Mutants & Masterminds Superman.pdf

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“It's really very simple. In this
world, there is right and there is
wrong ... and that distinction is
not difficult to make”
Power Level: 37 Concept: The Man of Steel Occupation: Journalist, Novelist
Atk Bonus
Atk Bonus
Bluff (Cha) +8, Diplomacy (Cha) +9, Disable Device (Int) +5, Disguise (Cha)
+8, Gather Information (Cha) +8, Language 4, Knowledge – Geography (Int)
+7, Profession – Journalist (Wis) +9, Sense Motive (Wis) +9, Listen (Wis)
+7, Spot (Wis) +8;
Dmg Bonus
+15/+16 S/L
Aerial combat, Accurate Attack, Connected, Darkvision, Detect
(electromagnetic energy), Durability, Endurance, Fame, Heroic Surge,
Identity Change (clothes to Clark Kent), Inspire, Indomitable Will,
Leadership, Move by Attack, Penetrating vision (ineffective against lead),
Penetrating Attack (Super Strength), Power Attack, Take the Fall,
Fists and Eyes
Real Name: Clark Kent (real name is Kal-El)
Height: 6’ 3”
Weight: 225 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black
Birthplace: Krypton (though grew up in Smallville)
Group Affiliation: Justice League of America (J.L.A)
Headquarters: Metropolis
Relatives: Jonathon and Martha Kent (adopted parents), Jor-
El (father, deceased), Lara (Mother, deceased), Lois Lane (wife)
Other Aliases: None
Marital Status: Married
First Appeared: ACTION COMICS #1
Flat Footed
Super Strength +13: Superman has tremendous strength, adding his rank to all Damage with melee
attacks, all Strength based skill checks and Strength checks. Each rank also doubles his carrying
capacity, he currently has 4,096 times his normal carrying capacity (around 400 tons!), he can through
the use of a hero point lift even greater amounts up to x32,768 his normal carrying capacity.
Superman is also incredibly resilient; allowing him to reduce any damage taken before he makes a
Damage save is made by his Super Strength’s power rank.
Due to his Strength Superman can also leap 5 times his power rank in feet from a standing jump. Takes
no damage from normal jumps or from falls of less than this distance, provided he can take a free action
to brace himself. As a full action the Superman can jump 4 times his usual jump distance in a single
bound. Superman can also strike the ground, creating a powerful shockwave that radiates out from you
in all directions a number of feet equal to five times your Str bonus. Make a Strength check. Anyone
within the area of your shockwave must make a Dexterity or Strength check (whichever has the better
modifier) against the result of your Strength check, just like a trip attack (see p. 135). A defender
fails the check is prone, just as if you’d tripped him. Inanimate objects make Damage saves against the
Conceived on the doomed planet Krypton, scientist Jor-El had
his unborn son Kal-El, still within his birthing matrix, placed on a
hyperlight drive rocket. Then with his wife Lara, Jor-El
watched the ship's launch as a simmering nuclear chain reaction
tore the planet apart. Jor-El targeted his son's rocket to reach
the planet Earth through hyperspace, where Jor-El hoped his
son would find a good life.
The tiny rocket was found by a Kansas farming couple, Jonathan
and Martha Kent. They found the infant within the rocket and,
being childless, Martha persuaded Jonathan that they should
adopt him. Named Clark Kent, the child grew up in Smallville,
Kansas never knowing how his parents found him.
The Kents began realizing Clark's special abilities at age 8 when
he was unhurt after being trampled by a bull. Clark
demonstrated more abilities as he grew, even being able to fly
at age 17.
The following year, after using his abilities to excel in a football
game, Jonathan Kent revealed the remains of the rocket and
how his adoptive parents had found him. Clark now understood
his special powers came with responsibilities.
Transformation (Yellow Sun): When under the prolonged exposure to the radiation of a yellow
sun, he is imbued with his Super Powers. When he is denied exposure to a yellow sun for
prolonged periods of time he loses all his super powers and is effectively just a normal human.
Vulnerable and Susceptible (Kryptonite): When exposed the the green glowing stone known as
Kal-El is a hero in the truest sense of the word, he is brave, resourceful, selfless, honest and
willing to go to any lengths to protect those he cares about or has sworn to protect. He is the
truest embodiment of Truth, Justice and the American way.
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That night, Clark revealed his secret to his closest friend, Lana
Lang. He also told her he would be leaving Smallville the
following day. Thus at age 18, Clark Kent began to travel around
the world to learn about his powers, become better educated,
and secretly help people. Places he went to include India, the
High Sierras, China, Bangkok, and Sudan.
After about four years Clark enrolled in the University of
Metropolis and majored in journalism. Seven years after leaving
Smallville, Clark witnessed an experimental NASA space plane
about to crash. He saved the plane and there first met Daily
Planet reporter Lois Lane. It was Lois' newspaper account of
the rescue that gave Clark the superhero name of Superman.
Although Clark managed to hide his identity during that
incident, he realized he must adopt a superhero identity if he
was to continue a public career of superheroics. With his
parents' help Clark developed a superhero costume with a
distinctive chest emblem. He also practiced mannerisms and
began wearing glasses to distinguish Clark Kent's appearance
from that of Superman.
Returning to Metropolis, Clark began his superhero career as
Superman, and his journalism career at the Daily Planet by
getting the first exclusive interview with Superman.
Superman's appearance began a new age of heroes, with other
heroes like Batman (Bruce Wayne) in Gotham, Green Lantern
(Hal Jordan) in Coast City, and Flash (Barry Allen) in Central
City appearing.
At age 28, Clark learned about his Kryptonian heritage from an
electro-psionic recording created by Jor-El and stored in
Clark's birthing matrix (i.e. rocketship). Learning of Krypton's
fate, Clark was further determined to protect his adopted
home planet, Earth.
shockwave, just as if you’d struck them, except the damage bonus is –1 per five feet between you and
the object. A shockwave can cause considerable cosmetic damage to an area, a shockwave is likely to
shatter windows and damage nearby parked vehicles.
Superman can exhale a powerful blast of air in a cone with a length equal to twice his strength bonus in
feet and as wide at the far end as long. Make a strength check. Anyone within this area must make a
Dexterity or Strength check (whichever is better) against the result of the Strength check, just like a
trip attack. Victims gain a +1 to the check for every five feet that separates them from him. His super
breath can also blow out fires with a Damage save DC equal to or less than his Strength check total.
Finally by clapping his hands together, superman can create a tremendous blast of air pressure. This is
an area attack extending outwards by 5 feet in a radius centred upon him. Targets within the area can
make a Reflex save DC 10 + Str bonus to halve the damage bonus of the thunderclap. They then make a
normal damage save against the thunderclap, which inflicts stun damage. [Power Stunt Lifting (4);
Extras: Leaping, Protection, Shockwave, Super breath, thunderclap; Flaws: Limited – To utilise lifting
must expend a hero point; Source: Alien; Cost: 5 pp].
Super Speed +18: Superman can move with superhuman speed increasing his base speed by 5 feet per
rank, and increasing his sprint speed to 262,144 times his base speed. He also gains an initiative bonus
equal to his power rank, and gains a dodge bonus to his Defence, and a bonus to his Reflex saves. He
also halves the time it takes to perform routine tasks for each rank.
Superman can strike in such a way that he builds up a shockwave of air in front of his fist, allowing him
to add his power rank to his Strength bonus when determining damage in unarmed combat. When zipping
past targets at superhuman speed hitting them with a sonic boom that affects all within five feet per
power rank with a stun attack at half their power rank unless they make a Reflex save to avoid the
attack. If targets fail they must make a damage save as normal.
Superman can also use his speed to spin at superhuman speed giving him a bonus to avoid Snare and
grappling attacks equal to power rank. Secondly spinning in this way can give him a bonus to his Damage
save equal to power rank. Also while spinning he can drill through materials with a hardness up to his
power rank. He moves at five feet per rank as a half action drilling in this way.
Finally Superman can fly at his superhuman speeds moving at five feet per round as a base speed for
each power rank, twice that as a full round action of x262,144 his base speed as a full round action
(about 2,360,592 mph). [Power Stunt: Flight, Super Flight, Immunity (heat, Pressure), Spinning,
Tunnelling; Extras: Mach One Punch, Sonic Boom; Source: Alien; Cost: 8 pp]
Super Constitution +10: The Superman has phenomenal endurance and stamina adding its power rank
to all Damage and Fortitude saves, resisting physical harm, recovering from damage and Con checks
[Source: Alien; Cost: 4 pp].
Immovability +16: Superman is particularly difficult to move if he doesn’t wish to be. He gains a
bonus equal to his power rank against all attempts to bull rush, trip, or throw him, and subtract his
power rank from an attackers damage bonus before determining how far he is knocked back by an
attack. In order to use his immovability he must be reasonably well braced. [Source: Alien; Cost: 1].
Microscopic Vision +15: Superman is able to use his vision to see extremely small things up close,
effectively magnifying objects examined by 2,048 times, allowing him to see things in extremely close
detail, though not quite to a molecular or atomic level. While using his microscopic vision he cannot use
his normal vision and is effectively blind to things outside the area he is scanning. [Source: Alien; Cost:
Telescopic Vision (Sight & Hearing) +6: Superman can see and hear things at especially long ranges.
As such the normal range increment for Spot and Listen checks for him is 640 feet. This works in
conjunction with his Dark vision, Ultra hearing and Penetration vision feats also. [Extras: Extras Sense
– Hearing; Source: Alien; Cost: 2].
Energy Blast – Heat (eyes) +16: Superman can emit beam of heat from his eyes that can do either
Stun or Lethal damage to attack up to the power rank in damage on a ranged attack roll. These beams
have a range of Normal and are not visible to the naked eye, requiring an appropriate device or detect
ability in order to see it being used.
Superman’s control of these beams is such that he can actually use them to deflect incoming attacks
made directly against or anyone else within power rank x 10 feet of him. He must know the attack is
coming in order to attempt to deflect it and cannot deflect projectiles heavier than his maximum
carrying capacity. To deflect an attack he makes a power check opposed by his opponents attack roll.
Add his Dexterity bonus to his power check. If Superman’s result is higher, he successfully deflects
the attack. He can normally only deflect one attack per round. If he spends the entire round
deflecting, taking no other actions however, he can deflect any number of attacks, but is at –2 to his
Deflection check per attack beyond the first. [Power Stunts: dual Damage; Extras: Subtle (not visible
to naked eye), Deflection, Deflect Other’s; Source: Alien; Cost: 5].
Kruptonite he must roll a d20 with no bonuses, against a DC15 +1
for each exposure (or minute of exposure). If this check fails,
he becomes fatigued, after failing a second time he becomes
exhausted, becoming unconscious after another failed check.
If he fails again beyond that point he is dying.
Vulnerable (Magic): Superman is particularly vulnerable to
magic, and as such against it when making saves to avoid its
affects he can only roll a d20, without any bonuses from stats,
feats, powers etc..
Thanks to his Durability Feat, any lethal damage with a damage bonus equal to or less than Superman’s Damage save bonus is
considered Stun damage instead.
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