Fun For Starters ExtraResourcesForTeachers.pdf

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Anne Robinson
Karen Saxby
Additional resources for teachers
••• Second edition
e n
Unit 1
Games to practise the alphabet
Unit 8
Clothes: pictures for activities
A and B
Unit 10
Questions for activity C
Unit 14
Animal pictures for ‘Tell me
about your pets’
Units 15
Food: pictures for activities E and F
and 17
Unit 16
A food project
Unit 19
Map of the world for activity D
Unit 29
Parts of the picture
Unit 31
Musical spelling
Unit 32
Whose is it?
Unit 33
Get into groups
These pages include additional photocopiable activities, games and ideas to go with the Units
listed above. They also include any resources referred to in the Teacher’s Book (e.g. pictures,
word cards and so on).
We also give you links to websites you might ind useful when teaching certain topics.
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Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for
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regarding prices, travel timetables and other factual information given in this work are correct
at the time of irst printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy
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g h i
j k l
m n o
p q r
s t u
v w x
y z
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a b c
d e f
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Games to practise
the alphabet
Make the word
Lay out two sets of alphabet cards. Show the class a
picture, for example, a car.
Ask a learner to pick up the letters to make the word for
the picture.
Which letter is missing?
Lay out one set of alphabet cards so that everyone in a
group can see them.
All the learners in the group close their eyes except for
one learner who removes one letter and hides it.
The learners open their eyes again and put up their hand
to say which letter is missing
Each learner removes one letter and hides it.
The learners open their eyes again and put up their hand
to say which letter is missing.
Variation: Learners say which letter is missing and a word
that starts with that letter.
What’s the word?
Print two copies of the alphabet sheet. above. Cut them
up and make lashcards. Spread the cards out on a table,
face up.
Tell a learner to take a letter.
For example: Pierre, Q.
Pierre picks up the card with Q . (See below for
suggestions for spelling other words.)
Continue like this, with learners picking up the letters q-o-
r-t-s-y-l-o-z-m-a-y-i-u-a-b-t-u-q-b-m-n-r-z-e until they all
have a card with a letter.
Smaller classes: learners can take two or more different
letters. Bigger classes: two learners can share a letter.
Call out the letters, one by one.
Learners who have the letter put up their hands.
If two learners (or pairs of learners in bigger groups)
have the same letter, they sit down.
Only the ive learners (or pairs of learners) whose letters
are not repeated remain standing.
Learners make a word from the ive letters.
Suggestions for making other words
with the cards:
1 Learners pick up: k-r-c-g-u-p-f-d-h-i-j-k-j-f-s-g-e-h-u-c
(makes spider )
2 m-u-t-a-k-l-r-e-l-d-a-i-r-e-m-c-t-i (makes duck ).
3 w-e-n-z-r-x-s-o-y-n-v-a-e-s-v-z-d-x-y-a (makes word ).
4 h-v-l-u-m-t-r-t-h-p-u-w-f-l-p-m-o-w-g-v
Before and after
Show learners a letter.
Ask them to put up their hands and say which letter
comes before and which letter comes after this letter in
the alphabet.
(makes frog )
Listen and spell!
You need a set of alphabet cards for each learner.
Say the letters to spell a word, one letter at a time.
Ask learners to pick up these letters and to spell the word.
Variation: Say the letters to make a word, but not in the
correct order to spell that word.
Learners pick up the letters and then put them in the
correct order to spell the word.
Say a word with this letter
Use one set of alphabet cards with each group of four
Each group puts their letters in a line (they don’t need to
be in alphabetical order, but the irst time you play this
game, it would be a good idea to ask them to put them in
that order).
Each learner has a counter and each group has a dice
One learner in each group throws the dice and moves
their counter the same number of spaces as the number
on the dice.
When they land on a letter, they have to say a word
which begins or ends with that letter, or move back.
The winner is the irst learner to reach the end of the
When the music stops
Take a set of alphabet cards.
Learners sit in a circle.
Give a card with a letter to one learner in the circle.
Play some music.
While learners listen to the music, they pass the letter
round the circle.
Stop the music.
The learner who has the letter has to say it (or say a
word starting or ending with this letter.)
If they are right, they get a point. If they are wrong, the
same letter is passed round again. The winner is the
learner with the most points.
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Pictures of clothes for activities A and B
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