Dickson, Paul - Dictionary of Middle Egyptian.pdf

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Middle Egyptian
in Gardiner Classification Order
Paul Dickson
December 1, 2006
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-
NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License. To view a copy of this
license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/ or send
a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San
Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
Table of Contents
A - Men...............................................................5
B - Women.........................................................7
C - Gods.............................................................7
D – Parts of Men................................................9
E – Mammals...................................................51
F – Parts of Mammals......................................54
G - Birds...........................................................68
H - Parts of birds..............................................94
I - Reptiles........................................................95
K - Fish...........................................................101
L - Insects.......................................................102
M - Plants.......................................................102
N - Sky............................................................130
O - Buildings...................................................159
P - Boats.........................................................178
Q - Furniture...................................................180
R - Temple Furniture and Emblems...............186
S - Clothing.....................................................190
T - Warfare and Hunting.................................229
U - Agriculture and Crafts...............................235
V - Rope, Baskets, and Cloth.........................245
W - Stone and Ceramic Vessels....................272
X - Bread........................................................279
Y - Writing, Games, Music..............................286
Z - Strokes and Figures..................................290
Aa - Unclassified............................................292
As I began trying to learn to read the hieroglyphic writing of Middle Egyptian I was frustrated that all of
the available dictionaries were organized around the approximate sounds of the words instead of their
spelling , as is used in most other dictionaries.
When I learned that all of the raw material was available for making my own dictionary, organized the
way I wanted, I set out on this project.
The definitions are organized in order by the Gardiner Codes of the glyphs that make them up. This
system, developed by Alan Gardiner in the early part of the 20 th century, groups the symbols into families
according to what they look like.
A good way to use this dictionary is not to print it on paper but to leave it in your computer as a PDF file
so that you have the full use of the SEARCH facilities of your PDF reader. With that you can look for
words in the English definitions, or in the phonetic pronunciation guides. For the latter it helps to check
the box for case-sensitive searching, since case is important in the MdC notation.
The original definitions, transliterations, and glyph sequences are by Mark Vygus, via Luca Brigatti's web
site at http://home.rochester.rr.com/lucabri/CDME.rar . The word lists are from Faulkner's
dictionary and other sources.
Conversion from the absolute positioning notation Mark used to Manuel de Codage
superposition/juxtaposition notation was by some PHP programs I wrote.
Creation of the body of the text and fixing up a few mistakes in the glyphs was done with Serge
Rosmorduc's JSesh program, version 2.3.
Final layout and formatting was done in OpenOffice.org-2.0.
This dictionary is not yet finished. This version still has the following problems:
1. Some glyphs are missing because JSesh does not yet have all the necessary symbols. Usually the
missing signs are variations on a simpler sign. This will require some work with Inkscape.
2. Due to deficiencies in my conversion program, the layout of signs within some words does not
follow proper scribal practice in how small signs are placed together. This will require manual
editing of the glyph codes.
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Most of the symbols in a typical Egyptian text represent sounds (actually, just consonants), and one
symbol can represent one, two, or three consonants. All of the symbols used for this purpose are listed
here, grouped by what they are a picture of to aid in recognition.
Humans and parts
i xr nni ik in ir tp Hr ir xnt r kA
Xn ni/n a di mi/m ni mH d mt iw
Mammals and parts
ib iw rw wn wsr wp ab bH/Hw ns
sDm/idn pH wHm Xn sAb st Sd ms X nfr
zmA Aw spr isw spXr
Birds and parts
A AA mA tiw mwt/miwt/mit/mt m mm mi/m
nH Db/db Ax aq wr gb pA w ww wa
mAw TA snD pAq SA
Reptiles, Fish, and Insects
aSA km f D DD in aD XA xpr xA
imA Hn xt SA xA wAD HA i dble y i nxb dble m
sw Sma nDm Dr iz wn
Sky, Earth, and Water
psD sbA/dwA TA wDb Dw xA q Hr n mw
mr/mi S Sm
pr h nm iwn aA z z zp
Ships, Furniture, Sacred Objects
wHa aHa xrw xr.fi st ws p Htp nTr Dd
n mDH wsx nb sAT dmD TAz s sf smA
siA anx HqA awt wAs Dam sxm md
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Warfare and Hunting
mn HD HD HDD tp pD zwn rwD rs Sms qs
wa sn aH DbA Xr sSm nm
Agriculture and Crafts
mA mA mAa mr Hn Sna/hb tm grg nw
stp/sTp Ab/mr
DA tA ti/t xsf Hm
Rope, Baskets, and Cloth
Sn wA Ss Sn T iT zA mD mH wD aD
H wAH/sk nb k g Hn msn
Vessels, Bread, Writing, Strokes
bAs Hnw g Xnm Hz xnt mi nw in t di mn
i w im
x Hip qn mAa im/m qs sA apr wDa nD
The definitions are in order by the classification system developed by Gardiner in 19??. They are grouped
into sections according to the classification of the first sign in the word, and then in the same order within
For each word the following information is presented:
1. The hieroglyphic spelling
2. The phonetic spelling in MDC notation, enclosed in square brackets.
3. The part of speech (optional) in italics enclosed in parentheses
4. The English definition.
5. The names of the signs in the Gardiner classification system, enclosed in braces.
For example:
[ qAi ] (v. infinitive) be raised on high, uplifted {A28 X1}
This dictionary entry is for the infinitive verb pronounced “qAi” (approximately “KA-ee”) meaning to be
uplifted, made up of the two signs A28 (standing man with both arms raised) and X1 (bread loaf).
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Dictionary of Middle Egyptian
A - Men
[ mt ] die, perish, death {A14}
A - Men
[ mt ] die, perish, death {A14 X1}
[ i ] (suffix prn.) I, me, my {A1}
[ xr ] fall (in military sense) {A15}
[ rmT ] (collective n.) man, men,
mankind, Egyptians {A1 A1 A1}
[ xrw ] enemy {A15}
[ swr ] drink {A2}
[ sxr ] (causative) overthrow, throw down, force
into place (dislocated bone) {A15 X1}
[ wab ] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse,
purification, purity {A6}
[ ksw ] bowings {A16}
[ wab ] pure, purify oneself, bathe, cleanse,
purification, purity {A6A}
[ Xrd ] (v.) be, become a child {A17 A1}
[ Xrd ] (n.) child {A17 A1}
[ wabwt ] priestly service {A6 D58 G43
[ TA ] boy {A17 D53}
[ bAgi ] (n.) weariness, languor, slackness,
remissness {A7}
[ msdmt ] black eye paint {A17 N26
G14 X1 Z2 N33}
[ Hmsi ] sit down {A7}
[ Xrdw n mH ] small children ? {A17 Z2
N35 D42}
[ hnw ] associates, family {A8 A1 B1 Z2}
[ imty ] foster child (of king of Lower Egypt)
{A18 X1}
[ ATp ] be heavy laden (with trouble) {A9
[ iAwi ] (v. and n.) be aged, attain old age, old
age {A19}
[ fAi ] (v.) carry, support {A9 A24}
[ Atpw ] (n.) cargo {A9 Q3 Z7 Y1 Z2}
[ iky ] quarryman {A19}
[ kAt ] work, construction, craft, profession
{A9 X1 Y1 Z2}
[ wr ] great one, magnate {A19 A1}
[ iAwt ] old age {A19 X1}
[ kAt ] work, construction, craft, profession {A9
[ smsw ] (djective) elder, eldest {A20}
[ Atpw ] (n.) cargo {A9 Z7 Y1 Z2}
[ sr ] nobleman, magistrate {A21}
[ mSa ] (n.) expedition {A12}
[ iky ] quarryman {A21A M17 M17 A1}
[ mSa ] soldiers, army, infantry, gang (of
workmen) {A12 A1 Z2}
[ nxt ] strong, victorious, stiff, hard {A24}
[ mniw ] herdsman {A24 G43 D40}
[ mSa ] (n.) expedition {A12 D54 Z2}
[ Hwi ] (v.) beat, strike, smite {A25 D36}
[ mSa ] (v. and n.) make an expedition,
expedition {A12 P1}
[ qAt ] height {A28}
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