Dan Kennedy - The Ultimate Success Secret.pdf

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The Ultimate Success Secret Book.PDF
Is it possible that there is one single,
super-powerful secret of success of
far greater importance than all others?
Copyright © 1999 by Dan S. Kennedy
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information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Publisher.
Published by:
Kimble & Kennedy Publishing
9433 Bee Cave Road, Bldg. 2, Suite 110
Austin, TX 78733
Tel: 512-263-2299
Fax: 512-263-9898
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A Favorite Story … the much revered, very wise, aged rabbi is on his deathbed, his rabbinical
students gathered for the deathwatch, arranged with the smartest of the students at the rabbi’s
head, the next smartest second, and so on, down to the pitied dunce of the class, at the foot of the
bed. As it becomes increasingly apparent that the old rabbi was soon to depart, his best student
leaned over and whispered, “Before you leave us, could you please, finally, give us THE secret
of life itself, great master teacher, sir?”
After a few moments of thought, with considerable effort, the rabbi managed to croak out, “Life
is like a river.”
The honored student turned to the one next to him and said, “The master said ‘life is like a river.’
Pass it down.” And so each student in turn passed the wisdom down to the next. Bu the dunce
said, “Hey, wait a minute. Life is like a river? What does that mean? Ask him what he means
by that.”
Ashamed and tentative, each student passed the question back up the line. The best student again
leaned over and said, “I’m sorry, master teacher, but the dunce, down at the end, he does not
understand. He wants to know: what do you mean? Life is like a river.”
With every ounce of strength remaining in his dying, frail body, the rabbi managed these last
words: “Okay, so it’s not like a river.”
“A Lobster,
When Left High And Dry Among The Rocks,
Has Not Instinct And Energy Enough
To Work His Way Back To The Sea,
But Waits For The Sea To Come To Him.
If It Does Not Come,
He Remains Where He Is And Dies,
Although The Slightest Effort Would Enable Him To Reach The Waves,
Which Are Perhaps Within A Yard Of Him.
The World Is Full Of Human
Men Stranded On The Rocks
Of Indecision And
Who, Instead Of Putting
Forth Their Own Energies,
Are Waiting For Some
Grand Billow Of
Good Fortune To Set Them
- Dr. Orrison Swett Marden
What You Will Discover In This Book
Why have I written a book with such an audacious title?
It sometimes seems like only yesterday that I was a punk kid with big ideas, adding
gray to my hair to try and look a little older. I certainly do not have that problem
now. I could stand to take some of the gray out. After a speaking engagement last
year, my friend Lee Milteer observed that my groupies seem to be getting a lot
older. Anyway, I feel like I’ve stacked up enough expensive experience to justify
committing some opinions about “the ultimate success secret” to paper. I have
gone from broke to well off; from severe struggle peaks of success in not one but
three professional fields; and, along the way, I have had the good fortune of
working with, hanging out with quite a number of exceptionally successful people
from business, sports, entertainment. Famous people, like Joan Rivers, who started
over after her husband’s suicide and her loss of her career, working for $500 a
week on “Hollywood Squares,” pronounced a washed-up has-been by her own
agent; who reinvented her career and her life with courage and determination. And
non-famous people, like Gladdie Gill, a 50+ year old school teacher living
uncomplainingly with Hodgkin’s disease; on her summer vacations, climbing
mountains, traversing Alaska in a jeep; at home, taking care of every imaginable
orphaned animal; at school, defying dullard administrators to give her students the
richest imaginable learning experiences, thus earning the support of an entire
community of parents and kids, and having a truly lasting impact on many lives. I
have had the privilege of working closely with a great many “from scratch”
entrepreneurs who’ve built empires, extraordinarily successful salespeople, top
executives, top speakers. I have quite literally been surrounded by and immersed
in success for years. And I’m a good observer. I have not let this go to waste.
It is impossible to count the number of authors, researchers, psychologists,
“motivational gurus,” etc. who have been fascinated by the question of what causes
some people to be successful and others to fail. We know it is not “environment,”
as some liberals insist; it cannot be, because out of the very worst environments
come fabulously successful individuals, repetitively enough not to be passed off as
aberration. Blaming external factors, and excusing a person’s results because of
external factors, is not going to lead anybody to the answer to this question.
In the United States, probably the most famous of authors to have attacked this
question thoroughly was Napoleon Hill. His findings are summarized in his best-
known book, THINK AND GROW RICH, a bestseller in its time, and, solely
thanks to word-of-mouth, a steady seller, surviving and remaining on the fickle
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