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Werewolf Adventure PT 1
Forgotten Lessons
Forgotten Lessons is the first part of a three-part story for
Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Second Edition , designed with four to
six Garou in mind . Part One is followed next issue by Present Dangers,
and Future Shocks in issue #44 (June). You can use all three parts
together, or adapt each to stand on its own.
can to ensure that the powerful Wyrmling awakens with its powers
intact. To this end, the corporation has shifted to building an
industrial complex on land directly above the Wyrm-Walker’s
resting place.
The Waltheford Industrial Park promises to bring many jobs
to nearby Utica. Newspapers have done a bang-up job of letting
everyone in the state know about the new complex and its
Coincidentally, many Uktena and Wendigo with the Past Life
Background have recently had fitful dreams, envisioning an army
of fomori crawling from the
ground. Furthermore, the
local Red Talons have been
more restless than usual.
Even at the Gaia’s Hand
Sept, Garou have grown
uneasy. No one knows why,
but they’re about to find
F orgotten Lessons is a
reminder that only by
understanding and respecting
our past, heritage and history
can we hope to understand our
present and future.
The Story So Far
Forgotten Lessons focuses on the distant past, long before
Europeans came to the Americas. Long ago, Gaia gave the
continent to the least
corrupted of her children.
Thus, the Uktena, the
Wendigo and the Croatan
traveled across the frozen
wastelands of the Bering
Straight and made the
Americas their home.
Although the land had
been cleansed by Gaia during the
Ice Age, many Wyrmlings still
existed there. The Wyrm’s minions
were weakened, though, and
quickly fell before the onslaught of
the Garou. The Garou bound these
creatures into stones and buried
the Wyrmlings in the earth where
they could do no more harm. Powerful rituals were performed year
after year to ensure that the creatures remained dormant. They
were unable to harm the Pure Ones and their Kinfolk.
With time, Europeans came to the Americas, bringing the evil
of the Wyrm with them. After many battles, the Pure Ones were
driven from their lands and forced to the west. Many of the Pure
Ones died, the Croatan were destroyed, and, in some places, the
rituals that held the Wyrm’s monsters dormant were abandoned.
Since that time, Malafaxus the Wyrm-Walker has lain asleep
beneath the earth, slowly regaining power after imprisonment by
the Pure Ones. Now the time has come: Malafaxus has awakened.
The being has been roused by recent construction near its
resting place near Utica, north of New York City. A subsidiary of
Pentex is responsible for the “noisy” construction. The corrupt
corporation has become aware of Malafaxus, and it is doing all it
Forgotten Lessons is about dark, unreasoning fear. Something
from the past, something with a long memory and foul powers, has
returned to haunt the present. Whatever it is, it wants revenge,
and today’s Garou must face that horror.
Tribal Involvement
If any characters are Uktena or Wendigo, getting involved in
this story is fairly easy. Elders of the Uktena tribe have been dealing
with a Wendigo sept on the other side of the U.S./Canadian
border. Considering the gross numbers of Wyrm-bringer Garou that
have infested New York State, this alliance is very necessary.
Both tribes have discovered a common enemy to expedite
their unification: the Waltheford Industrial Park. Development has
begun on the industrial park’s north wing. The construction site is
located on what is believed to be ancient Iroquois burial grounds,
W H I T E W O L F M A G A Z I N E 1
Forgotten Lessons
Part 1 of a 3 Part Story for
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lands held sacred long before the Europeans came and conquered.
(Development of the land has been approved because politicians
under the thumb of Pentex and the Wyrm have dismissed pressure
from historical preservation groups.) The Wendigo and Uktena
want what they believe to be their land back. Even the Red Talons
loathe such afflictions to the world, and they gladly side with the
Wendigo and Uktena to prevent any further construction near
Utica. (Of course, what all these Native American groups and
Garou have forgotten is that a Wyrm creature, not a graveyard of
ancestors, is actually buried there.)
For their part, Glass Walkers have invested a great deal of
money in developing the park, unaware that Pentex is behind the
venture. The Glass Walkers have even promised job opportunities
to Kinfolk of the Bone Gnawers. The Bone Gnawers therefore
stand by the Glass Walkers. Any interference on the part of Native
American tribes certainly catches the Glass Walkers’ attention.
One of the construction companies being used at the
Waltheford complex is the Larson Transport Company. Tor Larson
is Kinfolk to the Get of Fenris. His son, Kurt Larson, belongs to the
Sept of the Sentinel in up-state New York. Kurt is not known for
his patience, especially with people who bother his father. Should
any construction crews be injured, Kurt’s revenge is inevitable.
The Shadow Lords also have several business operations. They
plan to move into the Waltheford Industrial Complex. Indeed, the
Shadow Lords have plans, big plans.
The Silent Striders have no plans or involvement in the area,
but are likely to investigate, if only to discover what all the fuss is
The Children of Gaia support the Uktena and Wendigo, but
refuse to participate in violence— there simply has to be a better
way. They do their best to make everyone behave. Lots of luck.
Scene One: Conflict of Interest
The Native American Coalition for the Preservation of
Sacred Sites (NACPOSS) has decided that recent media coverage
of job opportunities coming to Utica is too good an opportunity to
miss. The group is using the media coverage to give voice to their
protests against the proposed north wing. Uktena or Wendigo
characters may be present at the protest. Participants include
Native Americans, Kinfolk and Garou.
Some protesters have gone so far as to post themselves at the
center of the construction site. They are fully prepared to be
arrested, hoping to stop the destruction of their “sacred grounds.”
A substantial number of the Children of Gaia agree with the
Native Americans, so any characters from that tribe are likely to be
there as well.
All that’s planned is a simple, peaceful demonstration, a “sit-
in” to stop construction and allow NACPOSS leaders to speak.
Thomas Waltheford, actually a Black Spiral Dancer in the employ
of Pentex, is not fond of the idea. Neither are his unwitting Glass
Walker backers. The press has been paid off. No representatives
from any of the major news organizations are present.
Paladin Security is also on the Pentex and Glass Walker
payroll. Guards from this company are being employed to ensure
that construction goes as planned. Paladin Security is owned and
operated by Andrew Harrison, a Shadow Lord of dubious morality.
No one knows Waltheford’s true affiliations.
WhatÕs Really Going On
The Iroquois Six-Nations League knows the land being
developed is sacred and should be protected from exploitation (it’s
believed to be a burial ground). Members fear that the land’s rape
will set a precedent.
What the League doesn’t know is the true reason why the land
is sacred, or more importantly, why it has terrible significance. (It’s
It’s very possible that characters decide to investigate the investors behind the Waltheford Industrial Park. An Intelligence +
Investigation roll, difficulty 8, is required to gather any useful information. With three successes, the names of several
prominent investors are revealed:
Thomas Waltheford— Legal owner of the land, he owns heavy stock in Pentex (through front companies and agents that the
Glass Walkers have failed to research). He also has a strong reputation as an amateur archeologist. In truth, Waltheford is a
Black Spiral Dancer, but characters have to meet him to discover this; no amount of investigation reveals it.
Gerald Withersby— A well-placed investor with ties to several companies, including Pentex (his multiple investments imply
an ignorance of Pentex’s true nature).
Andrew Harrison— Wealthy Shadow Lord with a bad reputation; he is rumored to have mob connections.
Lila Westerly— Wealthy Glass Walker with powerful ties to the Utica City Council.
The Jessica Morrow Foundation— A small investment in the park can be traced to Ms. Jessica Morrow. She is actually a
vampire whose only address is a post office box in Chicago. Unless characters have contacts in Chicago who are knowledge-
able about the city’s vampire population, they have no way of discovering Morrow’s true nature.
O’Tolley’s International Restaurants (a Pentex subsidiary) The chain wants exclusive food service rights to the complex.
O’Tolley’s is one of Pentex’s “top twenty” branch companies and can pique the interest of monkeywrenching Garou.
Burpsi-Cola Corporation
Several small credit unions
Ramses Enterprises (a Pentex subsidiary) Ramses is a publishing house that’s hired to distribute Pentex information. Several
other companies also hire Ramses, so the organization may be assumed to be legit (which it is). However, Ramses is tied to
Vesuvius, Inc., Pentex’s main publishing house.
There are dozens of smaller investors as well. Several of these companies are involved in Pentex operations, but only heavy
research proves such connections. If characters are looking for such ties, require them to make extended rolls; only 10+
successes reveal any connections.
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this significance that inspires the strong feelings of dread that the
Wendigo and Uktena have.) Something rests here that should not
be disturbed. Sadly, as has been proved time and again, the
government (even the segments that have not been touched by the
Wyrm) cares little about the feelings or rights of Native Americans.
Of course, the land actually holds the fetish-bound form of the
Wyrm-Walker. Its time is come, and unless the characters can stop
construction, the creature rises. The Sense Wyrm Gift has no effect
on Malafaxus at this time, as it is completely bound by Uktena
fetishes. These fetishes keep its power completely at bay, but they
also keep its power from being detected.
Unfolding Events
Paladin Security Guards are well-paid, elite members of one of
the finest security forces available. They’re paid to do a job, and
they take their duties seriously. They politely ask protesters to leave
the premises. If unsuccessful, they call in local police. Security
guards only attack if provoked, but defend themselves from any
threat. Guards do their very best to “gently remove trespassers from
the property.” They fully expect to have a fight on their hands.
If the police are summoned, they will arrive within 10 minutes
and begin arresting anyone who does not belong on the construc-
tion site. Thomas Waltheford, the Black Spiral organizing
construction on Pentex’s behalf, presses charges against the
trespassers. In order to legally remove themselves from Utica’s jail,
characters have to arrange a $1,000 bond. If there is conflict at the
construction site, the bond may be as high as $10,000. The greatest
problem facing Garou in this scene is that most of them have no
legal leg to stand on. In the eyes of the law, they have no right to
interfere with construction.
Characters found guilty of trespassing or assault face fines or
jail time.
In the event that one or more characters is Wendigo, Uktena
or a Child of Gaia, her people hear of the protest (and any
resulting struggle). Rest assured, if the Uktena and Wendigo tribes’
Kinfolk are assaulted, other members of the tribe come running. As
soon as either of these tribes becomes involved, the Get of Fenris,
Shadow Lords, Bone Gnawers and Glass Walkers also become
involved (see Tribal Involvement, above). In other words, consider
multi-tribe involvement unavoidable.
bundle is uncovered. It’s wrapped in worn (but, miraculously, still
whole) bear hides. This unusual package holds the mortal remains
of Malafaxus.
Have the members of the pack been watching the site? If not,
they’ll be sorry.
WhatÕs Really Going On
Every morning, guards have driven away members of
NAPCOSS. They have warned them that stiffer penalties will be
meted if the trespassers are ever found on private property again.
The press is still not responding to NAPCOSS’ pleas— news in
other places has distracted them.
With digging underway and the Wyrm-Walker’s remains
uncovered, Thomas Waltheford’s plans are about to reach fruition.
Something definitely seems afoot. For the first time since this
entire mess began, the man that legally owns the land arrives at the
construction site. As soon as the bundle is lifted from the ground,
Waltheford has it placed in the back of his pickup truck, and a
Paladin guard joins him for the ride.
If the pack has been watching the construction site, characters
have a chance to stop Waltheford, provided they haven’t been
driven away by Paladin Security guards and the local police (with
additional encounters staged by you, depending on how adventur-
ous characters are in their surveillance).
If the pack is present and attempts to stop Waltheford, he flees
instead of fighting. He also calls on his Paladin guards to handle
the dirty work while he escapes. The guards do all they can to stop
the pack, using lethal force to defend themselves, if necessary. If
the characters track Waltheford after he’s left the construction site,
they find the remains of his truck, but not the man himself. They
Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Drive 2, Firearms 3,
Intimidation 2, Investigation 2, Law 2, Melee 2, Streetwise 2
Backgrounds: Allies 5
Willpower 7
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, Incapacitated
Equipment: .357 Magnum, baton, flak vest, really cool mirror
shades. The “really cool” shades are actually fetishes (Level 1,
Gnosis 3). Guards wearing these shades are immune to the
Delirium. If the glasses are knocked off, guards are vulnerable to
the Delirium.
Scene Two: The Awakening
Several days pass, and despite the best efforts of NACPOSS,
construction proceeds as planned. On the fifth day of work, a large
4 W H I T E W O L F M A G A Z I N E
Paladin Security Guards
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2,
Manipulation 3, Appearance 3, Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits
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do not find his guard companion or the creature Waltheford has
with him (see Scene Three , below, for details).
Waltheford has possession of the Wyrm-Walker’s remains and
hightails it to New York City. His plan is to gather together the
members of his splinter pack and make arrangements for the
destruction of the Sept of the Green, a melting pot of Garou from
different tribes, located in New York. There’s only one small
problem with his plan: he has yet to consult with the Wyrm-
Waltheford has been working under the assumption that
whatever it is he has liberated from the ground will listen to reason.
Malafaxus the Wyrm-Walker is effectively insane and has no desire
to work with anyone. It feels only the need to spread its corruption
as far as it can. The fetishes that long ago bound Malafaxus have
maintained their strength to some degree, but without the
Uktena rituals that assured its continued slumber, Malafaxus
has awakened. Thus, while the fetishes that held the creature
are still strong, they have been separated from their “home”
and are useless.
Thomas Waltheford, “Hastoodar”
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Philodox
Tribe: Black Spiral Dancers
Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 3, Drive 2, Empathy 2,
Enigmas 3, Etiquette 3, Expression 4, Firearms 2, Intimidation 3,
Investigations 2, Law 4, Melee 3, Occult 5, Politics 4, Primal-Urge
3, Rituals 2, Stealth 3, Streetwise 2, Survival 2
Backgrounds: Allies 5, Past Life 5, Resources 3
Gifts: (1) Persuasion, Resist Pain, Smell of Man; (2) King of
the Beasts, Staredown; (3) Foaming Fury
Rank: 3
Rage 8, Gnosis 6, Willpower 8
Health Levels: OK, -1, -1, -2, -2, -5, Incapacitated
Rites: Rite of Contrition, Rite of Talisman Dedication
Fetishes: Fang Dagger; Nest-Finder (Level 5, Gnosis 5; Nest-
Finder is a Black Spiral Dancer fetish created specifically for
locating sites where minions of the Wyrm were buried by the Pure
Ones during the time before the European invasion of the
Americas. The bearer must first spend a turn activating the fetish,
spend one Gnosis point and roll Perception + Enigmas, difficulty 8,
to locate a minion of the Wyrm that has been buried and shielded
against detection.)
Image: Thomas Waltheford is in his early ’40s. He has pale
skin, dark gray hair and green eyes. In Homid form, he stands 6’3".
He wears gold-rimmed glasses and a charcoal-gray business suit. In
Lupus form, Waltheford’s fur is dark gray, with patches that are
lighter and tinged green. He stands four feet tall at the shoulder in
this form.
Roleplaying Notes: You loathe all that is sacred to Gaia. One
of your specialties is building useless structures and later converting
them into Blights. Almost every place you’ve built has turned an
immense profit and simultaneously become a dumping ground for
toxic wastes.
Most of all, you love thumbing your nose at the Garou. Most
places where you choose to build are pristine, untouched by
humankind. You always make certain that the land is legally yours
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