Conditioning For Martial Arts.pdf

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Frederick C. Hatfield, Ph.D.
International Sports Sciences Association
There is a mountain of misinformation available in fitness magazines and
(especially) the Internet pertaining to weight loss, fitness and sports training.
When someone makes the commitment to train, and then seeks information on
how to begin, they are almost always overwhelmed and confused. That’s why I
made the decision to launch several years ago. I maintain my sincere
hope that my teaching, writing and the Q&A forum has contributed
significantly to dispelling much of the nonsense being passed off as expert advice.
The many thousands of visits to each month bears witness to the
belief that it has done just that.
To further demystify training and nutritional science, and to encourage safe and
responsible conditioning techniques in sports training and fitness activities, I
decided to provide visitors to with e-booklets. Unfortunately, there
has to be a nominal charge for these booklets, just to cover my production costs. I
have written scores so far, and the work continues. To date, almost every sport
and fitness activity on earth is listed at . If your sport or activity is not
listed let us know! The missing e-booklet will be available within a week.
This martial arts conditioning e-booklet contains information vital to improving
anyone’s fighting ability. Certainly, given any level of skill, a stronger athlete is
going to throw and hit harder. Certainly, careful attention to one’s eating habits
and the prudent use of state-of-the-art nutritional supplements is going to improve
anyone’s energy level, their ability to focus and their recovery capabilities. Just
as certainly, if you’re one of the millions of martial artists in the world, your level of
enjoyment at playing your sport at a higher level is going to improve with your
increased strength and energy!
Meet Dr. Fred Hatfield
Currently President and co-founder of the International Sports Sciences
Association (ISSA), Dr. Hatfield (aka "Dr. Squat") won the world championships
three times in the sport of powerlifting, and along the way broke over 30 world
records, including a competitive squat with 1014 pounds at a bodyweight of 255
pounds (more weight than anyone in history had ever lifted in competition). Former
positions include an assistant professorship at the University of Wisconsin
Copyright © 2001
(Madison) and Senior Vice President and Director of Research &Development for
Weider Health & Fitness, Inc. Dr. Hatfield was honored by Southern Connecticut
State University when they presented him the 1991 Alumni Citation Award. He has
written over 60 books and hundreds of articles in the general areas of sports
training, fitness, bodybuilding and nutrition. In addition to serving three times as
the national coach of the U.S. Powerlifting Team, he has been coach and training
consultant to several world-ranked and professional athletes as well as sports
governing bodies and professional sports teams worldwide.
This e-booklet is informational only. The data and information contained herein
are based upon information from various published as well as unpublished
sources and merely represents training, health and nutrition literature and practice
as summarized by the authors and editors. The publisher of this e-booklet makes
no warranties, expressed or implied, regarding the currency, completeness or
scientific accuracy of this information, nor does it warrant the fitness of the
information for any particular purpose. The information is not intended for use in
connection with the sale of any product. Any claims or presentations regarding
any specific products or brand names are strictly the responsibility of the product
owners or manufacturers. This summary of information from unpublished
sources, books, research journals and articles is not intended to replace the
advice or attention of health care professionals. It is not intended to direct their
behavior or replace their independent professional judgment. If you have a
problem with your health, or before you embark on any health, fitness or sports
training programs, seek clearance from a qualified health care professional.
Copyright © 2001 Fred Hatfield. All rights reserved. No part of this information may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, distributing, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in
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For complete information on all Dr. Squat’s e-booklets, products, programs and more valuable
information available to help you get stronger, faster, healthier, lose fat or train for your sport, visit
Copyright © 2001
Fred Hatfield, Ph.D.
Feel free to print out the pages of your e-book. The information is copyrighted, so
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Table Of Contents Bookmark this page!
All of the martial arts involve wide-ranging, multifaceted disciplines that involve a variety
of skills and movements. They require not only speed and strength in short, explosive
bursts, but also a high level of anaerobic strength endurance, flexibility and agility.
Every bit of your training and diet must reflect these all-important elements. They are
what constitute the physical nature of the disciplines. Often, the martial arts are very
“ballistic” in nature, so recovery, tissue repair and peak speed-strength are your training
and nutrition objectives year-round. Nutritionally, that calls for an emphasis on short-term
energy needs and maximizing your muscles’ recovery and tissue repair processes.
In the martial arts, most of your energy output is anaerobic. Without oxygen. Delivering
blows and kicks, grappling, throwing and lightening fast reflexive movements must be
performed over and over again, testing your tolerance to excruciating pain and fatigue
from lactic acid buildup in your working muscles. Easily accomplished, right?
Wrong! To do it right, you’ll have to train very hard. It’s grueling, highly intense training.
It punishes you. Performed at the highest levels, speed training for the martial arts forces
you to operate at your anaerobic threshold. That’s the point at which you cannot go on
unless oxygen is introduced. It’s totally exhausting.
Copyright © 2001
Then, of course, there’re the skills of your specific discipline. Muscles grow stronger and
faster if you stress them. In the martial arts, your aim is to make them grow as strong and
fast as possible. This calls for training specificity.
The incredible force output—and the ballistic nature of most of the disciplines comprising
the martial arts—demands careful nutritional support. Here is a list of factors to consider
when you’re matching your nutrition to your training needs:
You must have high quality protein several times a day (eat every 2-3 hours) in
order to effectively recover and repair damaged muscle tissue;
Explosive martial artists (who get their energy primarily from ATP and CP, two
biochemical’s formed inside of their muscles) as well as martial artists who must
fight in round after round (whose energy comes from sugar—called glycogen—
stored inside their muscles) cannot eat very much fat because it is not an efficient
source of energy for their high intensity training (which is almost exclusively
anaerobic in nature) -- fat calories are going to get stored because they can’t be
used for your energy needs;
Endurance athletes in other sports (whose energy is manufactured through
oxidation) can get away with eating more fat because they spend a lot of time in
the aerobic pathway of muscle energetics, which uses fat. But even endurance
athletes should keep the fat calories down a bit if they are training aerobically—
with oxygen—for under a half hour. Remember, fat isn’t used for energy until after
about 20-30 minutes of aerobic activity. Until then, energy comes from the
athlete’s stores of muscle glycogen.
A carefully measured supply of high quality carbohydrates several times
throughout the day will ensure that your body is getting all the energy it requires,
while the protein will ensure that muscle repair takes place;
The carbohydrates in your pre-workout meal should be comprised of low glycemic
index carbohydrates (the kind that converts to blood sugar very slowly, to ensure
that your training intensity doesn’t wane, and to ensure that lean tissue isn’t
cannibalized for energy);
So, here are the energy sources that your muscles use in order to contract:
ATP/CP (short-term energy for explosive strength output)
GLYCOGEN (medium-term energy from your muscles’ stored sugar for
sports requiring near-maximum exertion over and over)
OXYGEN (long-term energy for endurance sports).
Copyright © 2001
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