pacinian corpuscles High forces
and pressure deformation
Ligaments, menisci Spinal cord (reflexes),
sensory cortex
Golgi receptors
Extreme forces
Tendons, ligaments,
menisci, capsule
Spinal cord (reflexes), sensory
cortex (capsule and menisci
Golgi tendons organs) to cere-
bellum only (Golgi tendons or-
Muscle spindles
Muscle elongation,
velocity and acceleration
Muscles crossing
the joint
Spinal cord (monosynaptic
reflexes), cerebellum
thats why it is fast, short neural pathway
eliminates the cooperation of brain and
perceived sensation of pain is delayed 2 sec
(4, 9, 22, 26).
Pope (22) identified an intentional vol-
untary contraction of the musculature for
protecting the knee joint from potentially
unstabilizing mechanical stimulus. He tes-
ted, whether an athlete could learn to con-
tract the muscles across the knee in respon-
se to force applied to the joint and prevent
subluxation. The patients were contracting
their muscles immediately after application
of a tap stimulus to the foot. Self-generated
acquired contraction required 220 ms and
was too long to protect the knee.
In 1909 Sherrington (7, quoted after 3)
published his classical work where he no-
ted that joint motion is always accompa-
nied by co-contraction, or co-activation of
the joint agonistic or antagonists muscles.
For the knee extension agonistic quadri-
ceps applies large forces and antagonistic
hamstrings and biceps are antagonists and
apply low-level forces. Sherrington thought
it was a central mechanisms, but Feneys
(9) demonstrated that it may also be a per-
ipheral reflex. Antagonistic activity com-
pensates the effect of gravity on the limb
mass, opposes torque of an acting joint and
maintains it despite changes in muscle
length and moment arm around the center
of rotation.
Sport, acquired skill has a significant
impact on coactivation pattern of the mus-
cles around the joint. Person as early as in
1957 was the first to show that as an athlete
acquires a skill by practicing the repetitive
joint motion, the antagonists coactivation
level is markedly decreased, increasing a jo-
int efficiency (4, 23).
In the knee joint ACL is gradually loa-
ded as the knee extends (23). In the absen-
ce of sufficient coactivation from the ham-
strings, the posterior pull they apply to the
proximal tibia is not available, leaving the
ACL as the sole structure to stabilize the
joint and it puts the ACL of highly skilled
athlete at a high risk of injury. Louie and
Mote measured (17) that contraction of the
Tom 2, Numer 1 13
Acta Clinica
hamstring reduces rotary laxity of the joint
by 76%, while contraction of quadriceps re-
duces laxity by 23%, the stiffness of the
knee joint increased by two- to threefold
when the muscles were active.
In the situation of absence of richly in-
nervated ACL, other structures capsule,
menisci may activate antagonists muscles
with significant delay (27).
Hirokawa (13, 27) showed, that isolated
loading of quadriceps in ACL deficient
patient at 15° of flexion leads to 4 mm an-
terior displacement of tibia under load of
only 12 kg. At 15° of flexion a 33% reduc-
tion is available by hamstrings, at 30° of fle-
xion a 70% reduction is evident. The exces-
sive anterior displacement of the tibia asso-
ciated with isolated quadriceps contraction
exhibits, why this muscle exhibits partial
atrophy post ACL rupture. Quadriceps
muscle atrophy was about 10% of its mass,
mainly of vastus medialis and hamstrings
about 4% (10). Patients tend to develop
a quadriceps-avoidance gait to reduce
a quadriceps contraction during walking.
other ligamentous lesions e.g. PCL,
lower limb alignment,
tibiofemoral crepitus,
patellofemoral problems,
patient compliance and expectations
Untreated ruptures lead to anterior lax-
ity and subsequent meniscal tears (15, 18)
in a great majority of cases, but about 1/3
patients in a long-term may be asymptoma-
tic, and 47% may for some time returned to
amateur sport (6, 15, 18, 20). In the group
of middle-aged, low expectation patients
(6) good results may be expected after
a conservative treatment, while the young,
active athletes will not do well. On the
other hand, the re-injury ratio is very high
among the other group and may occur in
50% of young patients over one year (20).
This observation is not confirmed by our
own data.
Partial ACL-tear
Among patients with an ACL tear in
about 30% of cases (in our material 21%)
(3) a partial tear is detected (21, 24). 38% of
these patients progressed to complete defi-
ciency one half of fibers in 50%, 3/4 th
tears in 86%. So theres a chance to treat it
conservatively in 2/3 of cases. Some of
them may develop a Wittek mechanism of
adhesions in between ACL and PCL thus
somehow decreasing a degree of instability
(16, 21, 24).
Meniscal tears are observed among 86%
patients with an ACL tear (15). The clini-
cal investigation is highly unreliable among
these patients and arthroscopic assessment
is necessary in such cases. Patients with an
ACL tear and meniscal destruction develop
degenerative joint disease (DJD) visible on
X-ray, theres no good evidence of DJD
progression among patients with isolated
ACL lesions (12, 25). DJD is visible in 65%
of the ACL-deficient knees as early as 4,4
years post meniscectomy. Secondary lesions
Natural history
of the ACL-deficient knee
In majority of cases with an evident
trauma and with a post-traumatic haemar-
throsis 72% to 84% presents lesion of ACL,
approximately 70% total rupture, 30% par-
tial (3, 8, 16, 19). In 86% ACL lesion was
accompanied by major meniscal tears.
There are many factors that should be
taken under the consideration, while plan-
ning the treatment of such a patients:
categories of activity level passive,
active, sportsmen,
type of athletic activity (jumping,
twisting activity versus light, recreational
age adolescents, middle aged, old,
level of instability in particular the
presence of pivot shift sign,
meniscal damage,
14 Wiosna 2002
ACL deficient knee
of menisci may develop in ACL deficient
knee (28).
In the conservatively treated patients
only 50% of results were graded as excellent
or good, in surgical group 94% (7).
The ACL deficient patients often deve-
lop an unicompartmental arthritis of the
knee, because the biomechanical effects of
ACL deficiency predispose the knee to
DJD, in particular among the patients with
often giving-way episodes. Probably also
o metabolic effect of inflammation caused
by ACL stump resorbtion may have a nega-
tive effect on viscoelastical properties of jo-
int fluid. Cameron reported elevated levels
of cytokines: Interleukin 1 and 6, TNF- a ;
and keratan sulphate (5) in an ACL-defi-
cient patient, that might be responsible for
a quick progression of DJD.
Our own clinical observations consider-
ing a natural course of degenerative knee
disease in ACL-deficient knee patients have
been already published in Acta Clinica No
2 (3).
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Tom 2, Numer 1 15
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