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Release Team[oR] 2001
[x] Database
DB2 Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition
by Craig S. Mullins
ISBN: 0672318288
A new edition of an important book on DB2. An absolute
must for all DB2 programmers.
Table of Contents
Colleague Comments
Back Cover
DB2 Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition is a new and updated edition that
includes the hot new features in DB2 version 6 for OS/390. Not only do the
authors explain the changes, but they detail how the new features affect use
of DB2. The book delves into the technical underpinnings of DB2, while
explaining practical performance and implementation issues. This new edition
also covers Internet-related Java features.
Table of Contents
DB2 Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition - 4
Introduction - 7
Part I SQL Tools, Tips, and Tricks
Chapter 1 - The Magic Words - 12
Chapter 2 - Data Manipulation Guidelines - 43
Chapter 3 - Using DB2 Functions - 70
Chapter 4 - Using DB2 User-Defined Functions and Data Types - 81
Chapter 5 - Data Definition Guidelines - 99
Chapter 6 - Using DB2 Triggers for Integrity - 159
Chapter 7 - Large Objects and Object/Relational Databases - 169
Chapter 8 - Miscellaneous Guidelines - 181
Part II DB2 Application Development
Chapter 9 - Using DB2 in an Application Program - 198
Chapter 10 - Dynamic SQL Programming - 238
Chapter 11 - Program Preparation - 255
Chapter 12 - Alternative DB2 Application Development Methods - 293
Chapter 13 - Using DB2 Stored Procedures - 306
Chapter 14 - The Procedural DBA - 325
Chapter 15 - DB2 and the Internet - 329
Part III DB2 In-Depth
Chapter 16 - The Doors to DB2 - 348
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Preface - 8
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Chapter 17 - Data Sharing - 401
Chapter 18 - DB2 Behind the Scenes - 412
Chapter 19 - The Optimizer - 425
Chapter 20 - The Table-Based Infrastructure of DB2 - 458
Chapter 21 - Locking DB2 Data - 467
Part IV DB2 Performance Monitoring
Chapter 22 - Traditional DB2 Performance Monitoring - 492
Chapter 23 - Using EXPLAIN - 523
Chapter 24 - DB2 Object Monitoring Using the DB2 Catalog - 545
Part V DB2 Performance Tuning
Chapter 25 - Tuning DB2's Environment - 567
Chapter 26 - Tuning DB2's Components - 581
Chapter 27 - DB2 Resource Governing - 618
Part VI DB2 Utilities and Commands
Chapter 28 - An Introduction to DB2 Utilities - 625
Chapter 29 - Data Consistency Utilities - 629
Chapter 30 - Backup and Recovery Utilities - 649
Chapter 31 - Data Organization Utilities - 674
Chapter 32 - Catalog Manipulation Utilities - 706
Chapter 33 - Miscellaneous Utilities - 720
Chapter 34 - DB2 Commands - 741
Chapter 35 - DB2 Utility and Command Guidelines - 760
Chapter 36 - DB2 Contingency Planning - 766
Part VII The Ideal DB2 Environment
Chapter 37 - Components of a Total DB2 Solution - 775
Chapter 38 - Organizational Issues - 807
Part VIII Distributed DB2
Chapter 39 - DRDA - 826
Chapter 40 - Distributed DB2 - 833
Chapter 41 - Distribution Guidelines - 844
Chapter 42 - Data Warehousing with DB2 - 858
Part IX Appendixes
Appendix A - DB2 SQLCODE and SQLSTATE Values - 878
Appendix B - The DB2 Catalog Tables - 892
Appendix C - The QMF Administrative Tables - 1026
Appendix D - DB2 Sample Tables - 1031
Appendix E - DB2 Manuals - 1036
Appendix F - Type 1 Indexes - 1040
Appendix G - Valid DB2 Data Types - 1045
Appendix H - DB2 Limits - 1047
Appendix I - DB2 on Other Platforms - 1052
Appendix J - Summary of DB2 Version 4, Version 5, and Version 6
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Changes - 1055
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Listings
List of Sidebars
Back Cover
Learn the best techniques and tricks from expert author, Craig Mullins. Apply
these real-world pieces of advice, undocumented tips, solutions, projects, and
techniques to your own database management system. Mullins gives you
what you need to take your DB2 development to the next level.
Learn the concepts and build the applications
Implement innovative shortcuts, tips, tricks, techniques, and
development guidelines to optimize all facets of DB2 development
and administration
Understand the guidelines for binding DB2 application plans and
Use expert advice to implement distributed DB2 applications
Connect your DB2 databases to the World Wide Web
Learn how and why to use the new EXPLAIN tables -
Discover how to implement a procedural DBA function to manage
triggers, stored procedures, and UDFs
About the Author
Craig Mullins is Director of DB2 Technology Planning for BMC Solutions, Inc.
He has extensive experience in all facets of database systems development,
including systems analysis and design, database and system administration,
data analysis, and developing and teaching DB2 and Sybase classes. Craig is
a regular lecturer at industry conferences and also frequently writed for
computer industry publications.
DB2 Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition
Craig Mullins
DB2® Developer's Guide, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Sams Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book shall be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission
from the publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained
herein. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher and
author assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Nor is any liability assumed for damages
resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
International Standard Book Number: 0-672-31828-8
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 99-66225
All terms mentioned in this book that are known to be trademarks or service marks have been
appropriately capitalized. Sams cannot attest to the accuracy of this information. Use of a term in this
book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark or service mark.
DB2 is a registered trademark of International Business Machines (IBM), Inc.
Warning and Disclaimer
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Every effort has been made to make this book as complete and as accurate as possible, but no
warranty or fitness is implied. The information provided is on an "as is" basis. The author and the
publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or
damages arising from the information contained in this book.
Associate Publisher
Michael Stephens
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Anne Jones
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About the Author
Craig S. Mullins is Director of DB2 Technology Planning for BMC Software, Inc. He has extensive
experience in all facets of database systems development, including systems analysis and design,
database and system administration, data analysis, and developing and teaching DB2 and Sybase
classes. Craig has worked with DB2 since Version 1 and has experience in multiple roles, including
programmer, DBA, instructor, and analyst. His experience spans industries, having worked for
companies in the following fields: manufacturing (USX Corporation), banking (Mellon Bank), utilities
(Duquesne Light Company), commercial software development (BMC Software, PLATINUM
Technology, Inc.), consulting (ASSET, Inc.), and computer industry analysis (Gartner Group).
Additionally, Craig authored many of the popular "Platinum Monthly DB2 Tips" and worked on
Platinum's DB2 system catalog and access path posters.
Craig is a regular lecturer at industry conferences. You may have seen him present at such events as
the International DB2 Users Group (IDUG), the IBM DB2 Technical Conference, SHARE, DAMA, or at
one of many regional DB2 user groups.
Craig is also a frequent contributor to computer industry publications, having over 100 articles published
during the past few years. His articles have been published in magazines like Byte , DB2 Update , DB2
Magazine , Database Programming & Design , DBMS , Data Management Review , Relational Database
Journal , Enterprise Systems Journal , IDUG Solutions Journal , and others. Craig has a regular column
covering the database industry in Database Trends magazine. Complete information on Craig's
published articles and books can be found on the World Wide Web at
http://www.craigsmullins.com .
Craig graduated cum laude with a degree in computer science and economics from the University of
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