Devil's Workshop - Archetypes - Energy Being.pdf

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• M&M Superlink archetype • M&M Superlink archetype • M&M Superlink archetype •
Energy Being
Strength: 14
Dexterity: 16
Constitution: 20
Intelligence: 14
Wisdom: 12
Charisma: 10
Damage: +5
Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +1
Melee: +9
An Energy Being is a creature without
physical form, at least part of the time. An
Energy Being could be composed entirely
of light or fire, and typically has control
over his own form and possibly the energy
or element that he is composed of.
Ranged: +10
Initiative: +7
Defense: 23/20
Speed: 30
Hero: 5
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Devil’s Workshop
Skills: Concentration +18.
Powers and Devices: The primary, signature power
of an Energy Being is Alternate Form ( Energy ); this
power is also an expensive one, at 5pp per rank.
This has been mitigated somewhat above through the
application of the Permanent flaw, meaning that an
Energy Being is always composed of energy. In
effect, the Energy Being's Alternate Form is his only
form. However, this need not be the case. The elim-
ination of this flaw increases the cost per rank back
to 5pp, and the total cost to 60pp. Though this
leaves only 10pp with which to take additional pow-
ers, it does lift some of the restrictions placed on an
Energy Being. In addition, an Energy Being is well
served by taking additional powers that compliment
his primary power, his energy form. For example, it
makes sense for a being made of light to have pow-
ers like Blending or Dazzle, while a being made of
electricity might have Electromagnetic Pulse instead.
Many powers not on the above list could also be eas-
ily justified; for example, a being comprised of radia-
tion might have the Drain power.
• Disturbing: Few things are as disturbing as a
being made entirely of fire or electricity. This
flaw is a natural fit, especially if your Energy
Being has only his energy form, and cannot easi-
ly pose as a normal human being.
Feats: Attack Focus ( choose attack ), Immunity
( chosen energy type ), Improved Initiative, Point
Blank Shot, Rapid Shot.
Powers and Devices: Alternate Form ( Energy )
+10 [ Flaws: Permanent, Cost: 4pp, Total: 40pp ].
In addition, the Energy Being may take any of the
powers ( provided that the total cost does not
exceed 20pp ).
• Susceptible: Some Energy Beings can be dam-
aged by things that do not normally damage peo-
ple. For example, a being made of darkness
might be damaged by sunlight, while a being
made of electricity might take damage from
water. The trick is simply to match up your
Energy Being's type to something that would
logically cause damage.
1. Amazing Save (any) +10 [Cost: 1pp, Total:
2. Blending +10 [Cost: 1pp, Total: 10pp]
• Vulnerable: Similar to the Susceptible Weakness,
a Vulnerable character takes extra damage from
something that already damages people under
normal circumstances. For example, a cold-
based Energy Being might take extra damage
from fire, while a fire-based Energy Being might
take extra damage from cold-based attacks.
3. Dazzle +10 [Cost: 2pp, Total: 20pp]
4. Electromagnetic Pulse +5 [Cost: 2pp, Total:
10pp, see Power Corrupts page 11]
5. Energy Control +10 [Cost: 2pp, Total: 20pp]
6. Invisibility +10 [Cost: 2pp, Total: 20pp]
Ability Scores: The ability scores above provide a
good spread of strengths with few weaknesses, and
they make an Energy Being decidedly difficult to kill
( especially when his incorporeality is factored in ).
They could, however, be easily swapped around. It
makes just as much sense, for example, to put that 20
in Dexterity or Strength, putting either the 14 or 16
in Constitution instead.
Example Energy
Being: Seraph
Skills: The core concept of the Energy Being does
not require the use of many skills, nor does it real-
ly imply it. However, this is not to say that some
skills might not compliment such a character, or
help to flesh him out somewhat. Concentration
was chosen because of its direct relation to the use
of powers in stressful situations, but virtually any
skill or set of skills ( at lower ranks, of course )
could be substituted.
Miguel Sanchez was a part of two different worlds:
the world of science, and the world of religion. He
had been raised Catholic, and his faith had been a
large part of his life for as long as he could remem-
ber. He had never taken the existence of God as any-
thing but pure and indisputable fact. He was sur-
prised, however, at how many of his friends and col-
leagues did not share his views.
Weaknesses: An Energy Being can have virtually
any Weakness desired, but there are some that are
more appropriate than others. Each Weakness taken
provides a one-time bonus of 10pp, which can be
spent on anything you desire. Ability score points
can be bought for 1pp each, to a maximum score of
20. The Energy Being's default Base Attack Bonus
is +7, and can be increased to a maximum of +10.
On the other hand, default Base Defense Bonus is
already +10, and cannot be increased any further
( though it can be decreased for 2pp per rank ). Skills
can be bought for 1pp per rank, with a maximum
rank of 13. Feats can be purchased for 2pp each.
Some example Weaknesses are provided below:
Feats: Many of the feats listed above make the
assumption that an Energy Being will have a
ranged attack ( such as the Energy Blast attack that
comes bundled with the Alternate Form [Energy]
power ). However, a melee-centric Energy Being
would be perfectly justified in swapping out feats
like Point Blank Shot and Rapid Shot for feats like
Power Attack or Rapid Strike, or even Improved
Miguel was a scientist by trade, researching ways to
harness the power of light. He and his team were
developing new ways to harness solar energy, as well
as ways to gather reflected solar light during the
night hours. While Miguel never had to rationalize
his religious views with his scientific views, many of
his colleagues did not understand how he could
maintain such pure faith in the face of so much con-
tradictory scientific evidence. As Miguel saw it, any-
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Devil’s Workshop
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thing was possible if you believed that God was
omnipotent. Science could never disprove the exis-
tence of God, because God had created science just
as He had created everything else. Still, while his
views often endeared him to his colleagues, they
sometimes harmed his credibility with those who
provided funds for his research.
other choice, when killing an enemy would benefit
the greater good more than trying in vain to redeem
Artwork: Tony Perna
Mutants & Masterminds, M&M Superlink, Green
Ronin and the M&M Superlink logo are
Trademarks of Green Ronin Publishing and are
used with permission.
Powers and Tactics: Seraph usually attacks with his
Confession Burn power first, attempting to show his
enemies what they have done wrong and punish them
for it without injuring them seriously. He prefers to
stay out of melee, using Flight to do so, and he uses
his Energy Blast only as a last resort, because he
knows that the searing light with which he can attack
does cause serious injuries and can kill.
Power Points are Product Identity of Green Ronin
Publishing and are used with permission.
One night, eager to prove that he could accomplish
what he had set out to do, Miguel stayed late at the
laboratory, trying to perfect his new solar battery. He
worked tirelessly through the night, until something .
. . happened. Many people thought it was an acci-
dent, likely due to Miguel's lack of sleep. Miguel,
however, saw it in an entirely different light. To
Miguel, it was a visitation from the Divine. One
minute, he was working toward a goal he wasn't even
sure was possible. The next, he was surrounded by
light, being bathed in its warmth. The solar battery
had exploded, releasing radiant energy everywhere.
The explosion destroyed Miguel's physical body,
completely vaporizing it, but his consciousness
remained. He became a part of the light, and he
found that he could control it as if it were his own
body. He was now a being of pure energy, of pure
All text on all pages is Open Game Content as
defined by the Open Gaming License. See page 4
for more information.
Appearance: Seraph looks like a humanoid being
composed of pure light, with great wings that spread
out from his shoulders. He has no discernable fea-
tures, but he can form a face when he needs to, in
order to communicate with others without unnerving
them too much. He is heroic in his proportions,
standing a full seven feet tall.
Campaign Use: Seraph can be either ally or enemy,
depending on the outlook of the party, though he is
most suited to being an ally. Because Seraph only
attacks those who he believes have sinned against
God, it might be difficult to use him as a villain or
foil against the heroes, unless of course they are
somewhat less than heroic.
Miguel was fundamentally changed that night, not
just in his form, but in his devotion. This was a clear
sign that God had a greater purpose for him. He had
become an angelic being, a being of radiant energy,
and he decided that he would devote the rest of his
life to doing God's will on Earth. From that moment
forward, Miguel Sanchez was changed; he was now
the being known as Seraph.
Seraph: PL 10; Init +6 ( +2 Dex, +4 Improved
Initiative ); Defense 22 ( 20 flat-footed ); Spd 30 ft;
Atk +9 ranged ( 10L, Energy Blast ); SV Dmg +2,
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; Str 10, Dex 14, Con 14, Int
12, Wis 20, Cha 16.
Skills: Concentration +4, Knowledge ( religion ) +9,
Science ( physics ) +9.
Quote: "You cannot hide from the light of God,
Feats: Immunity ( fire ), Improved Initiative, Point
Blank Shot, Skill Focus ( Knowledge [religion] ), Skill
Focus ( Science [physics] ).
Personality: Seraph is completely devoted to his
cause. He is an enemy to all those who prey upon
others, but he does not seek to hurt or kill those he
hunts; instead, his purpose is to redeem them. He
attempts to show them the error of their ways, to
bring them over to the side of the light. He dislikes
simple violence, and he kills only when he has no
Powers: Alternate Form ( Energy/Light ) +10 [ Flaws:
Permanent, Cost: 4pp, Total: 40pp ], Confession
Burn ( Stun Damage ) +10 [ Cost: 3pp, Total: 30pp,
see Power Corrupts page 7 ].
Weakness: Vulnerable ( cold damage ).
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of
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Mutants & Masterminds RPG, Copyright 2002, Green
Ronin Publishing; Author Steve Kenson
Archetype: Energy Being Copyright 2004, Louis Porter
Jr. Design, Inc.
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