Stokrotki. Sedmikrasky.txt

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00:00:03:Downloaded From
00:02:00:This go wrong, either.
00:02:03:What's going right, then?
00:02:05:Nothing go right.
00:02:11:What are you doing?
00:02:13:A virgin.
00:02:15:I look like a virgin, no?
00:02:19:I am a virgin!
00:02:24:Do you understand?
00:02:27:Nobody understands anything.
00:02:30:Nobody understands us
00:02:34:All degenerates in the world.
00:02:38:What, all?
00:02:44:In the world...
00:02:48:You know what? Since all degenerate...
00:02:54:We will be...
00:03:00:very well.
00:03:01:It bothers you?
00:03:04:Not at all!
00:03:52:what happens to you?
00:03:54:What have you got in your mouth?|Show me!
00:04:19:You make what?
00:04:22:there is something?
00:04:58:Where there is something.
00:05:04:And now?
00:05:31:You should have come yesterday, it was gay.
00:05:36:we can't be everywhere
00:05:42:We are...terribly...busy!
00:05:57:What do you think of it?
00:06:01:not bad.
00:06:03:But not for now.
00:06:20:I go!
00:06:31:A bit of wine, Jirina?
00:06:33:-I don't know...|- Come on!
00:06:36:What wine do you have?
00:06:38:Do you want a bottle?
00:06:43:No, just two glasses.
00:06:54:C'est Jarmila!
00:06:57:Don't look!
00:06:59:You are here?
00:07:01:It's a nice place, isn't it?
00:07:05:So, it's you.
00:07:11:My sister told me a lot about you.
00:07:13:You don't introduce me?
00:07:17:I am... her sister!
00:07:27:Do you want to eat something?|- Yes, and I'll drink too.
00:07:33:Another glass, please.
00:07:36:Have you got snails?
00:07:38:No, but...
00:07:39:Some hare, neither, Do you?
00:07:43:we have some roe, Miss
00:07:45:No, it's too big!
00:07:47:I'm just a bit hungry.
00:07:51:Give me some chicken.
00:07:52:Is it big enough?
00:07:54:One second.
00:07:58:And also a little hors d'oeuvre
00:08:01:A cake?
00:08:03:Non, thank you. And you Jirina?
00:08:07:I don't know...
00:08:08:Sure we take some! This one and this one.
00:08:13:Don't be stupid, take some too!
00:08:25:She is afraid to get fat, you know.
00:08:34:You don't eat, you?
00:08:51:You are on diet?
00:08:54:It's that...
00:08:56:Me, I couldn't.
00:08:58:I don't like cakes,
00:09:01:You understand, Miss?
00:09:04:I have a very good appetite
00:09:24:I adore eating.
00:09:28:It's delicious!
00:09:43:You have some children?
00:09:49:It's hot, isn't it?
00:09:52:I find too
00:09:55:Here it is!
00:09:58:Tell me, how old are you?
00:10:00:Why are you interested?
00:10:02:Keep calm!
00:10:07:Do you smoke?
00:10:08:You offer me a cigarette?
00:10:12:I have not finished!
00:10:15:You spoil her!
00:10:16:Do you have some with filter?
00:10:19:It's bad fot the health.
00:10:28:The spoons are very heavy!
00:10:33:What time do you leave?
00:10:39:The train leaves in 40 minutes
00:10:43:40 minutes?
00:10:45:We have to hurry then!
00:10:47:Waiter, the bill!
00:10:52:If we take a cab, it will be ok.
00:11:02:Ahh, it has not left
00:11:04:Jirina, would you be kind
00:11:07:to go and get newspapers for me?
00:11:16:I understand nothing of this.
00:11:20:I told her that you were the uncle...
00:11:22:The uncle?
00:11:25:My boyfriend's uncle...
00:11:28:Which boyfriend?
00:11:31:He is from Jicin.
00:11:37:She's going to tell him.
00:11:43:That i drag...
00:11:45:with old men.
00:11:53:Here they are!
00:11:55:- Thank you Miss.|- Good bye!
00:12:31:He didn't want to leave alone, you understand?
00:12:38:Where does the train stop
00:12:39:for the first time?
00:12:44:This one?
00:12:46:Probably at the next station!
00:12:49:I thought it was the Orient Express!
00:12:53:It doesn't matter!
00:12:55:Bohemia is beautiful too.
00:12:57:Oh, my beautiful Bohemia
00:19:44:Who'll pay for that?
00:19:47:The dead, Manfred!
00:19:53:You forgot to close the window!
00:20:07:You are all legs
00:20:10:It's on them i found my personnality
00:20:14:Tie them at the knees!
00:20:22:You have to train a little
00:20:25:Give me some water!
00:20:52:Centre of physical rehabilitation
00:20:54:Die, die, die!
00:21:18:Do you feel?
00:21:20:What again?
00:21:23:How life leaks!
00:21:24:It's extra to be at home, no?
00:21:29:What happens to you?
00:21:35:Say it's extra.
00:21:39:It bothers you?
00:21:41:Not at all!
00:21:44:Then say it's extra!
00:21:50:I'll say what I want!
00:22:02:I'll maybe have a piano...
00:22:14:if i also drag with old men.
00:22:24:Who drag?
00:22:30:Are we degenerate or not?
00:22:36:Me, moreover, i have a regular employment!
00:22:48:You have some milk on your chest!
00:22:57:It fits you well!
00:24:25:Why do you try to deprave us?
00:24:30:We are still growing!
00:24:32:How that?
00:24:38:- What time do you leave?|- Sorry?
00:24:42:I fix you pocket, if you please?
00:24:46:Marcela says that you are a searcher
00:24:51:What a large white pocket!
00:24:56:Daddy would be angry for your pocket.
00:25:00:You exagerate, Milena.
00:25:09:Don't care,
00:25:10:She had had a meningitis at her birth
00:25:16:And Blanka, How she is?
00:25:21:She's old, your trout?
00:25:24:Sorry, it's too much!
00:25:43:The fifth to leave.
00:25:45:I don't enjoy anymore.
00:25:49:We have to find something else.
00:25:56:It's extraordinary.
00:26:00:I wouldn't have thought it was possible.
00:26:03:Like a message from an other world.
00:26:10:However you are terrestrial
00:26:13:Though divine.
00:26:16:You are not of this world.
00:26:19:Do you hear?
00:26:31:Don't be like this.
00:26:33:I'd prefer not to have known you.
00:26:37:you know?
00:26:56:Excuse me, it was a misunderstanding.
00:26:59:I didn't understand you
00:27:01:I don't know what's happening to me.
00:27:03:Promise me not to be mean with me.
00:27:07:You know how much I love you.
00:27:09:What is about?
00:27:15:I found love.
00:27:19:I'd like this moment to be forever.
00:27:25:Don't be mean!
00:27:31:Without you, life is a torment
00:27:37:You don't know what this means for me.
00:27:39:I probably fell in love with you.
00:27:49:Is there something to eat here?
00:27:52:if there was at least a bit of jam!
00:28:05:Where were you, girls?
00:28:08:How are you?
00:28:09:A coffee?
00:28:10:Today we are in hurry.
00:28:14:If I had your age!
00:28:16:Youth, ah my youth
00:28:17:Why do you fly away so fast?
00:28:21:When I think about you
00:28:23:My eyes are full of tears
00:28:26:Where do you go?
00:28:29:We have no fun here.
00:28:33:Don't go, my sweet
00:28:37:Let's stay good friends.
00:28:39:-Glad the one who don't know love|-Bye bye!
00:28:44:Don't go.
00:28:46:Sit. I''ll make you a good coffee.
00:29:09:An angel... which doesnt' fly.
00:29:29:There are at least five crowns!
00:29:59:She went and search sugar,|and we robbed her.
00:30:05:We? I did it.
00:30:12:So you are a robber.
00:30:15:Yes, and i'm more degenerate than you.
00:30:22:rage, rage, rage
00:30:24:and moreover, I lie.
00:30:30:This doesn't count.
00:30:34:Everybody lies.
00:30:38:But nobody notices it.
00:30:54:We 're going to make a big blow.
00:30:58:we are burning!
00:31:28:It is you, Juliet?
00:31:29:Yes, it's me.
00:31:31:I can't stop thinking of you, Juliet
00:31:35:I probably love you.
00:31:41:You don't know what does it means for me
00:31:43:The night spent with you.
00:32:15:I'm still waiting for you.
00:32:19:I'm afraid not to see you anymore.
00:32:25:Don't be mean,|you know how much I love you.
00:32:30:Are you here, Juliet?
00:32:34:Are you upset with me?
00:32:36:Forgive me,|without you, life is a torment.
00:32:47:You are not of this century.
00:32:52:I love you, Juliet.
00:32:58:I'd never have thought it was possible.
00:33:05:I found love.
00:33:11:One more piece of meat.
00:33:15:Are you mad?
00:33:17:There no meat anymore.
00:33:19:And this?
00:33:22:No. Now, some fruits.
00:33:25:What fruits do you speak about?
00:33:30:Promise me you'll come back.
00:33:34:Do you hear me, Juliet?
00:33:36:I want to eat something.
00:33:39:I hear you badly.
00:33:43:My chicken!
00:33:46:This one is too big.
00:33:47:a tartare steak!
00:33:49:yes, a good steak.
00:33:52:I'll do you sandwich with it for you.
00:33:55:Yes, I go and prepare sandwiches.
00:33:58:Excuse me, Juliet... I love you.
00:34:04:Promise me not to be mean anymore.
00:34:10:I'd never have thought it was possible.
00:34:13:I never felt this before.
00:34:20:Juliet, i really discovered
00:34:29:Look what you have done!
00:34:32:what a pity!
00:34:36:What's his name?
00:34:40:I don't know.
00:34:52:I really forgot
00:34:54:to ask him.
00:34:59:I have his phone number
00:35:13:- You'll go there?|- Of course.
00:35:26:Here too, please, Anna.
00:35:30:Your clothes are completly torn, girls!
00:35:35:And you want ribbons everywhere.
00:35:38:What an idea you have!|ribbons!
00:35:44:What are you doing
00:35:47:I'm waiting for you like a stupid girl!
00:35:49:Where were you?
00:35:52:I can't get rid of him alone!
00:36:11:Beware of fishbones
00:36:13:of fishbones of fishbones.
00:36:17:Fishbones, stop!
00:36:26:There's no fishbones in the beefsteak!
00:36:32:Little girls, little girls...
00:36:38:The world is degenerate, isn't it?
00:36:42:Kiss me.
00:36:53:What time do you leave?
00:37:47:Hold, a ma...chine
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