CoC D20 - Adv - Cthulhu Hardboiled 1 - The Waters over Heaven.pdf

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an adventure for the Call of Cthulhu
d20 system
by Jonathan stout
part I in the cthulhu Hardboiled campaign
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The majority of the graphics contained in this adventure were taken off of various sites
throughout the Internet. It’d probably take me days to track down all of the places I’ve
taken stuff from, so let me just say that I do not own nor do I claim to own any of the
pictures or graphics in this text with the exception of the Hemingway Investigations ad
and the player and GM maps of the Park (both of which were made with Dungeon
The molochim template is roughly based off of DnDChick’s Deep One hybrid
template. I invite you to visit her web site , which is nothing short of amazing.
GM Information… 2
Background... 2
Public Facts… 2
A Relatively Honest Piece of Work… 3
Ernie… 3
Q&A Session: Ernie… 4
Meeting William Deaton… 5
Q&A Session: William Deaton… 5
A Woman In White And A Man In Black… 8
The Deaton Residence, 8 am… 8
The Art Gallery… 9
The Cemetery… 10
The Park… 11
A Long Knife… 12
Examining The Murder Scene… 13
So, What Now, Chief?... 14
Calling Ernie… 14
Calling Deaton… 15
Meeting Deaton… 15
Calling the Police… 16
Revisiting the Gallery… 17
Revisiting the Graveyard… 17
Visiting Mason Carver… 18
Visiting Lawrence Cross… 19
Visiting Joanna’s Apartment… 19
Visiting Priscilla’s Apartment… 20
Visiting Vivian… 21
Talking To Vivian… 23
Touching Vivian… 26
Visiting Rose Rogers… 27
Q&A Session: Rose Rogers… 28
Endgame… 29
One By Water… 31
The Business We’re In… 32
Experience and Sanity Rewards… 33
Appendix A: NPC Statistics… 34
Appendix B: Maps and Pictures… 40
Appendix C: Timeline of Events… 47
Appendix D: View From The Backstage (GMs Only)… 48
This adventure has been designed as the
first mission in a campaign centering on an
private investigations firm known as
Hemingway Investigations. It is intended
for a group of 1 st -level investigators. It is
set in January of 1928, in and around the
city of Los Angeles, California. The
general tone of the mission is film noir in
the style of Raymond Chandler and the
movie Chinatown (with a certain amount
of inspiration from Alfred Hitchcock’s
Vertigo) .
At the beginning of the adventure, the
players are hired to work for a private
investigation firm known as Hemingway
Investigations. Their section chief, Ernie
Zulli, assigns them to a suspected adultery
case for a wealthy man by the name of
William Deaton. William Deaton suspects
his wife, Vivian Haase-Deaton, is having an affair; he wishes the investigators to keep
track of her while he goes to work one day and bring him any proof they might find of an
extra-marital relationship. Sounds simple enough, right?
PUBlic facts
William Deaton is the director of the Haase Shipping Company, a large corporation with
interests in cargo transport and ship-building up and down the West Coast. Subsidiaries
of the company include Atlantic Shipyards, Inc., and the Pacific Star Line (a passenger
transport company, specializing in transport to China and Southeast Asia).
The company was founded in 1903 by the family of Vivian Haase-Deaton,
William’s wife. Vivian received a majority share in the company’s stock after her parents
passed away, being the sole heir to the Haase fortune (her brother James having died
while serving in the U.S. Navy during World War I). Under their prenuptial agreement,
William controls Vivian’s stock rights within the company. Other than William, the only
other stockholder of note is one Lawrence Cross, a family friend of the Haases and also
the division head of Atlantic Shipyards, Inc. Cross is a well-known philanthropist within
the Los Angeles area, with a particular interest in the arts.
The US-Mexico border is roughly two hours’ drive south of Los Angeles. The
town of Long Beach, California is a thirty-minute drive southwest from downtown LA,
while the city of Santa Barbara is roughly one hour and thirty five minutes directly north.
thursday, january 5, 1928, 10:05 am
la office of hemingway investigations
This adventure contains a
mechanism to get the players
together as a group.
Specifically, it is assumed all
the players come across the
advertisement pictured to the
right somewhere in the back
pages of the LA Times. You
may wish to give cut this
article and give it to the
players ahead of character
creation (Oh, and by the way,
the “no Chinamen” policy
mentioned in the article is
strictly for period feel;
needless to say, it wouldn’t
have been something rare to
see in 1920’s Los Angeles. I
apologize if I’ve offended
anyone; please believe that
that was not my intent. And
should one of your players
decide to play a Chinese
character, I can’t really imagine Ernie caring enough to do anything about it.)
It’s a relatively innocent action, picking up a newspaper. You figure that as long as you
haven’t murdered anyone, say your prayers and do whatever it takes to keep your head
down, there’s no particular reason for a torn little piece of the LA Times to ruin your day.
Except here you are in a tiny office above a bar. It’s a sweltering January day, and
crammed in as you all are around a small square table, you feel every degree, which all in
all isn’t doing anything to help the hangover you still have from New Year’s. You stare
through the cigar smoke, barely able to breathe, at a short, fat little man with a Kaiser
mustache, a cheap Cuban seemingly attached to the ends of his fingers. He lifts to his lips
again, takes another pull, and lets it out. You do your best not to cough.
“Why I don’t start by being honest with you,” he says. “I lied in the ad. The pay
sucks. Management back east made me put that in to draw flies. Worked, didn’t it ?” He
smirks at you and draws in another breath.
“Let me lay it down for you. You get a buck-fifty an hour with this gig, plus
twenty-five as a tip from the customer if you finish a case in a quote, timely and efficient
matter, unquote. Sometimes we can talk the client into paying for your expenses, but that
doesn’t happen too often, so I wouldn’t count on it. Otherwise, you get a fifty dollar
budget from the organization each month. That’s for all of you, by the way, and if you
misspend a single penny I’m obliged by management to hunt you down and kill you
myself.” He looks like he might be kidding, deep down inside.
“That having been said, there’s one other thing you should know about. Maybe
you’ve read the pulps and decided that this is a glamorous lifestyle. Adventure. Exotic
women. Shit like that. How do I put this to you best… do I look like someone who has
any of those things ?” He pauses to take another drag off his cigar.
“We don’t do murder cases; we don’t do theft. What we get is the stuff the police
wouldn’t touch with a thirty-foot pole. Nine out of ten of our cases are adultery stuff –
client wants to get pictures of his wife with her hubby, or vice versa. It’s dirty, it’s stupid,
and at the end of every day you’ll pray to God that when you wake up the next morning
you’ll be doing something else.
“So. All that having been said, anyone who wants to leave, the door’s right there.”
He pauses.
“Well, all right. Welcome to the business. You’ll be regretting this decision for a
long time. I’m Ernie Zulli. You’ll be answering to me. Welcome to Hemingway
Investigations.” He takes a puff, and then adds, “No relation to the writer, by the way.”
Q&A Session: Ernie
Just in case your players have any additional questions for the boss man before the sign
the contract:
If asked for more information about Hemingway Investigations:
“Isn’t much to talk about. We’ve been working for about the last ten years.
Management’s based in Chicago; we’ve got two other firms otherwise in New York and
Atlanta. They sent me out here to hire a few teams to cover the West Coast. You’re the
What happened to the first ?
“What do you think happened ? They found better jobs.”
So why’s ‘military experience a plus’ ?
He shrugs. “Mr. Hooker has a soft spot for vets.”
Why “Chinamen need not apply” ?
“Mr. Hooker doesn’t like Chinese.”
Who’s Mr. Hooker ?
“Jeb Hooker. He’s my boss back east.”
So do I have any reason to take this job whatsoever ?
“None whatsoever. Door’s that way, if you want it.”
“Timely and efficient manner”?
He smiles unpleasantly. “Read ‘if the customer decides to.’”
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