Predictive Astrology - An Insight by Dinesh S Mathur (1999).pdf

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An attempt has been made in this work to clarify the concepts
with regard to the Signs, Planets, and Houses in simple and
readable language. These are the building blocks of the
foundation on which an edifice of sound analytical knowledge of
predictive astrology may rest. What each of these factors
represents, what its characteristics are and what the postulates
and rules are relating to each of them have been clearly
enunciated. Further the results and effects of inter-action of these
factors have also been brought out in sufficient detail. To keep the
bulk of the work within limits, generally definitions and
commonly known or found facts have been dispensed with.
Thus, this is not a primer. It is meant for a person who, having
found the subject interesting and obtained its elementary
knowledge, wishes to delve deeper in it in a systematic manner.
There has been excessive emphasis on Yogas (planetary
placements and combinations) in predictive astrology, so much so
that, generally, the basics are lost sight of. The importance of
various yogas ought not to be belittled, but astrological
prediction is not mere application of yogas to the birth chart. In
the present day world, when astrology has assumed a place of
common interest and even a lay man likes to study the subject, to
expect a modem man to learn by heart the thousands and
thousands of yogas with which the astrological literature of yore
is replete, is to expect too much. He is also a little bewildered as
such an approach does not appeal to his rational mind.
For a sound knowledge and understanding of the subject, we
must know the fundamentals and the manner in which they can
be analysed. In this book the reader is taken through the subject
in a scientific manner. He will realise that there is reason in
predictive astrology, and that it is not merely the product of
intuitive surmisings. My effort has been to emphasise this reason
and system.
In the last Chapter, the maladjustment that exists between the
Vimshottari Dasa System and Gregorian calendar has been
pointed out. The Dasa System has been adapted to the calendar
in vogue. It obviates the possibility of timings fixed with the use
of this System to fail. Suitable tables have been appended to save
the reader much arithmetical labour for, to my knowledge this
information is not available elsewhere in usable detail.
The strength of a planet is of foremost importance in Hindu
predictive astrology. The method of calculating the shadbala
(sixfold) strength of a planet is not only highly tedious but is
beyond the capability of a common reader. We have, in this
book, through a simple method, attempted to reach an
approximation to the six-fold strength of a planet without any
mathematical exercise. This has further been related to the
Vinshopaka strength of the planet. These two together will give a
very fair idea of the prowess of the planet to give results.
Long hours spent at the word-processor producing this book
could not make my wife Lalita, and the children, Radhika and
Rahul, impatient. I really marvel at their forbearance. My friends
have always encouraged me to put down my thoughts on paper.
This book is a result of that encouragement.
25th February, 1998
Dinesh S. Mathur
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Chapter One : Signs : p. 1-41
The gender, quality, categorisation, element,
direction, and classification of each sign-their
applications-description, physical and mental
characteristics of each sign, location, finance,
vocation, diseases and the parts of human
body represented by each sign the effect of
rising drekkans-all the twelve signs so
Chapter Two : Planets : p. 43-170
The Parashari and Jaimini karakas-some
definitions-methods to determine the nature
and strength of each planet-elements of
planets-effect of elements of signs on planets-
their applicatious-some general rules, opening
remarks and postulates-aspects-rules for
interpreting the aspects-the description of each
planet, its relationship with other planets, its
karaka qualities, matters that are represented
by it, and specific rules and postulates relating
to each planet-the description of the effect of
aspect of a planet on other planets-effects
differentiated according to the nature of the
planet-the description of the effect each planet
Predictive Astrology, an
has on the native, his affairs in general and
his blood relations by its placement in each
house and sign-the Sun, the Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn so
analysed in detail.
Chapter Three : The Lunar Nodes-
Rahu and Ketu :
p. 171-
The description of each Node-its relationship
with other planets-its karaka qualities-matters
represented by it-its nature-Kalasarpa Yoga-
detailed rules and postulates-description of
the effect of association of each Node with
other planets-the effect of placement of each
Node in each house and sign-Rahu and Ketu
so analysed in detail.
Chapter Four : Houses (First to Sixth) :
p. 199-
Rules for judging various aspects of life from
houses-interpretation and use of the navansha
chart-rules for determining such owners of
houses that will cause ill health-Vipareet Raj
Yoga-general rules to determine the nature of
and strength of a house-rules for timing of an
event-the effect of the owner of a maraka
(death dealing) house on the karaka planet for
an aspect of life-matters signified by each
house-specific rules and postulates for each
house-rules for determining relationship of
the native with a relative of his-rules to
determine the number and gender of children,
and pregnancies destroyed-rules for
interpreting the effect of each sign in a house-
description of the effect of each sign in a
house-rules for interpreting the effect of each
owner of a house in various houses-
description of the effect of each owner of a
house in various houses-First to Sixth houses
so analysed in detail.
Chapter Five : Houses (Seventh to Twelfth) : p. 309-405
Matters signified by each house-specific rules
and postulates for each house-more rules for
timing an event, and specifically for timing
marriage and death-simple but dependable
methods for determining longevity and
vocation-rules for interpreting the effect of
each sign in a house-description of the effect
of each sign in a house-rules for interpreting
the effect of each owner of a house in various
houses-description of the effect of each owner
of a house in various houses-Seventh to
Twelfth houses so analysed in detail-Notes on
(i) good and bad aspects, and (ii) methods to
determine Hora and Navansha lagnas.
Chapter Six :
A New Look at the
Vimshottari Dasa System : p. 407-430
Method to determine Vinshopaka strength of
a planet-resultant strength of a planet taking
into account the Vinshopaka strength of a
planet, and its strength determined on the
basis of its location etc, the phenomenon of
neecha bhanga (annulment of debilitation) the
discrepancy in the length of an year as taken
in the Vimshottari Dasa System and the
current calendar-method to reduce
Vimshottari Dasa periods to Gregorian
calendar time frame-detailed tables of major,
sub and inter periods for each planet
according to the current calendar-tables for
counting number of days in a normal year
followed by another normal year, in a normal
year followed by a leap year, and in a leap
year-tables for Hora, Drekkan, Navansha,
Dwadasamsa and Trimsansa divisions of
p. 431-
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