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Penguin Readers Answer Key
Activities while reading the book
PAGES 1–11
Pages 1–3
December 1997.
Between $185,000,000 and $200,000,000.
Cameron filmed the first part of the movie at
the bottom of the ocean; he filmed most of the
movie on a model that was almost as big as
the Titanic .
It earned over $1,600,000,000.
Jack Dawson.
How many people were waiting when the
Carpathia arrived in New York?
Where were the first-class survivors
What was Louis Hoffman’s real name?
2 Open answers
3 Open answers
Pages 36–41
1 The love story between Rose and Jack -
because if people worry about the two
lovers, they will understand the disaster
In the present day.
He is an artist.
It is a necklace.
Caption Smith and most of the officers;
Molly Brown and Benjamin Guggenheim;
Bruce Ismay; Thomas Andrews; Jack
Phillips and Harold Bride.
You can see a small hill with a building on
it while Jack and Rose are on the deck -
but they are in the middle of the ocean.
2 Open answers
Activities after reading the book
Open answers
Answers to Book activities
1a captain, crew, officer
b float, sink
c iceberg, submarine
2–5 Open answers
6 a disaster b ahead c upside-down
d gentleman e warning f operators
7a lookout b life belt c rocket
8–9 Open answers
10 Some possible answers: the actions of
Captain Smith; the captain of the
Californian ; the British law about lifeboats;
the actions of Bruce Ismay.
11 Possible answer: Rose, a first-class
passenger, is going to jump into the ocean.
Jack, a third-class passenger, saves her.
The two fall in love. When the Titanic is
sinking, they fight to stay alive. Rose
survives, but Jack dies in the icy water.
12–17 Open answers
Pages 4–7
1 (a) (ii) (b) (iv) (c) (v) (d) (i) (e) (iii)
2 Open answers
Pages 8–11
Open answers
PAGES 12-29
Pages 12-17
1 (a) 2 (b) 7 (c) 3 (d) 8 (e) 6 (f) 1
(g) 5 (h) 4
2 Some of the first lifeboats were almost
empty . There were twelve people in one
boat for seventy people.
First -class passenger Molly Smith was put
into the third lifeboat.
The Carpathia was traveling from New
York to the Mediterranean .
The Titanic was the first ship to send a
SOS message.
The Carpathia was 93 kilometers away
and could reach the Titanic in four hours.
Pages 18–23
1 he tried to hide on a lifeboat.
its ropes were still joined to the ship.
they had to go up the ship’s many decks /
many of them didn’t speak English / some
refused to follow the crew.
the deck was getting steeper and steeper.
the ship was breaking in two.
2 Open answers
3 Open answers
Pages 24–29
Answers to Factsheet activities
Communicative activities
Activities before reading the book
Open answers
Activities after reading a section
Pages 1–11
Open answers
Pages 12-29
April 14:
1:45 P . M . - Phillips received an ice warning
from the Baltic .
8:40 P . M . - Lightoller told the lookouts to
watch for icebergs.
9:40 P . M . - Phillips took another message
about icebergs ahead.
11:00 PM . - Phillips received a message from
the Californian about ice.
11:39 PM . - Fleet saw an iceberg ahead. The
iceberg hit the Titanic .
2:00 P . M . - Smith and Andrews checked the
compartments. The Titanic was
(a) search (b) pulled (c) sink
(d) message (e) rocket
(a) (iv) (b) (v) (c) (ii) (d) (vi) (e) (i)
(f) (iii)
Molly Brown lived and became famous for
her bravery.
Thomas Andrews died with the ship.
Charles Lightoller lived - he was the last
survivor who climbed on the Carpathia .
Jack Phillips swam to a lifeboat but died of
Bruce Ismay escaped in one of the last
Wallace Hartley went down with the ship.
April 15:
2:05 A . M . - Captain Smith ordered the crew
to prepare the lifeboats.
12:17 A . M .- Phillips and Bride send their last
SOS message.
1:25 A . M . - The most crowded lifeboat left (70
2:10 A . M . - The musicians played a final
2:20 A . M . - The ship sank below the water.
Pages 30-41
Open answers
Activities after reading the book
Open answers
Open answers.
PAGES 30–41
Pages 30–35
Who was Alice Cleaver?
How many bodies were found in the
Why did Bruce Ismay want Thomas
Andrews and Loraine Kramer (Allison) to
Student’s activities
Activities before reading the book
Open answers
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