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The Golden Chain and the Lonely Road:
a typological study of Initiatory Transmissions within the Sabbatic
by Andrew D. Chumbley
Initiation, the passing -on of power, the step of the mortal foot across the
threshold of the gods, the hearing of the watchword, the reception of the
book, the dreaming-draught sipp'd at midnight, the lonely stand in the heart
of the Wild....many are the ways of induction into the Circle of the Sabbat,
many the waymarks - the moments of realisation - that lead the Spirit
through the winding ways of all ecstasy!
In its essence, initiation is the entrance of an individual into a Mystery
and the ingress of that Mystery into the individual; it is a simultaneous
rarefaction and reification; a nuptial union of Self and Other in the
mirror'd circle of Gnosis. Whilst the essence of the matter may be 'pointed
to' by such a description, the truth of initiation is of necessity a secret
that cannot be divulged; it is the Grand Arcanum, the Mysterium that forever
dwells beyond... in Silence profound and deep. And yet, by considering the
outward appearances of initiation, the forms which it assumes in terms of
perceptible manifestation, we may enter into discussion and endeavour to
arrive at a comprehension of its diverse arcana.
If justice would be done to its subtleties the manifold complex of
initiatory 'forms', as extant within contemporary Cunning Craft praxis,
deserves a broad and detailed study. In the following pages an attempt will
be made to accomplish this, to distinguish between the 'types' of initiation
which may occur for a Seeker upon the Path of the Elder Craft, and
furthermore to define the various strands of magical transmission which may
be considered as 'lineages' or 'chains of g nosis' in and of themselves. In
attempting to do this I shall admittedly be drawing directly from my own
experience, specifically from that which I have gained as the present
Magister of the Cultus Sabbati. Consequently, a subjective delimitation of
the topic is inevitable. Indeed, because the 'Tradition' of the Elder Craft
is of so many guises and localised variations, no definitive account of
initiatory processes may even be tenable. Undoubtedly omissions and
generalisations will occur and for these I offer an apology in advance.
Nonetheless, it is hoped that the broad schemata as given below will serve
to clarify and to deepen an awareness of the matter in ways hitherto
unexplored. With this intent the following article is offered as a
stepping-stone to the wiser future of the Way and its children.
Passing the Fire-brand of Tubalo-Lucifer: Ritual Initiation
The customary method of entrance into the Sabbatic Tradition is via formal
ritual induction. This can take various forms, ranging from the simplest act
of ritual 'authorisation' to the so-called 'Grand Array' of the full
Sabbatic ceremony. Within the Cultus Sabbati there are various concurrent
lineal streams, and it is from their example that I shall draw in the
discussion below.
The founding lineage of the Cultus is that of 'The Red Snake', descended
from a Buckinghamshire stream of Cunning-craft practice and folk magic. In
terms of its outward expression through ritual practice it has changed with
each successive generation, but at its core a body of sorcerous principles
is maintained and it is upon this 'Alphabet of Arcana' that each generation
'fleshes out' its own particular mode of practice. In terms specific to
ritual initiation, the principles informing the general process are
observation, dedication, formal tuition, and ritual focus. In manifestation
these principles combine in a process lasting a minimum of twenty-one
months, culminating in the focal apotheosis of a final initiatory ceremony.
From the previous Magister of this lineage I was taught that a candidate is
chosen by signs and omens, and that it was forbidden for any outsider to ask
directly for initiation. The omen-chosen candidate is firstly 'watched' for
a period of time, no less than nine lunar months. During this time, called
'The Gestation', the candidate is observed for clear indications of the
requisite skills and characteristics which the Path will demand. If deemed
suitable, the candidate is then asked to undergo a ceremony called 'The Rite
of Dedication'. This formally acknowledges their aspiration and magically
'places the step' onto the Path.
After the Dedication Rite a period of formal instruction begins, lasting one
year and one day. During this time the novitiate and initiator embark on a
pilgrimage which leads both full-circle around the horizon of the Sabbatic
Mysteries. For the candidate, the deed of walking the circle becomes a
journey around the perimeter of the soul, a microcosmic quest to ensorcel
the All-Possible of his or her own Self-existence. Having successfully
passed through the period of tuition and the various ordeals and austerities
which it demands, the novitiate is 'summoned' - formally entreated to
undergo the Rite of Initiation.
The Initiation Rite is 'the Seal of the Mysteries' and serves as the
focusing context for all that has passed between the aspirant and the
Initiating Power (the Initiator in all its forms: the physical teacher, the
spiritual guide, the familiars and guardian-spirits of the path, the diverse
lessons of praxis, the dreams, visions, and solitary realisations, et alia).
All that constitutes the 'Initiator' confronts the Seeker and guides him
into the True Circle of the Arte Magical. In the singular magical act called
'The Passing-On of Power' all is drawn within the One; the Initiate,
Initiator, and the Mystery of the Rite itself are aligned to open the way
for the 'new-born child of Witchblood'. The act of the 'Passing-On' confers
the 'power' of all the Tradition, its knowledge, customs, and craft. Once
this 'Power' has been received, it is the task of the newborn initiate to
realise the arcana for himself - to realise his own autonomy and to go forth
anew according to the signs and omens of the way.
In summary, this is the way in which initiation occurs within our own circle
of practise. The exact details of its process will doubtless vary from one
instance to the next, but the core principles are maintained; for they are
the very manner in which 'the firebrand' is passed from one generation to
the next. In the fulfilment of his 'Making' the initiand is ritually
'authorised' to act as an autonomous participant and representative of the
Tradition. His or her name is entered into the Book of Lineages and the
names of fellow brethren are communicated.
Within the ambit of the lineage in which the above process is actuated there
are no grades or degrees beyond the principal initiation ritual, although it
must be stated that some traditional lineages, such as The Black Boar and
The Serpent-Cross, do utilise graded structures. In the case of the Black
Boar lineage, for example, a Three Degree system is operated, broadly based
upon the Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master grades of Freemasonry and
medieval Craftsmans' Guilds. In this system the First Degree corresponds to
the Dedication Rite; the Second Degree marks a mid-way stage - suitable if
someone does not possess the requisite ability to receive the full
empowerment; and the Third Degree corresponds to the final Rite of
Although it may be affirmed that in the Cultus Sabbati there are no
additional grades of attainment that apply to all individuals, it must
paradoxically be stated that a strict hierarchical division of roles is
traditionally operated. The offices of Elder, Magister, Maid, Priest,
Priestess, Summoner, Seeress, Verdelet, Chronicler and Ward, are based
wholly upon the skills that individuals possess and demonstrate; the
'raising' of an individual to any such position is furthermore subject to
the consent of both Brethren and Spiritual Patrons.
As aforesaid, within the Cultus different 'lineages' of Craft observance
operate concurrently, sometimes crossing, sometimes remaining categorically
distinct. What is it that distinguishes one lineage from another? It is
primarily the particular knowledge and characteristic customs of a
particular Master-Pupil chain of transmission which marks one from another.
Because of this, a single practitioner may study under different teachers to
receive different bodies of knowledge and to receive to 'power' of distinct
lineal paths of the Sabbatic Gnosis. So long as each lineage is appreciated
for its own autonomous integrity, an individual can possess authority in a
number of different streams without compromise. A broad experiential basis
is commendable, but it is the unique transmission (see below) which
validates the path of such a wayfaring Journeyman.
Of all the diverse aspects involved in the process of formal ritual
initiation it is the focal role of the final apotheotic Rite and the ability
of its central deed, the Passing-On, to act as the 'Seal of Power' for all
initiatory relations which is of paramount importance. For those of the
Path, the reception of the 'Power' activates the spiritual bloodline: the
legacy of the Fire-brand from the Elder Gods, from Old Tubalo the
Light-bringer, through the Race of the Watchers and the Companie of Faerie,
down through the golden chain of now.
Midnight's Lightning: the Lineage of Unique Transmission Vision
An Omen-bearing Bolt of Light held in the hands of the Daemonic
Gods: an intercession trespassing fates, a revelation that brings forth to
flesh the link between the visible heart of Man and the Invisible Heart of
the Mysteries. Such is the Way of Midnight's Lightning!
The Spirit-bestowed Vision that reveals itself to the Mind of the Seeker
incepts and passes the Power for the Lineage which we may call: 'The Unique
Transmission'. Whether within the conclaves of a formal ritual catena of
initiates or in the subtil 'cavern' of solitary practice, whether called
forth by intent or made manifest by a sudden epiphany of the Gods, the Power
of Revelation is bestowed solely to its chosen vehicle, the divinely-elected
individual, and there-in it 'incarnates' - as a faculty, an opening of the
inner eye that directly apprehends the Mysteries.
For certain individuals there is an innate capacity to comprehend the
Mysteries of the Witanic Path, to understand without learning. Such may be
an indication of rebirth within the transcarnational lineage of Witchblood,
or a sign of new dispensation: a Master of the Lonely Road. For there are
some to whom all outward rites are but a blessing, a confirmation of that
which has been attained by interior disposition. Such individuals enjoy a
rapport with the Gods and possess a clarity of Vision that cannot be learned
or taught, such souls are born into the House of Cain and bear His Mark
Moment by moment, the Way of Midnight's Lightning is a tortuous path for its
adherent. One is dependent upon divine favour and openness of heart to
maintain the continuity of inspiration, and yet its blessings far outweigh
its bane. For there is a Solitude in this Path, 'a Marriage that divorceth
all Other', in which Perfect All-oneliness may be realised.
Within the ambit of 'Unique Transmission' one may consider that an appointed
individual may receive entire bodies of lore, whole Rites and Mysteries. In
such instances, the ritual authority to teach others and to incept a lineage
for a specific corpus of knowledge is divinely sanctioned. Whilst any man or
woman may claim to have received a 'vision', the motives of such claims are
made apparent by certain external signs; as the Gospel teaches: 'one must
test all things and hold fast to that which is good'. If your path leads you
to meet with a true beholder of the Mysteries, an initiate without mortal
intercessor, then consider yourself blessed indeed. To learn from such a
person could reveal more of the Craft than any store of knowledge
accumulated through the passage of years. From experience I would counsel
caution and prudence, but if truth be found then I believe we should respect
those who have gained the favour of the Divine.
To speak boldly, I consider that the Lineage of Unique Transmission, as
incepted by the self-recognition of one's innate 'seed of light', is a
prerequisite for all who practise the Arte Magical. Perchance all Beings may
possess that spark within themselves, but the rubicon between initiate and
uninitiate is the self-recognition of that spiritual seed. For unless that
inchoate germ of the magical life awakens to itself there can be no growth,
no quickening of the soul-fire. The Unique Transmission is Old Fate's
blessing: the secret rapport between the Gods and the Soul; no other may
tell of it. Its outward signs are inspiration and knowing, married in an
indefinable state whereby a man becomes Mage.
Within the Cultus Sabbati 'the Way of the Flaming Torch' and 'the Way of the
Lightning-bolt' are known as 'The Dragon's Horns'. It is considered a worthy
aspiration for a Wayfarer to realise the union of the twain: the non-dual
path of the Double-way. Because of this dual emphasis, it is considered that
only those with the capacity for receiving teachings and who bear the marks
of 'unique transmission' - whatever the degree of manifestation - should be
invited into the formal sodality. A witch born to the Path may still spend
many years struggling to make manifest that which lies within and yet by
vertu of the Traditional Rites an uncommon fate may be swiftly seized; unto
such individuals the process of tuition is in truth a Path of Remembrance: a
reclamation of ancient birthright.
Mystery Rites: the Lineages of Magistry
A customary demonstration of 'Attaining the Dragon's Horns' (the Union of
Unique Transmission and Lineal Empowerment) is for an initiate to compose a
Grand Mysterium or Mystery-rite. Such rites are comprised of diverse
'oracular' utterances, magical ordeals, and highly specialised modes of
initiation into specific 'states' of magical rapport with powers and
entities. The composer of a Mystery-rite is known as its Master or Mistress,
and it is at their behest that the rite is performed or its textual form is
transmitted to others. In and of themselves Mysteria of this kind are Grand
Initiations serving to convey the lineages of certain spiritual entities or
magical techniques.
Within the higher body of our magical lore, known as 'The Gnosis of the
Crooked Path', there are numerous examples of such advanced workings. For
example, 'The Rite of the Turnskin'. This is an initiatory procedure
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