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The Publisher thanks all Contributors for kindly permitting
to print their texts in this volume
All rights reserved
Cover and title pages design: Jacek Tofil
Translated from Polish by Elżbieta Gołębiowska
© Copyright by Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM, 2012
Second edition
Bibliographical Note:
This is the second, revised and expanded edition of Inferno of Choices:
Poles and the Holocaus t, first published by Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM,
in 2011. Two new chapters have been provided for this edition.
Proofreading: Oficyna Wydawnicza RYTM
Layout and typeset by: Studio Graficzne Oficyny Wydawniczej RYTM
ISBN 978-83-7399-514-7
Print and binding: Łódzkie Zakłady Graficzne Sp. z o.o.
Acknowledgements ...........................................................
Introduction by Maciej Kozłowski ...................................
I. Documents ....................................................................
Announcement by the executive authority of the Jewish Re-
ligious Community to the Jewish population of the town of
Piotrków on the establishment of a ghetto. Piotrków, Octo-
ber 1939 .....................................................................................
A circular from senior SS and police commander for Warth-
egau, Wilhelm Koppe on the plan for the resettlement of
Jews and Poles to the General Government [excerpts].
Poznań, November 1939 .........................................................
A Report from Waldemar Schön, Head of the Resettlement
Department of the Office of the Governor of the Warsaw
District on the Purposes of the Establishment of a Ghetto in
Warsaw [excerpts]. Warsaw, January 1941............................
Order No. 1 of Reinhard Heydrich to the Einsatzgruppen
commanders on “self-cleansing” operations and the role to
be played in the same by German military and police forces
[excerpts]. Warsaw, June 1941 ................................................
Order No. 2 of Reinhard Heydrich to the Einsatzgruppen
commanders on involving Poles in anti-Jewish operations
in newly occupied territories in eastern Poland [excerpts].
Warsaw, July 1941.....................................................................
Ban on joining auxiliary force assigned to guard barracks in
labour camps for Jews, published in the underground Biu-
letyn Informacyjny [Information Bulletin] of the Union of
Armed Struggle. Warsaw, March 1941 ..................................
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