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By Tim Hitchcock, Erik Mona,
James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor
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Hajoth Hakados
Castle Urion
Embeth Forest
Embeth Forest
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A Pathfinder Chronicles Supplement
Table of Contents
Welcome to the Pathfinder Society 2
Where Secrets Sleep
Tools of the Trade
Authors : Tim Hitchcock, Erik Mona, Sean K Reynolds,
James L. Sutter, and Russ Taylor
Cover Artist : Steve Prescott
Interior Artists : Jeff Cralisle, Jason Engle, Eric Lofgren,
Craig J. Spearing, Eva Widermann, and Kieran Yanner
Publisher : Erik Mona
Paizo CEO : Lisa Stevens
Vice President of Operations : Jeffrey Alvarez
Corporate Accountant : Dave Erickson
Director of Sales : Pierce Watters
Sales Manager : Christopher Self
Technical Director : Vic Wertz
Events Manager : Joshua J. Frost
Editor-in-Chief : James Jacobs
Editing and Development : Christopher Carey,
Sean K Reynolds, and James L. Sutter
Editorial Assistance : Jason Bulmahn and F. Wesley Schneider
Editorial Interns : David A. Eitelbach and Hank Woon
Art Director : Sarah E. Robinson
Senior Art Director : James Davis
Special Thanks : The Paizo Customer Service
and Warehouse Teams
Paizo Publishing, LLC
7120 185th Ave NE, Ste 120
Redmond, WA 98052-0577
Product Identity : The following items are hereby identified as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Content: All trademarks,
registered trademarks, proper names (characters, deities, etc.), dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, artwork, and trade dress. (Elements that have previously been designated
as Open Game Content or are in the public domain are not included in this declaration.)
Open Content : Except for material designated as Product Identity (see above), the game mechanics of this Paizo Publishing game product are Open Game Content, as defined in the Open
Gaming License version 1.0a Section 1(d). No portion of this work other than the material designated as Open Game Content may be reproduced in any form without written permission.
Pathf inder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets is published by Paizo Publishing, LLC under the Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. Paizo Publishing, LLC, the Paizo
golem logo, Pathfinder, and GameMastery are registered trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game, Pathfinder Chronicles, Pathfinder Companion, Pathfinder
Modules, and Pathfinder Society are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC. © 2009 Paizo Publishing.
Printed in China.
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Chapter One
The pursuit of knowledge takes a certain amount of
bravery—not just the bravery to explore a tomb or
chart a lost city , but the courage to speak up and
challenge convention. Truth is a hard master , and it will
take everything from you if you let it , but in the end , it
will leave you cleansed.
All of which is to say that I'm deeply sorry for what
happened to those children , Your Honor, but progress is
never without its risks , and the world deserves to know.
—Pathfinder Asybain Chaelf ,
public hearing on the Foxfire Incident
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P a t h f in d e r d u t ie s
The Society recognizes no formal bylaws, but a general
code of behavior is expected of all members, and reports of
activity contrary to this code are grounds for dismissal from
the organization. Most of the time this ostracism involves
a venture-captain failing to respond to queries from f ield
agents, but in especially egregious cases powerful Pathf inders
have been tasked with eliminating rogue members of the
organization who have, as a result of their actions, brought
shame to the order.
Loosely summarized, the three “understood” member
duties are as follows:
Explore : Pathfinders are expected to further the knowledge
and reputation of the Society by traveling to distant lands,
unearthing forbidden secrets, and piecing together the
secret history of the world. The organization f irst took form
in the mighty, ancient city of Absalom, and while countless
secrets remain undiscovered even on the ruin-laden Isle of
Kortos, agents are encouraged to travel to uncharted lands
on the fringes of known cartography in search of ever more
fantastic mysteries.
Report : In the course of their adventures, Pathf inders are
expected to keep detailed journals, maps, and accounts of
their exploits. At the conclusion of a successful venture, the
agent sends a copy of his notes to his immediate superior, a
regional venture-captain, who makes a full analysis (often
involving divination). Especially noteworthy exploits make
their way to Absalom and the Decemvirate, who compile the
best tales into irregularly published editions of the Pathfinder
Chronicles , which make their way back to venture-captains for
distribution to Pathf inder agents in the f ield.
Cooperate : The Society places no moral obligations upon
its members, so agents span all races, creeds, and motivations.
At any given time, a Pathf inder lodge might house a f iend-
summoning Chelaxian, an Andoren freedom f ighter, an
antiquities-obsessed necromancer, and a friendly half ling
raconteur. Anything can (and often does) happen in the f ield,
but the lodge is inviolate, and agents are forbidden from
battling within its confines. Even beyond the lodge, Pathfinder
agents are expected to respect one another’s claims and stay
out of each other’s affairs except to offer a helping hand.
According to long-held tradition, Pathf inders must attempt
to parley before a potential conf lict, regardless of potential
enmity based on national aff iliation, personal allegiances, or
other factors.
This doesn’t always happen, and rogue Pathf inders often
gain great wealth and notoriety by manufacturing accidents
in the f ield that leave treasure and arcane lore unclaimed.
Many believe that such treachery in the earliest days of the
organization led to the masking of the Decemvirate and the
subsequent execution or exile of dozens of traitorous agents.
To this day, nervous Pathf inders speak of the “twenty eyes”
monitoring all Pathf inder behavior, with the implication that
E ven in Golarion, a world rife with adventure and
marvelous beasts, the exploits of heroes still stir
hearts and inspire the masses. Those who seek moral
lessons from their myths follow the deeds of Aroden, last of
the f irst humans, who emerged from the tumult that sunk
the continent of Azlant, gave culture to the people of Taldor,
and reclaimed the Starstone from the depths of the Inner Sea.
Those who seek excitement prefer saga heroes like Bragi
Balehammer or the indefatigable Molaho Khem, whether or
not these fanciful adventurers ever really existed. But those
who seek to claim the mantle of fame as their own, who seek
to enrich themselves by unwinding the secret history of the
world, turn to champions whose exploits can be read, verif ied,
and followed. Such bravos tread the footsteps of the elusive
Pathf inder Society.
Members of the Society are part archaeologist, part
historian, and part foolhardy adrenaline addict. They chase
rumors of treasure like miners prospect gold, and often
come out richer in the end. Their mother lodes are the
crumbling ruins of ancient civilizations and the forgotten
funeral chambers of centuries-dead monarchs. Such places
often boast powerful guardians or recalcitrant squatters, so
the life of a Pathf inder is fraught with danger. Few die in
their beds.
The greatest of their exploits live forever in the form of
the Pathfinder Chronicles , a multi-volume series of chapbooks
published by the order’s inner circle in Absalom and
distributed throughout the world by members of the Society.
Upon the completion of particularly notable discoveries or
journeys, Society members send records of their exploits to
their venture-captain superiors, who in turn review them
for accuracy before forwarding the manuscripts to the city
of Absalom, where the masked rulers of the Pathf inder
Society and much of the order’s infrastructure is housed.
Venture-captains work directly for the Decemvirate,
a cabal of 10 experienced Pathf inders that publishes
the Pathfinder Chronicles and guides the organization’s
activities. Because most in the Society consider themselves
adamant individualists, this direction is often quite
subtle, allowing individual Pathf inder agents to believe
they act on their own accord while actually doing the
bidding of the Ten. Members of the Society often joke
about the inscrutable “will of the Ten” to justify unusual
or indefensible orders from above, and few refrain from
privately blaming their unknown superiors when some
gambit goes terribly wrong.
But when things go right, a Pathf inder agent has much
to gain. If his exploits reach the Pathfinder Chronicles , he
achieves a certain notoriety and respect in life, and a kind of
immortality as well. For as long as the Society itself strives to
unlock the world’s secrets, so long as the Chronicles circulate
among eager adventurers, the exploits of the greatest
Pathf inders will live forever.
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