Frater Veos - Initiation into Hermetics Commentary.pdf

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Commentary on
Franz Bardon’s
“Initiation into Hermetics”
Steps I-VIII
By Chris Murphy (fra.Veos)
Table of Contents
Step I
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Thought Control
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Introspection
-Magical Schooling of the Body: The Material Body
Step II
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Concentration
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Magical Equilibrium
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Pore Breathing & Asana
Step III
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Concentration with
two or more senses
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: The Four Elements
-Magical Schooling of the Body: The Vital Force
Step IV
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Transference of Consciousness25
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Regional Accumulations
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Gestures and Mudras
Step V
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: The Akasha Principle
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Projection of the Elements
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Passive Communication
Step VI
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Meditation on the Spirit
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Mastery of the Akasha
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Creation of Elementals
Step VII
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit:Total Equilibrium
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: The Magical Faculties
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Creation of Elementaries
-Magical Schooling of the Spirit: Mental Projection
-Magical Schooling of the Soul: Electric and Magnetic Fluids
-Magical Schooling of the Body: Further Applications
Steps IX and X: Deepening your Practices
Closing Remarks
I am glad to see a constant growth in the occult community of aspirants eager to pursue
the actual practice of magic instead of just its theory. The sign of this is evident in the constant
mention of Bardon’s “Initiation Into Hermetics” that is made on spiritual forums, as well as
regular private messages and emails I get from aspirants needing help in the steps provided by
Bardon. As a result of a few previous explanations of IIH, I was overwhelmed with the positive
reaction that had occurred almost immediately afterwards of people thanking me for contributing
what was such a small amount of help. This indicated to me that there is a high demand right
now in the occult community for a good, practical commentary on Bardon’s system. Now where
as I will provide insight to some of the theory missing in Initiation Into Hermetics (referred to as
IIH from now on) I will also strive to keep the entire article as practical and usable as possible,
especially since Rawn Clark has already written an excellent theoretical commentary on IIH. I
would highly recommend that anyone wishing to practice IIH download a copy of Rawn’s now
well-known commentary. In this way they will have Rawn’s theoretical or knowledge-based
commentary and my practical commentary. This will ensure a good understanding of the
practices (the goal of Rawn’s commentary) as well as ensure proper and safe progression through
the steps (the goal of this commentary).
I have written this commentary under the train of thought that, “If they are going to do it,
they should at least know if they’re doing it right”. While some people will say that IIH should be
mastered independently, the amount of emails and private messages I get would indicate
otherwise, as well as the fact that Bardon himself took on students to teach. For most people, I
would highly discourage seriously practicing IIH without a Guru or at least a teacher who has
been through the steps. I say this for one simple reason: IIH can lead to self-delusion more so
than any other system I have ever seen. Many people think they have reached all the way to step
10, but if they were tested it would be found that they fail at even step 1. Thus the primary
purpose of this article is to ensure that the steps are practiced properly and thoroughly so that the
Aspirant can safely and successfully pass from step to step. For this reason among other things I
will attempt to provide four main details for each step:
1) Time Tables : Each step has an “average” length of time it takes to become fluent in it. These
can differ from person to person, but generally stay pretty close.
2) Stages of progression : Almost every exercise in IIH has successive stages of mastery, and I
will try to clearly explain these so that the student will look for these signs of success and know
they are progressing well.
3) Ideal time to progress : This is essential in understanding my timetables, which on some
steps can seem a little extreme. My time tables will be based on what I require from my students
(which is a little harder), not what Bardon requires. Thus, more time will be needed for the
mastery of most steps.
4) Extra Exercises : Many of Bardon’s steps can be complimented with other spiritual exercises
and meditations to help personal development and spiritual evolution.
Look for these things in the commentary upon each step.
Now I would like to explain my own personal relationship with Bardon’s IIH so that you
will better understand some of the remarks I have and will make. It is abundantly clear to me that
Bardon did not write his IIH for renunciants or people who take their Sadhana (spiritual training)
as the most important thing in their lives. He wrote it for people who work all day, have families,
engage in entertainment and leisure activities, etc...but who still want spiritual guidance in their
lives. Followed at face value according to the requirements which Bardon gives, such a person
would be looking at no more than 30 or 40 minutes of practice a night over a period of 7-10 years
to finish steps 1-8 of IIH with some success. Such a person would almost undoubtedly be able to
do only half of the things which Bardon says his system can allow you to do. Still, it is better
than nothing at all. If you are looking to extract any real spiritual benefits from his book,
however, then you will need to practice a good two hours a day. Such a person will stand as a
true magician having completed steps 1-8 in just four or five years and being able to achieve
everything Bardon lays out. IIH comes alive as a very real and near perfect system of spiritual
development to someone who dedicates themselves to it in such a strong way. They will be
capable of phenomenal things. That being said, the student must keep in mind one thing: the
ultimate goal of all of Bardon’s training in his three books is spiritual evolution (expansion of
consciousness and divine spirit) and not just spiritual development (expansion of Astral Body
and development of magical abilities). If a magician has the evolution he will also have the
development, but a magician who has all of the development in the world may not have a drop of
spiritual evolution. The consciousness is the most important thing. I can not stress this enough!
Do not become some mere debased sorcerer! Raise up and become a God-Man, in perfect
harmony with the universe and the spirit. Only then will this wheel of birth and death called
reincarnation be overcome. Only then are you a liberated soul.
Now Daniel (known online under the alias "Prophecy") and I have been working for some
years now to develop a system of Yoga which in its preliminary stages uses Bardon’s training as
its backbone, and in it higher stages (after IIH is complete) uses the legendary technique of Kriya
Yoga as its backbone. As a result of this, the time required to train per day is considerably longer
due to a system which gives you all of the magical development of IIH, and all of the spiritual
development of Yoga. The average student in our Ashram (spiritual learning center where the
students live and practice) spends 3-4 hours a day doing their Sadhana (spiritual training), and
are encouraged to eventually build up to 8-10 hours a day once they learn to replace most of their
sleep with deep meditation. For this reason you will see that my requirements for each step are
much higher in some places than Bardon’s. Though not necessary, I highly recommend you stick
with the minimum requirements I give if you wish to get very real results from IIH. Aside from
my own and Daniel’s experience having completed the IIH training, I will be greatly using the
information and experiences I’ve gathered from our students who are progressively working
through all of the steps. This is how I have come up with the things such as the “average time of
completion” and the “stages of success” for each step. They are not off the top of my head, but
are the results of constant practice and examination of both myself and my students.
You might be wondering why I have only commented on steps 1-8. These are what I call
the “essential steps”, in that they need to be passed in order to successfully and safely practice
magical evocation and the practical Kabbalah. The 9th and 10th steps are much more intricate
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