UFO-Contact From Planet Korrendor - Another Advanced Society by Robert P Renaud & Gabriel Green & Wendelle C Stevens.pdf

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Microsoft Word - the UFO contacts of Bob Renaud from July 1961.doc
Physical UFO - contact in the early 60ths after
initial radio (amateur) contact
The UFO contacts of Bob Renaud from July 1961
(But as always in such contacts -"they" were not allowed to give too
convincing proofs - the ripe one will recognize this INSIDE oneself when ready
and ripe.
Her link till norsk OMTALE | PowerPoint on the case
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The Korendians made contact with Bob Renaud in July 1961 as he was trying
to pick up BBC Radio on his short wave set. Robert P. Renaud, an 18 year old
Ham Radio Operator - working for General Electric - a electronics wizard and
inventor, living in his parents home, in his basement bedroom converted to his
studio-laboratory, picked up a strange beep high in the 25 meter band that
overshadowed BBC. When he tuned in on the beep, it stopped and a clear soft
feminine voice greeted him from a spaceship from Planet Korendor. She called
him by his first name and said that they had been trying to get his attention
before. The Korendians instructed him in how to modify his home built short
wave radio set to receive them better. Then after a few radio contacts they
helped him to modify his home built TV set to pick up their images on the
Vidicon tube while he spoke to them on radio. Those contacts continued and
developed into face-to-face meetings and even into going on trips with them, in
their craft, for months and years. He kept careful notes on his contacts. This
case is not well known in the USA.
The Case watched by the cover-up people
Like many other contact cases studied/investigated, also this case includes
closely monitoring /surveillance from the "hidden power behind" (the shadow
government-people) – who obviously interrupted his mail. Same happened to
the mail to Meier (the Semjase contacts) in Switzerland in the 70ths -where
"they" had forced the local post office to let "them" filter his mail and such
sanction the return-films from the development-laboratory and like. Once they
disclosed it clearly seen by the film he got back – it was mirrored, seen by the
film layer. So "they" had kept the originals and he got only copies back, but
they had been careless to make mirrored ones. In the same way they changed
the pictures of his contact women and used this systematic against him many
years later.
In the case of Renaud here, they had as said, apparently looked through
(scrutinized) his mail: when he later wrote and printed a book on his contacts
by help of John Dean, they discovered, after it had been printed, that someone
had changed astronomical information in it. This apparently done in the
intention to disproving him later – to claim him a liar, and so ridiculing him as
they use to do in such cases – with good help of the stupid, egoistic press-
people – only seeking superficiality.
Ca.20 years ago FATE-magazine (march-86, p.52) had an article on this
Korendor case written by c. He thought when he heard about it - as most others,
it all was pure science-fiction. But after meeting Renaud in –67, he didn’t
longer believe he was a hoaxer as he wrote, "If Renaud was engaged in fraud, it
was obviously an unrewarding task".
So Grise visited Renaud at his home and found, as the contactor’s writings
claimed, a basement room full of electronic equipment, including the television
set and the shortwave radio over which the communications supposedly were
Grise, an engineer by profession, and ham-radio buff by avocation, found that
everything seemed to make sense. The circuits were all appropriate to extend
the receiving range. "In other words, if he was getting messages from an aerial
source, he had the equipment with which to receive them.
More remarkable, however, were the books Renaud was writing on
Korendorian life and philosophy. There were a dozen or so of them, all single
spaced an, each 500 to 600 pages long. There were, so far as Grise could
discern from studying their contents, no typographical errors. But that was not
"When he wrote these books", Grise recalls, 'it was like his hands
belonged to someone else: He'd sit there in front of his typewriter and pay
no attention to what was coming out of him. He could be on the phone or
talking with me, and all the while his hands are going, producing all this
perfectly-typed, clearly-written stuff on alien philosophy. It was just
Grise was perplexed by Renaud's attitude: "He showed no signs whatever of
wanting to promote himself", he says. "There was no show biz, no snake oil.
He didn't even seem much interested in talking. He’d answer questions, but he
wouldn't offer anything. He was hesitant to entertain visitors and he sold
nothing, made no money. He said the whole business was imposed on him; he
hadn't gone after it".
"Renaud has a large collection of tapes allegedly on his space
communications: Grise listened to some of them and heard what was supposed
to be the voice of the primary contact-woman Lin-Erri. He recalls, "These were
good-quality, reel-to-reel r ecordings. The women’s voice had a kind of
hesitancy in speech patterns suggesting a foreign person doing well in English.
It had s a singsong, melodious quality.”
When Grise asked if he could meet the extraterrestrials in whom, despite a deep
natural cynicism about such matters, he was almost ready to believe it: Renaud
said he could request a meeting but could not guarantee that the Korendorians
would agree to one...
Soon afterwards Renaud broke off their brief association and told him to not to
call or visit anymore. He likely understood it was no meaning in trying to
convince anyone not ready or spiritually ripe.
on the contacts and the information
Yes- soon half a century ago it apparently occurred some direct, physical
contacts to our over-seers or "gardeners of earth". On of them were just these
contacts of BOB RENAUD. He was a radio-amateur that some night in
summer -61 got in a women's voice clamming to be from a spaceship around
earth. Apparent only a claim - but her further explanations was interesting, and
it later evolved to physical contacts, which the common people could not
fellow and believe if not having spiritual knowledge beforehand.
On this first radio contact she said they discovered us about two years before.
Their interest was aroused by our satellite activity, which they said, indicated
an elevated technical level. So they wanted to learn all they could about us.
They had tried many times on telepathic contacts as was their normal way- to
various people - but in vain. They could not - in the beginning - stay on earth
without breathing-help - because they were used to more oxygen in their home-
So they had to learn our language here -and found out that English was most
used after monitoring radio/TV. So they placed a kind of small devices that
could take up conversations etc and transfer them to the monitoring equipment
on the ships, where advanced computers found the keys and interpretation.
From those they learned the language quite easy. (Regarding this: Also from
the Iarga -contact in the 60ths they told how they could "beam" such
information as learning an unknown language directly into their brains with a
special kind of radiation. And regarding space people learning languages here:
from the Semjase-contact (the 4 th ) in the 70ths, "they" - the Erra-Pleiadians -
told how to transfer this method of learning language on a hypnosis-like way -
learning any language in ca 21days - then 9days for training)
But back to the Korendor contact:
They told that they had learned English with a definite Southern California
accent, due to the monitoring mostly in that area. They also claimed that there
were bases on more of the planets here in our sun system -and that they also
had co-operation with them. (There is also that possibility that they can adjust
their frequency to visit other levels of planetary vibration, but that is not
directly told in these initial contacts.) They had monitored many and found Bob
to be a developed kind of man - with interest in space, in world peace, and in
the future of mankind. Seemingly he recorded some of the conversations like in
the Kolda’s-contacts in South Africa in 1960- but those to another planetary
group - but supposedly synchronized by a "higher federation".
And as mentioned above - already in the first contact they instructed him in
how to convert his equipment for a better 2waycontact to them.
The initial contact person he talked with was a lady - as many of the visitors
seem to use in the beginning - we are not normally so afraid of women
regarding ETs. Her name was Lin-Erri and her home-planets name "Korendor".
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