The Union of Bliss and Emptiness Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga.pdf

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The Union of Bliss and Emptiness: Teachings on the Practice of Guru Yoga
The Union of Bliss and Emptiness
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Bliss and Emptiness
teachings on the practice of guru yoga
e Dalai Lama
Translated by Geshe upten Jinpa
Snow Lion Publications
ithaca, new york
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Snow Lion Publications
P.O. Box 6483
Ithaca, New York 14851 USA
Copyright © 1988, 2009 H.H. the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced
by any means without prior wri en permission from the publisher.
Text design by Gopa & Ted2, Inc.
Printed in USA.
ISBN-13: 978-1-55939-321-8
ISBN-10: 1-55939-321-1
e Library of Congress cataloged the previous edition of this book as follows:
Bstan-’dzin-rgya-mtsho, Dalai Lama XIV, 1935
e union of bliss and emptiness.
Bibliography: p. cm.
Includes index.
1. Blo-bzan . -chos-kyi-rgyal-mtshan, Panchen Lama I, 1567?-1662.
Bla ma mchod pa’i cho ga. 2. Guru worship (Rite)—Buddhism—
China—Tibet. 3. Buddhism China—Tibet—Doctrines.
I. upten Jinpa. II. Title.
BQ7699.G87B79 1988 294.3'4448 88-31948
ISBN 0-937938-69-6
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