Złodzieje jak my.Thieves Like Us.1974.txt

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{2537}{2644}You know, they say there's|some of the best fishing around here
{2642}{2702}in that pond|by the cow barn on Huett's land.
{2699}{2774}Listen, I'm gonna tell you|all something about fishing, Bowie.
{2769}{2812}Most people won't admit to it.
{2812}{2869}Best time to go fishing is in the rain.
{2887}{2917}Well, I ain't ever done that.
{2919}{2959}Of course you haven't.
{2964}{3009}<i>Somebody says, "Fish in the rain."</i>
{3009}{3057}<i>"Well, the fish won't be out."</i>
{3057}{3109}Hell, if they don't wanna be out.|Fish don't mind.
{3107}{3167}They live in the pond, the lake, whatever.
{3167}{3209}They're wet already.
{3257}{3317}Few more paddles and we're there, Bowie.
{3344}{3382}Good for you.
{3422}{3469}Come on, son of a bitch.
{3574}{3631}- Not a bad day's work, is it?|- I'll say.
{3631}{3699}- You fellas stay here. Guard the boat.|- See you.
{3751}{3801}I know they're just not gonna be here.
{3804}{3844}Well, they might.
{3906}{3944}I told you. They're not here.
{3946}{3981}- No. Look there. See?|- Where?
{3981}{4009}Right there.
{4189}{4224}Who's driving?
{4224}{4291}Who was that guy|who sells marijuana, the prison guy?
{4329}{4384}Yeah, I think that's who's driving.
{4449}{4484}I could tell he sells marijuana
{4486}{4529}just by the way he drives.
{4556}{4596}He just hit a pothole.
{5491}{5569}Howdy, Bowie.|What you boys doing out here, fishing?
{5604}{5704}Hey, did y'all hear the one|about the little boy that bought the turtle?
{5736}{5809}Had one of them turtles,|you know, that they paint pictures on.
{5806}{5854}Well, the next day,|he took it down to the store,
{5849}{5914}<i>and he grabbed the manager|and he says, "Look," he says,</i>
{5911}{5974}<i>"My turtle got blisters on his feet."</i>
{5974}{6029}<i>Man looked at him and says,|"That's not possible, son."</i>
{6031}{6094}He reached down, he took|the turtle away from him, he looked at it.
{6094}{6131}<i>He says, "Son, I believe you're right."</i>
{6129}{6186}<i>He says,|"This turtle does have blisters on his feet."</i>
{6189}{6249}Had two syrup buckets|sitting over there on the counter.
{6249}{6316}He reached over there and he dropped|that turtle in one syrup bucket,
{6314}{6386}and he reached down in that other|syrup bucket and pulled out that turtle,
{6383}{6423}and he handed it to the little boy.
{6418}{6468}Little boy took that turtle,|and he looked at it
{6468}{6508}<i>and he said, "Thank you, sir."</i>
{6508}{6581}He put it right on top|of the counter and he says...
{6646}{6688}God almighty, man.
{6691}{6741}This is a stickup, Jasbo.
{6741}{6811}Bowie, you know me.|Tell these boys I'm all right.
{6808}{6841}You just do like you're told.
{6843}{6876}I'll do anything you say.
{6876}{6908}All you gotta do is just tell me.
{6911}{6938}Come on, now, Jasbo.
{6938}{7011}You're gonna put|your hands there high on that wheel.
{7008}{7043}- High, that's right.|- All right.
{7043}{7078}- You put your head between them.|- Okay.
{7081}{7141}Yes, sir.|I'll put my hands down between my legs
{7141}{7166}if you want me to.
{7166}{7201}Now, you don't have|to do that, Jasbo.
{7203}{7256}Yeah, yeah. Just tell me, though.
{7396}{7458}Fourteen?|What do you think we are, midgets?
{7458}{7506}All right, come on, hurry up.
{7563}{7621}- Button later, button later.|- Okay.
{7681}{7731}What do you think we are, T-Dub, giants?
{7733}{7771}Come on, will you?
{7801}{7841}Jasbo, put your head down.
{7841}{7873}Yes, sir.
{7876}{7911}Come on, let's go, let's get going.
{7911}{7961}Worry about the straps later.
{8041}{8106}All right, come on.|Let's go. Get in, get in.
{8121}{8168}All right, Jasbo, start your motor.
{8168}{8203}Yes, sir.
{8211}{8266}I see you wince just once, Jasbo,
{8268}{8321}and I'm gonna|shoot you right in the side of the head.
{8318}{8351}Yes, sir. Yes.
{8351}{8398}- Just hang a U here.|- Yes, sir.
{8398}{8471}I'll bet the colonel's bowels|are in an uproar by now.
{8471}{8548}<i>I can just hear him saying,|"Get out and slap that bunch of no-goods.</i>
{8548}{8613}<i>"That's what you get|for treating them like white men."</i>
{8646}{8706}No more baseball|and passes to go fishing.
{8708}{8756}Now go and beat Bowie Bowers.
{8786}{8883}And that T-Dub Masefield, he isn't|gonna work in that commissary no more.
{8878}{8928}Well, praise the Lord for that.
{8933}{8983}<i>I can hear him saying, "Get out the guns</i>
{8986}{9031}<i>- "and the hounds and the.30-30s...|- Yeah.</i>
{9031}{9096}<i>"... and you shoot them|sons of bitches down."</i>
{9191}{9240}Did you hear|any baseball scores, Jasbo?
{9238}{9273}No, sir, I sure haven't.
{9275}{9303}Well, don't the radio work?
{9305}{9383}No, sir. It don't.|It never has worked when it's raining.
{9405}{9478}Hey, Jasbo, why don't you sing us a song?
{9495}{9525}I don't know no songs.
{9528}{9568}What do you mean,|you don't know no songs?
{9565}{9638}The radio don't work.|You be the radio. You sing us a song.
{9638}{9695}Well, there is a song|we used to sing in high school.
{9693}{9763}Oh, that's okay, boys.|Sing the high school song.
{10400}{10450}Thataway, Jasbo!
{10453}{10490}Yeah, Jasbo!
{10503}{10538}Just another what?
{10540}{10593}Just another accident.
{10755}{10790}Hey, Jasbo!
{11163}{11215}Jasbo, I could|shoot you for this.
{11215}{11260}Bowie, get that spare tire.
{11260}{11330}That ain't my fault.|That tire's a brand new tire.
{11328}{11385}His spare's flatter than a sailcat.
{11400}{11458}Gentlemen, this wins the purloin bathtub.
{11455}{11488}Come on, let's walk it.
{11488}{11558}You go ahead, Bowie.|I'll take care of Jasbo right now.
{11555}{11608}- Take care of me?|- Come on, in the car, in the car.
{11605}{11638}- Yes, sir.|- Move it, move it, move!
{11638}{11665}Yes, sir.
{11668}{11715}Now, you know what to do,|don't you, Jasbo?
{11715}{11778}- Or am I gonna have to tie you up?|- No, sir, you don't have to tie me up.
{11775}{11813}- I know what to do.|- That's a good boy.
{11815}{11858}- Now, you bump your head on that wheel.|- Yes, sir.
{11858}{11915}And you close your eyes and you keep|your eyes closed, you hear me?
{11915}{11940}Yes, sir.
{11943}{11990}You keep those eyes closed|for the next two hours, hey?
{11988}{12018}- Yes, sir.|- Three hours,
{12018}{12090}'cause I'm gonna come back and check|every once in a while. You got me?
{12090}{12120}Yes, sir.
{12310}{12355}You ain't fooling me.
{12397}{12435}I know you're there.
{12432}{12485}With the gun pointing at my head.
{12507}{12570}I ain't gonna open my eyes.
{12597}{12645}I'm gonna keep my eyes closed.
{12712}{12765}You said that you was gonna come back,
{12762}{12797}and I believe you, so that's...
{12797}{12875}That's where I'm gonna be, right here|with my eyes closed when you get here.
{13487}{13535}I'll tell you one thing.
{13545}{13590}When I rob my next bank,
{13592}{13632}it'll be my 28th.
{13635}{13717}Well, I'm not gonna|mess around with any clodhopper banks.
{13767}{13817}Best way to case one of those banks
{13817}{13890}is to go in there and cash those $20 bills.
{13952}{13997}Country boy's up.
{14077}{14125}Your breakfast is ready, Bowie.
{14162}{14192}I ain't hungry.
{14550}{14595}I remember one time,
{14605}{14682}couldn't have taken|more than 2,000 off that niggerhead.
{14685}{14750}I see a cash slip, and I go over, I read it.
{14762}{14810}Then I go over to him, and I say,
{14807}{14870}<i>"Friend, is your cash slip|usually accurate?"</i>
{14867}{14900}<i>And he says, "Yes, sir."</i>
{14902}{14945}<i>And I said, "Well, in that case,</i>
{14945}{15049}<i>"you owe me $2,378.87</i>
{15047}{15097}<i>"because I just seen this slip."</i>
{15112}{15162}He knows I got him.|He starts cursing and swearing,
{15162}{15209}so I just put the twitch to him.
{15237}{15279}He's jumping up and down and hollering,
{15279}{15322}<i>"Calf rope, calf rope."</i>
{15327}{15389}So I let him go,|and he points to this bottom drawer,
{15387}{15432}opens it up|and sure enough, there it all was.
{15432}{15459}I'll tell you one thing.
{15457}{15487}You know what that banker would've done
{15487}{15537}- if you hadn't found that slip?|- What?
{15537}{15574}He would've squawked his head off
{15577}{15632}that he was robbed of it all anyway.
{15637}{15684}Yes, sir, those bankers got cash
{15682}{15724}stashed all over that bank,
{15727}{15797}and every night|they're just praying to get robbed.
{16599}{16639}Jesus Christ, what'd you all see?
{16639}{16684}Well, there was something|in that grass.
{16684}{16727}Well, shit. I left my shoe.
{16724}{16772}I thought all the laws|in the country was in that grass
{16772}{16814}the way you all tore out.
{16812}{16872}Well, go back and get your shoe.|We're waiting for you.
{16869}{16912}I guess if he can make it without two toes,
{16914}{16942}I can make it without a shoe.
{16942}{16982}Hey, wait for me, you guys!
{17337}{17367}Lookie here.
{17367}{17399}Come here.
{17404}{17444}Where'd you come from?
{17469}{17509}Come on down here.
{17524}{17557}Come here.
{17632}{17672}You belong to someone?
{17684}{17729}You're just a thief like me.
{17787}{17829}You sure look fat.
{17862}{17919}You sure you don't belong to somebody?
{17959}{18011}My foot feels just like a stump.
{18016}{18079}I sure wish them boys|would get back here.
{18139}{18189}I'm gonna go dingbatty waiting.
{18201}{18264}Man on a stump can't do much of his job.
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