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Seed of Destruction
A Mutants & Masterminds Adventure • by Steve Kenson
A new evil grows deep in the heart of Freedom City!
The vegetative villain known as the Green Man has
turned the forces of nature against the city itself and
only Our Heroes stand between him and domination of
the natural world.
Seed of Destruction is an adventure for the Mutants &
Masterminds Superhero RPG. It is intended for a group
of 4-6 power level 10 heroes, although the Gamemaster
can scale the adventure to make it suitable for higher or
lower level heroes by increasing or decreasing the
power levels of the villains as appropriate (generally by
approximately the same amount as the heroes).
The adventure is set in Freedom City (described in
the Freedom City campaign sourcebook available from
Green Ronin Publishing). Although the Freedom City
book is recommended for running this adventure, it is
not required. All the necessary material is included here
and in the Mutants & Masterminds core rulebook.
Calling the Freedom League...
If you’re using the Freedom City setting, you or your
players might wonder where the rest of its heroes are
during this crisis. If you like, you can decide that the
Green Man trapped all the members of the Freedom
League individually (even though he was only after Dr.
Metropolis). The rest of the League is imprisoned (in
suspended animation) deep in the Wharton State Forest
( Freedom City , p. 68). They’re freed only when the Green
Man is defeated.
Alternately, the Green Man may have arranged a
false trail of clues to lead the Freedom League off on a
wild goose chase as they search for the missing Dr.
Metropolis. While this adventure takes place, the League
is deep in the Amazon Jungle, dealing with the Green
Man’s deathtraps.
Of course, if the heroes are the Freedom League,
then they may be the ones looking for Dr. Metropolis
when the Green Man makes his move. It’s up to them to
realize the two events are connected.
Freedom City’s other heroes, such as the Atom
Family and the Next-Gen, can be off handling cases of
their own, or trying to keep the rioting plants under
control while the player characters confront the Green
Man and his Brides. Once things start happening, there’s
more than enough chaos and confusion in the city to
keep several teams of heroes scrambling to keep up!
Adventure Summary
The Green Man ( Freedom City , p. 160) is a former
botanist who transformed himself into an intelligent
plant with power over the vegetable kingdom. He is
obsessed with “protecting” the natural world from
human civilization, generally by leading a “green
revolution” and conquering humanity.
One of the Green Man’s most implacable foes has
been Dr. Metropolis ( Freedom City , p. 106), an “urban
spirit” and the living embodiment of Freedom City. Dr.
Metropolis represents everything the Green Man
despises about civilization. However, he also represents
an opportunity the Green Man has now realized.
The Green Man created a “meta-seed” using his
powers and scientific knowledge. Luring Dr. Metropolis
into a trap, the villain has “planted” the meta-seed in the
hero’s body, allowing him to tap into Dr. Metropolis’
power. The Green Man is now more powerful than
ever, and can extend his domination over the natural
world to vastly speed up the processes of plant life
reclaiming the land that was “stolen” from it to create
cities, starting with Freedom City!
Scene One: Trouble Sprouts
In this scene, the heroes see the first signs of the Green
Man’s expanded power as his plant minions strike
Freedom City. Read the following aloud to the players:
It’s a pleasant day in downtown Freedom City and you
are on the steps of City Hall, where Mayor O’Connor is
preparing to recognize your contributions to the city. A
podium is set up on the steps where the Mayor and a
number of VIPs are gathered while at the foot of the
steps stand various reporters and cameramen. Beyond
them are a crowd of onlookers and well-wishers, kept
at a distance by officers of the Freedom City Police
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Animated Vines: Large plants; Power Level 6;
Initiative +0; Defense 12 (+2 base, +1 Dex, -1 size, 11
flat-footed); Speed 0 (rooted); Attack +10 melee (+10
stun, slam or grab), +15 grapple; Saves Damage +5
(Protection +6), Fortitude +5, Reflex +1, Will —; Str 20,
Dex 12, Con 20, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2. Powers: Elasticity
+6 [Protection], Growth +5 [Continuous, Permanent].
The crowd begins to fall silent as the Mayor
approaches the podium and prepares to speak.
Suddenly, a rumbling breaks the silence as a tremor
shakes the ground. Then the pavement bursts upward as
one, two giant vines erupt from the ground. Several
others quickly follow them. Like the giant tentacles of
some subterranean beast, the vines thrash and flail. One
reaches out toward the Mayor while others grab City
Hall pillars, people from the crowd, or simply smash
into parked cars or anything else in their path!
Spreading Seeds
Once the heroes have handled the immediate threat in
their area, they discover similar things are happening all
over Freedom City: monstrous vines are bursting up
from beneath streets and basements. Ivy and creepers
are growing at incredible speeds up the sides of
buildings. Kelp and seaweed is choking off Great Bay and
even grappling ships, trying to drag them underwater.
The plant kingdom is in revolt against the city and its
If the heroes want, allow them to try and deal with
some of the other crises around the city. You can
extend the adventure by providing a few other
encounters with animated plants (use the abilities of the
vines as a guideline): saving a ship from giant animated
kelp, evacuating a building being undermined by fast-
growing ivy, and so forth. You can also point out how
other Freedom City heroes are responding to the crisis,
with more than enough emergencies to keep everyone
busy (in case players are wondering where, say, the
Freedom League or Atom Family is during all this).
Adjust the introduction to suit the heroes’ group. If
they’re entirely new, then they might meet for the first
time when this crisis erupts (especially since the
Freedom League is mysteriously absent). If they’re not
likely to receive accolades from the Mayor, they might
be on-hand for a meeting with Police Commissioner
Barbara Kane or FC District Attorney Daniel Durgan.
For a real alternate kick-off, maybe the “heroes” are
actually super- criminals on their way to arraignment at
the courthouse. When the vines crack open the van
they’re in, they have a chance to help out. If they save
the city from the Green Man, they might get a
suspended sentence and “community service” as
Whatever the case, the heroes should be on-hand
when the first of the Green Man’s plant minions begin
attacking the city. They have a chance to intervene and
try to contain the damage.
Have the players make Listen checks (DC 15) to
avoid being surprised by the vines as they burst up out
of the street. Those that succeed can act normally
during the surprise round. If none of the heroes
succeed, then the vines all get a half action before the
heroes get to go. Use this to further complicate
matters: having vines grab the Mayor and a few other
people, send cars flying into crowds, or cracking the
support pillars of the City Hall facade.
Once the heroes spring into action, the vines begin
focusing on them, especially once the heroes start
inflicting some damage. The giant vines are essentially
mindless, but driven by the Green Man’s vastly
expanded awareness. They don’t have much in the way
of tactics, just flailing away or trying to grapple and
crush the heroes. A vine might try and use a car or
chunk of masonry as a weapon, but that’s about it.
This encounter is intended largely as a “warm up”
for the heroes. The vines shouldn’t be too challenging,
and the heroes should be able to deal with them in fairly
short order. Run the battle as long as it’s interesting. If
the heroes seem to be cleaning up the vines a little too
quickly, you can have some others sprout up. If they’re
having trouble, they can get some help from the police
officers at the scene, from the STAR Squad ( Freedom
City , p. 40) or from one of Freedom City’s other heroes.
Scene Two: Brides of the Green
Eventually, the heroes should realize they’re fighting a
losing battle against the encroaching plant life and start
looking for the source of the problem. Once they do,
read (or paraphrase) the following:
All variety of plant life grows riot across Freedom City.
Animated vines and creepers dig into building
foundations, crack walls, and split support pillars.
Mosses and lichen cover the streets while thick roots
and sprouting grasses buckled the sidewalks.
Most prominent is the growth in Liberty Park in the
midst of the city. The formerly pleasant swath of green
has become a primeval forest, with trees towering up
above the nearby buildings. A thick canopy of foliage
spreads overhead while the trees’ massive roots have
begun digging up 52nd street and the other areas
surrounding the park.
It shouldn’t take long for the heroes to figure out
Liberty Park is at the center of the plant growth or for
them to investigate. When they do, the Green Man has
his three “brides” intercept the heroes. He needs a few
moments to finish drawing upon the power of the meta-
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seed, since the massive surge of power triggering the
sudden plant growth has momentarily drained him.
When the heroes approach, Maxima, Flora, and
Venus Man-Trap emerge from the heavy woods to
confront them. They tell the heroes they are forbidden
to enter the sanctum of their lord and master, the
savior of the natural world. The ladies are happy to
bandy words with the heroes (since it’s their job to
delay them, after all). If the heroes are defiant, or try to
get past them, then they attack. Any effort to convince
the Brides what the Green Man is doing is wrong is
doomed to failure; the three are utterly devoted to him
and the cause of “saving” the plant kingdom from
Description: Flora is a true “flower child:” she has long,
flowing blonde hair with greenish highlights and vividly
green eyes. She wears a flowing gown of flower petals
and a crown of living flowers. She is the most innocent
and naive of the Brides, although still willing to do
whatever her master the Green Man wishes. She
typically attacks by blowing a handful of dusty pollen at
an opponent.
Maxima: Power Level 9; Initiative +1; Defense 19 (+8
base, +1 Dex, 18 flat-footed or large size, 17 huge size);
Speed 30 ft.; Attack +9 melee (+12 stun, punch); Saves
Damage +5 (Protection +9), Fortitude +7, Reflex +1,
Will +0; Str 17, Dex 13, Con 20, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 13.
Skills: Climb +7, Intimidate +8, Search +4, Spot +4,
Survival +4.
Pulling Weeds
Odds are the heroes outnumber the Brides and exceed
them in power, so they should be able to win the fight
without too much trouble. This is a good place to spend
Villain Points to help keep the fight interesting and
prevent the heroes from defeating the villainesses too
Spend Villain Points to help the Brides if they miss
an initial Damage saving throw or two. You can also
spend them on innovative power stunts and tactics.
Flora can come up with some other attack effects (such
as Drain or Paralysis) or apply the Area extra to her
pollen effects, Maxima can use Super-Strength extras,
and Venus may add extras or stunts to her Plant
Control. The Brides target the heroes’ weak points and
they work well together, supporting each others’
attacks. If they need to flee, Flora teleports them to the
Green Man’s side in the depths of Liberty Park (allowing
you to have the Brides on-hand for the final
confrontation with the master villain, if you want).
If the Brides manage to defeat the heroes, pick up
with Captured! Otherwise, move on to The Heart
of Darkness .
Feats: Durability, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunity
(starvation), Power Attack, Rapid Healing, Stunning
Powers (all mutations ): Growth +9.
Description: Maxima has short brown hair, brown eyes,
and an athletic build. She wears a green one-piece
covering her torso over a brown body stocking, with
short green gloves and boots. Twining vines decorate
the green portions of her costume while her face and
head are bare and unmasked.
Venus Man-Trap: Power Level 9; Initiative +4;
Defense 21 (+7 base, +4 Dex, 17 flat-footed); Speed 30
ft.; Attack +7 melee (+1 stun, punch), +10 ranged (+9L,
plant control); Saves Damage +4 (Evasion +9), Fortitude
+4, Reflex +9, Will +7; Str 13, Dex 18, Con 18, Int 13,
Wis 15, Cha 17.
Skills: Bluff +8, Intimidate +8, Listen +6, Science (Botany)
+5, Sense Motive +6, Spot +6.
Feats: Attractive, Endurance, Evasion, Immunity
(starvation), Power Immunity, Rapid Healing.
Flora: Power Level 9; Initiative +3 (Dex); Defense 21
(+7 base, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge, 17 flat-footed); Speed 30
ft.; Attack +6 melee (+0 stun, punch), +9 ranged
(power); Saves Damage +3 (Evasion +9), Fortitude +7,
Reflex +9, Will +6; Str 10, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 10, Wis
14, Cha 14.
Powers (all mutations ): Amazing Save +5 [Reflex, Will],
Plant Control +9 [ Effects: Damage (thorns or
carnivorous plants), Snare].
Description: Venus Man-Trap wears dark green leather,
fishnet stockings, and chains crossing her chest and
wrapped around her waist. Her hair is vivid green and
flows almost to the small of her back. She accents it
with deep green lipstick and eye shadow.
Skills: Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Listen +5, Spot +5,
Survival +5.
Feats: Attractive, Dodge, Endurance, Evasion, Immunity
(starvation), Lightning Reflexes, Power Immunity.
Scene Three: Heart of Darkness
After the heroes defeat or drive off the Brides of the
Green, they can enter the primeval forest Liberty Park
has become. Read the following to the players:
Powers (all mutations ) : Amazing Save +4 [Fortitude,
Reflex, Will], Pollen +9 [ Effects: Dazzle (sight), Mind
Control (Pheromones), Stun, Suffocate], Teleportation
+6 [Extended Teleport, Passengers; Effect: Subjects
vanish in a shower of petals].
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The Green Man (enhanced by the meta-seed):
Power Level 20; Initiative +5 (+1 Dex, +4 Imp.
Initiative); Defense 17 (+6 base, +1 Dex, 16 flat-footed);
Speed 30 ft.; Attack +12 melee (+13 stun, punch), +10
ranged (snare); Saves Damage +4 (Protection +15),
Fortitude +14, Reflex +1, Will +2 (Mental Protection
+15); Str 16, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 13.
Within moments of stepping into the forest, you’ve lost
sight of Freedom City altogether. An eerie silence hangs
over the green twilight in the park: no traffic noise, no
urban hum, not even the sounds of woodland creatures
or birds. There is nothing but silence. The air is heavy
with moisture and the scent of living plants. Thick trees
create a leafy canopy filtering out the sun, casting
greenish shadows over the thick bed of grasses,
creepers, and spongy moss covering the ground. Of the
old trails, fences, and other artifacts of humanity there
are no signs, as if the forest simply swallowed them
In the depths of the foliage, a low hill rises amidst a
small clearing. On top of it is a palace of living wood:
trunks and branches intertwined to create a palisade
wall, with a natural gateway in between two of the
trees. Within is a kind of courtyard carpeted in soft
grass, surrounded by high trees. In its midst is the most
massive tree you’ve seen yet, towering above the rest.
The front of its gnarled trunk and roots are shaped into
a throne-like chair, where sits a figure of leaf and bark
who blends into the surroundings so he nearly
“Welcome,” he says in a voice like creaking
branches. “Welcome to my domain... I am the Green
Man... the new king of this world. What you have seen
in this city is just a sample of the power that is now
mine. I am now the supreme power in this city. You may
serve the green world as its protectors... or as fertilizer.
The choice is yours.”
Skills: Science (botany) +10, Spot +5.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Minions.
Powers (all alien ) : Amazing Save (Fortitude) +10, Plant
Control +16 [Plant Elementals, Plant Sense, Plant Stride,
Pollen Cloud (all stunts), Regeneration; Stunts: Immunity
(critical hits, suffocation), Photosynthesis], Protection
+15 [Mental Protection], Super-Strength +10
Note: For the Green Man’s normal abilities and
background, see Freedom City , pp. 160-161.
Giant Animated Trees: Power Level 5* (minions);
Initiative +0; Defense 11 (+2 base, -1 size); Speed 30 ft.;
Attack +8 melee (+13 stun, slam); Saves Damage +5
(Protection +8), Fortitude +7, Reflex +0, Will —; Str 20,
Dex 10, Con 20, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2.
Feats: Endurance, Great Fortitude, Immunity (starvation,
Powers: Growth +8 [Permanent].
* The trees exceed the power level limits in some areas
due to the Green Man’s meta-seed enhanced powers.
The Green Man is quite drunk on his newfound power.
He’s certain the heroes pose no threat to him (and he’s
right, to a degree). If allowed the opportunity, the
Green Man launches into a speech about how he has
claimed his rightful place as the savior of the natural
world, and how Freedom City is just the beginning of his
plans. Soon, the plant kingdom will rise up in revolt
against the animals enslaving and torturing it, and his
vegetable followers will restore the world to its rightful
natural balance. The works of humanity will be swept
away, the slate wiped clean once more!
The Green Man offers the heroes the opportunity
to join his crusade, hinting at promises of greater power
and understanding. If they refuse, he rises to his full
height and commands the trees of the forest to destroy
them as an example to the rest of the world. If the
heroes appear interested or try bluffing him, the Green
Man tells them of how he can transform them to survive
in the world to come. Go on to Captured! to get an
idea of how. The heroes might be able to lull the Green
Man enough to figure out what’s going on and surprise
him (have them make Bluff checks against the Green
Man’s Sense Motive check result, rolled untrained with a
+2 bonus).
In his current state, the Green Man is a significant
threat. Among other things, his Protection rank makes
him virtually immune to most attacks, and his
Regeneration allows him to recover quickly for any
attacks that do actually damage him. He’s superhumanly
strong and capable of rooting to the ground, making him
difficult to move. Critical hits inflict no additional
damage on him, so it takes a fairly major Power Attack
(or something similar) to overcome his defenses.
The Green Man also has a virtually unlimited
number of animated trees at his command. For every
one the heroes fell, another steps in to take its place.
Remember, Liberty Park is filled with trees, and they’re
spreading out into the rest of Freedom City. You don’t
need to bother keeping track of the Green Man’s
minions; in this adventure, they’re practically limitless.
Of course, overcoming the Green Man through
brute force isn’t the point, although it may take the
players a few failed attempts to realize this. Feel free to
have the Green Man simply laugh off their attacks,
proclaiming his own invincibility and telling the heroes
they’ll never defeat him. He counters any attacks by
trapping heroes in tangles of vines and small tress,
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bringing larger trees to life to attack them, and spraying
clouds of choking pollen. As an additional benefit of the
meta-seed, you can allow the Green Man to use extra
effort a few times without fatigue, doing things like
adding the Area extra to one of his attacks, or acquiring
some other extra or stunt useful against a particular
There are basically two outcomes to the encounter
with the empowered Green Man: either the heroes are
defeated and captured, or they figure out the source of
the Green Man’s power and try to free Dr. Metropolis
from the villain’s clutches.
• Using extra effort and/or Hero Points to overcome
the draining effect of the plants, then use powers like
Super-Strength or Energy Blast to break free.
• Exerting extra effort for a power like Teleportation or
Incorporeal to escape from the trees and attempting to
free the others.
• Using extra effort or Hero Points to expend more
energy and overload the plants so they let the heroes
• Mystically influencing or interfacing with the plant
kingdom to convince it to aid the heroes against the
Green Man. Alternately, heroes might somehow tap into
the “urban power” of Dr. Metropolis and use it to aid
If the Green Man or his Brides defeat the heroes in
combat, the vegetative villain has a particular fate in
store for them. Read the following aloud to the players:
• Finding a way to free Dr. Metropolis also frees the
heroes if they’re not already (see Freeing Dr.
Metropolis ).
You awaken slowly in a green twilight. With a start, you
realize your hands and feet are securely bound. Your
back is pressed against the massive trunk of a tree, your
limbs wrapped in its thick branches. Tendrils of creeper
grow all over you, as if you have been hanging here for
days or weeks. You feel weak and tired, listlessness
seems to creep over you. It would be so easy to just slip
back into the comforting darkness of unconsciousness...
“Ah, awake again,” a voice says. “Don’t worry, it
won’t be for long...”
Whatever plan the players come up with, you can have
them roll dice, but you’re better off to roll in secret,
asking the players for some extra effort or Hero Point
expenditure. Then just have the plan work if it’s
plausible, and the heroes get another shot at figuring out
how to overcome the Green Man.
Freeing Dr. Metropolis
The key to defeating the empowered Green Man lies in
the heart of the giant tree at the center of his new
domain. Dr. Metropolis’ inert body is encapsulated
inside the wood, paralyzed and weakened by the meta-
seed embedded in his chest and extending root-like
tendrils all across his gray concrete body.
The heroes can uncover Metropolis’ location in
various ways: using super-senses like Detect, ESP, or
Penetration Vision, by trying to trace the Green Man’s
new energy source (using various powers or devices),
or by using extra effort to acquire the necessary extra
or power stunt to track down the captured hero.
Clever players may trick the Green Man into telling
them the source of his power. A successful Bluff check
against the villain’s Sense Motive result causes him to
morph open the tree trunk, revealing Dr. Metropolis.
The Green Man gloats how he has turned “this
unnatural abomination into a weapon that will help me
destroy these blights on the land.”
As a last resort, you can have a stray attack, like an
energy blast that misses the Green Man, strike the tree.
The attack blasts away part of the trunk, revealing Dr.
Metropolis’ presence.
Once the heroes have found Dr. Metropolis, they
need to free him from the grip of the meta-seed.
Getting the elemental hero free of the tree trunk is the
easy part; the wood is hardness 5, and three successful
The captured heroes are each bound to one of the great
trees in the depths of Liberty Park. When they awaken,
the Green Man gladly explains to them how the trees
are leeching off both their powers and their life-force.
They are being absorbed into the trees and, when the
process is complete, they will be transformed into plant-
hybrids, the first of a new species to live in harmony
with the natural world.
The Green Man tells them the process shouldn’t
take long and they’re best off to not resist it. He then
leaves to continue his conquest of Freedom City, leaving
the heroes to their inevitable fate.
The heroes can escape from the Green Man’s
metamorphosis trap in various ways. Feel free to allow
the players to come up with their own escape plan,
using the information here as a guideline. The point isn’t
to transform the heroes and end your game, but to
create tension, since the players have no idea how long
the process will take. Make liberal use of extra effort
and Hero Points in implementing the heroes’ plans.
Some things they can try include:
• Using Plant Control or similar powers to get the trees
to release them. Perhaps the hero actually has to
converse with the collective awareness of the trees to
convince them what the Green Man is doing is wrong.
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