Balrog (Eileen Tan).pdf

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Eileen Tan
3 February 2003
Wing and arms
1. Fold a fish base.
2. Valley fold the bottom
flap to the right.
3. Valley fold along the
angle bisectors.
4. Mountain fold in half.
5. Squash fold.
6. Turn model over.
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7. Valley fold along the
angle bisector, while making a
squash fold at the corner.
Mountain fold the left bottom flap
in half, and valley fold the right
bottom flap in half.
8. Valley fold the flap
to the left.
9. Valley fold the flap, like in
step 7,
10. Valley fold the flap to the
right. This is a judgement fold.
11. Rotate 90 degrees
12. Finished wing and arm.
Repeat, except with the reverse
mirror symmetry, to form the
other wing and arm.
1. Fold and unfold.
2. Fold and unfold.
3. Fold all four sides in,
making preliminary bases
at the corners.
4. Petal fold three corners,
squash fold the remaining corner.
5. Petal fold.
6. Reverse fold.
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7. Bird base.
8. Valley fold the top
flap down.
9. Reverse fold the two
bottom flaps.
10. Rotate model by
180 degrees.
11. Turn model over.
12. Valley fold the top
flap over to the right.
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13. Insert the triangular
flaps of the wing into the pocket.
14. Valley fold the wing over.
15. Valley fold the flap back
to the left.
16. Repeat steps 13-15 with
the second wing.
17. Valley fold the top flap upwards.
This is the tail.
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