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"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
Theosophical University Press Online Edition
Second and Revised Edition copyright © 1996 by Theosophical University Press (print version also
available); First Edition published by Rider & Co., London, 1933. Electronic version ISBN
1-55700-052-2. All rights reserved. This edition may be downloaded for off-line viewing without charge.
No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial or other use in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of Theosophical
University Press. Due to current limitations in the ASCII character set, and for ease of searching, no
diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text.
Publisher's Note
Quick Link by Alphabet
Link by Master List of Terms
Only Main Entries are Listed (see references are in parentheses)
A ( 40K )
Absolute -- Adept -- (Adi-Buddhi, see Svabhavat) -- (Advaita-Vedanta, see Vedanta) -- Agnishvatta(s) --
Ahankara -- Akasa -- Alaya -- (Ananda, see Sat) -- Antaskarana -- (Anupapadaka, see Aupapakuka) --
Arupa -- Asana -- Asat -- Ascending Arc -- Asrama -- Astral Body -- Astral Light -- Astrology --
Asvattha -- Atman -- Atom -- (Aum, see Om) -- Aupapaduka -- Aura -- Auric Egg -- Avalokitesvara --
Avatara -- Avichi -- Avidya
B-C ( 37K )
Bhakti-Yoga -- Bhuta(s) -- Bija -- (Black Magicians, see Brothers of the Shadow) -- Bodhi -- Bodhisattva
-- Brahma -- Brahman -- Brahmana -- (Brotherhood, see Universal Brotherhood) -- Brother(s) of the
Shadow -- Buddha -- Buddha(s) of Compassion -- Buddhi -- Buddhism
(Cakra, see Chakra) -- Causal Body -- (Cela, see Chela) -- (Chain, see Planetary Chain) -- Chakra --
Chaos -- Chela -- Chhaya -- (Chit, see Sat) -- Christos -- Circulations of the Kosmos -- Clairaudience --
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"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
Clairvoyance -- Consciousness -- Cosmos -- Cycles
D-E-F ( 45K )
Daiviprakriti -- Death -- (Descending or Shadowy Arc, see Ascending Arc) -- Devachan -- Deva(s) --
Dharana -- Dharma -- Dharmakaya -- Dhyana -- Dhyan(i)-Chohan(s) -- Divine Soul -- (Dvapara-Yuga,
see Yuga) -- Dweller on the Threshold
Ego -- Eidolon -- Eighth Sphere -- Ekagrata or Ekagratva -- Elemental(s) -- Elementaries -- Esoteric
Doctrine -- Ethics -- Evolution -- Exoteric
G-H-I ( 51K )
Gayatri -- Globe -- God -- Gods -- Gunas -- Guru -- Guru-parampara
(Hatha-Yoga, see Yoga) -- Heaven and Hell -- Hermetic Chain -- Hierarchy -- Higher Triad -- (Home
Galaxy, Home Universe, see Milky Way) -- (Hpho-Wa, see Mayavi-Rupa) -- Human Ego -- Human
Monad -- Human Soul -- Hypnotism
(Idam, see Tat) -- (Illusion, see Maya) -- Immortality -- Individuality -- Infinite -- Initiates -- Initiation --
Inner God -- (Inner Round, see Round) -- Intermediate Nature -- Invisible Worlds -- Involution -- Isvara
J-K-L ( 45K )
Jagrat -- Jiva -- Jivanmukta -- Jivatman
(Kabala, see Qabbalah) -- (Kali Yuga, see Yuga) -- Kalpa -- Kama -- Kama-Loka -- Kama-Rupa --
Karana-Sarira -- Karanopadhi -- Karma -- Khe-Chara -- Kosmic Life -- Kosmos -- (Krita Yuga or Satya
Yuga, see Yuga) -- Kshatriya -- (Kumara(s), see Agnishvattas) -- Kumbhaka -- Kundalini
Ladder of Life -- Lanoo -- Laya-Center -- (Left-hand Path, see Right-hand Path) -- Life-Atom -- Life
Atoms -- Life-Wave -- Linga-Sarira -- Lipika(s) -- Logos -- Loka -- (Lost Soul, see Eighth Sphere;
Soulless Beings) -- (Lower Quaternary, see Higher Triad) -- (Luminous Arc, see Ascending Arc) --
Lunar Pitri(s)
M ( 55K )
Macrocosm -- Mahat -- Mahatma -- Man -- Manas -- Manasaputra(s) -- Manifestation -- Manu --
Manvantara -- Master(s) -- Matter -- Maya -- Mayavi-Rupa -- (Mediator, see Medium) -- Medium --
Mesmerism -- Messenger -- Metempsychosis -- Metensomatosis -- Microcosm -- Milky Way, The --
Moksha -- Monad -- Morals, Morality -- Mudra -- (Mukti, see Moksha) -- Mulaprakriti -- Music of the
Spheres -- Mysteries -- Mysticism
N-O-P ( 58K )
Nature -- Nirmanakaya -- Nirvana -- (Nivritti, see Involution; Evolution) -- (Niyama, see Samadhi) --
Noetic -- Nous
Obscuration -- Occultism -- Ojas -- Om -- (Outer Round, see Round)
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"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
Palingenesis -- Parabrahman -- Paramatman -- Path, The -- Personality -- Philosophy -- Pitri(s) --
Plane(s) -- Planetary Chain -- Planetary Spirit(s) -- (Pradhana, see Prakriti) -- Prajapati -- Prakriti --
Pralaya -- Prana -- (Pranayama, Pratyahara, see Samadhi) -- Pratyeka Buddha -- (Pravritti, see Evolution;
Involution) -- Preexistence -- Principles of Man -- Psychic Powers -- Psychology -- Puranas -- Purusha
Q-R ( 29K )
Races -- Rajas -- (Raja Yoga, see Yoga) -- Rebirth -- Rechaka -- Reimbodiment -- Reincarnating Ego --
Reincarnation -- Relativity -- Religion -- Right-hand Path -- Ring-Pass-Not -- (Root-Race, see Races) --
Round -- Rupa
S ( 46K )
Sabda-Brahman -- Sakti -- Samadhi -- Sambhala -- Sambhogakaya -- Sannyasin -- Sarira -- Sat -- Sattva
-- Science -- Second Death -- Self -- Seven Principles of Man -- Seven Sacred Planets -- (Shadows, see
Brothers of the Shadow) -- (Shadowy or Descending Arc, see Ascending Arc) -- Silent Watcher --
Sishta(s) -- Skandha(s) -- Sloka -- Soul -- Soulless Beings -- Space -- Spirit -- Spirit (in reference to
Matter) -- Spiritual Soul -- Sthula-Sarira -- Sudra -- (Sushupti, see Jagrat; Karanopadhi) -- Sutratman --
Svabhava -- Svabhavat -- (Svapna, see Jagrat) -- (Swarupa, see Svabhava)
T-U-V-W-Y-Z ( 44K )
Tala -- Tamas -- Tanha -- Tantra(s) -- Tantrik -- Tat -- Tattvas -- (That, see Parabrahman; Tat) --
Theosophy -- Thought Transference -- Transmigration -- (Treta Yuga, see Yuga) -- Trishna -- (Turiya,
see Jagrat; Karanopadhi)
Universal Brotherhood -- Universal Self -- Universe -- Upadhi -- Upanishad
Vach -- Vahana -- Vaisya -- Vedanta -- Veda(s) -- Vidya
(White Magicians, see Brothers of the Shadow)
(Yama, see Samadhi) -- Yoga -- Yogi -- Yuga
Theosophical University Press, publishing and distributing quality theosophical literature since 1886: PO
Box C, Pasadena, CA 91109-7107 USA; Email: tupress@aol.com; Voice: (626) 798-3378; Fax: (626)
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"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
Publisher's Note
Every branch of study has its own special terminology, and the esoteric philosophies are no exception.
This compendium not only clarifies the significance of the terms most frequently found in such literature,
but offers a comprehensive outline of the scope and principles underlying an age-old tradition respecting
the constitution of man and the universe in which he lives.
This Second and Revised Edition is faithful to the original 1933 edition. Changes include modernizing
capitalization, spelling, and punctuation, and amending a few foreign terms (with appreciation to Dr.
Bruce C. Hall and Mr. David Reigle for their respective contributions).
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"The Occult Glossary" by G. de Purucker
Theosophical University Press Online Edition
Second and Revised Edition copyright © 1996 by Theosophical University Press (print version also
available); First Edition published by Rider & Co., London, 1933. Electronic version ISBN
1-55700-052-2. All rights reserved. This edition may be downloaded for off-line viewing without charge.
No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial or other use in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior permission of Theosophical
University Press. Due to current limitations in the ASCII character set, and for ease of searching, no
diacritical marks appear in this electronic version of the text.
Publisher's Note
Quick Link by Alphabet
Link by Master List of Terms
Only Main Entries are Listed (see references are in parentheses)
A ( 40K )
Absolute -- Adept -- (Adi-Buddhi, see Svabhavat) -- (Advaita-Vedanta, see Vedanta) -- Agnishvatta(s) --
Ahankara -- Akasa -- Alaya -- (Ananda, see Sat) -- Antaskarana -- (Anupapadaka, see Aupapakuka) --
Arupa -- Asana -- Asat -- Ascending Arc -- Asrama -- Astral Body -- Astral Light -- Astrology --
Asvattha -- Atman -- Atom -- (Aum, see Om) -- Aupapaduka -- Aura -- Auric Egg -- Avalokitesvara --
Avatara -- Avichi -- Avidya
B-C ( 37K )
Bhakti-Yoga -- Bhuta(s) -- Bija -- (Black Magicians, see Brothers of the Shadow) -- Bodhi -- Bodhisattva
-- Brahma -- Brahman -- Brahmana -- (Brotherhood, see Universal Brotherhood) -- Brother(s) of the
Shadow -- Buddha -- Buddha(s) of Compassion -- Buddhi -- Buddhism
(Cakra, see Chakra) -- Causal Body -- (Cela, see Chela) -- (Chain, see Planetary Chain) -- Chakra --
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