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The Book
By: Jack_the_Rippa
Many of the techniques and devices discussed in this book
Are extremely dangerous and possibly illegal. Before attempting
To perform any act or use any equipment and techniques discussed
Herein, the reader is advised to receive professional opinion (ha!),
And to ensure that he is in complete compliance with all federal,
State, and local laws and regulations (HA!), and is not in any way
Endangering themselves or others. This book is academic study only.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: The Mark
Chapter 2: Unarmed Kills
Chapter 3: Edged and Piercing Weapons
Chapter 4: Gun Kills
Chapter 5: Defenestration and Hit and Run
Chapter 6: Garrote and Zip Guns
Chapter 7: Explosives
Chapter 8: Poisons
Chapter 9: Silent Movement
Chapter 10: Protecting your "ass"ets
Chapter 11: Planning the Hit
Chapter 12: Getting In
Chapter 13: The Human Factor
Chapter 14: Make 'em Talk
Chapter 15: Equipment
Hitmen, cleaners, murderer’s, assassins, professional killers. Very few people
ever consider killing as a profession; but for more people than the world’s governments
care to admit, killing other people is indeed their profession.
Does our government train killers? Of course it does. Every government does. To
believe otherwise is stupid. Today, the C.I.A., the D.I.A., the N.S.A., and each special
operations branch of our armed forces all maintain elite “termination squads.”
Then there is the Mafia, every person on this planet knows about a Mafia of some
sort. Mafia hitmen are the most dangerous killers. Patriotism or nationalism doesn’t
motivate them. They do it all for money. Fortunately, they are used exclusively in the
organized crime communities to kill informants, thieves, traitors, and the like.
Regardless of who their employers be, all pro killers use similar techniques. It is
these methods that assassins universally employ that we will learn about in the following
This book is compiled of personal knowledge and files I feel are common to the
professional assassin’s field of work.
I've never written a book before so if it sucks ass please forgive me.
Chapter 1
To kill efficiently and proficiently one must understand the human anatomy and
it’s weaknesses. That means the killer must have a great understanding of vital body
organs, nerve centers, pressure points, and so forth. This does not mean you attempt an
assassination with your bare hands, which would be totally foolish. Only a retard would
attempt an assassination when a perfectly good weapon is available.
One critical factor that must always be kept in mind by the professional is that no
victim is going to cooperate in his or her own execution. This may sound absolutely
ridiculous but it’s not. Too many students of the art of assassination fail to understand
just how much resistance a person will have when fighting for his life.
From the latter, it should be easy to understand, that when at all possible, the
element of surprise be used. The surprise factor should eliminate any chance of mark
becoming alert and have that adrenaline rush jump in causing much unnecessary trouble.
Killing isn’t some little game you play like “cowboys and Indians.” The mark
doesn’t get up when the game is over. To kill, you can not have any compunction for
another’s life. Walking up behind someone, using a weapon to kill an unarmed,
unsuspecting target is one of if not the hardest things you could ever do in life.
One of my friends said it best when we were walking down the halls of our school
a few years ago. He said, “I don’t even see faces when I walk down the halls, all I see are
faceless nothings. These people mean less to me than the gum on the bottom of my shoe.”
That is the kind of mindset necessary to be a professional killer.
By using the element of total surprise whenever possible, a lethal attack can be
rather quickly executed against the following vital areas of the target’s body.
1. Top center of the head
An instantly fatal deep thrust can be executed here with an ice pick, combat knife,
or a bayonet.
2. Front of the head
A killing blow here is easy to administer with a steel pipe or bar, a black jack, a
club or other heavy bludgeoning objects.
3. Temple
Heavy objects will kill when applied with maximum force here. It’s also a great
target for small arms fire, too.
4. Bridge of the nose
An instantly fatal target for a bullet. Providing a heavy object delivers a very
forceful blow here can also be fatal. Even an empty handed blow here can be fatal, if
you’ve ever seen the movie “Con Air” with Nic Cage, the final move he did on the drunk
was called the Black Death. It’s taught by the military in unarmed combat.
5. Eyes
The eyes are one of the best targets for small arms fire. They are also good for
gouging in unarmed self-defense. They are also good for thrusting assaults with combat
knives. The main reason these points are lethal, is the fact that they are points of easy
access to the brain.
6. Larynx
A good spot for a knife thrust a bullet and so on.
7. Sides of the neck
Fatal attack point for knives, hatchets, and garrotes.
8. Testicles (oooh!)
Although not a fatal point, it can be used as a setup to a kill. If you’ve ever been
kicked in the balls you know it’s not the greatest feeling in the world. A front kick (or
back) to the groin easily disables the target long enough to proceed in the killing of the
9. Cardiac Plexus
Another good target for a knife thrust. A bullet in the heart is obviously fatal. A
well-trained martial artist can kill with a well-placed elbow or heel kick to this area.
1. Back of the skull and base of neck
An excellent target for assassination, a sharp knife-edge blow to the base of the
skull, a bullet, or a sharp instruments i.e. knife, hatchet, steel pipe, etc.
2. Spinal column
Another good target for a hatchet, axe, or machete. A bullet is also a good choice
for elimination, especially a shotgun bullet (shell).
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