Call Of Cthulhu (6th Edition).pdf

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most of current lext
fror:ct, f,.'lout: Charlie Krank
Jitori"F: Lynn Willis
Pegasus Spie le
I\[JitioNI.,J text I\N~'Nr~my""'ON: Keith Herber, Kevin Ross. Mark Morrison, William Hamblin, Scott
David AniolowsRi, Michael lice, Shannon Appel, Eric Rowe, Bruce Bailon. William G. Dunn,
Sam Johnson, Brian M. Sam mon s.lan Engan, Bill Barton, and friends
5(c6oN ift'u5fr,,,-ioN1 G- J'idl/\r ~T/,tiON1: Paul Carrick
"Jdi";oNI..JiffuJ'hl\tiON5: Gene Day, Tom Sulliva n, Lori Deitri ck, Gus DiZerega, Chris Marrinan, Dreyfus,
Lisa A. Free. Earl Geier, John 1. Snyder, Tony Ackland. Drashi Khendup. and Caryad.
Ql\osiun\ i5: Lynn Willis, Charlie Krank.
Dustin Wright. Fergie, Kyle Grutze
& various odd crilters
k.[~N fl. '',is N +
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Keith HerbeT wrote the Nemmomiron chaptt!", Mythos Prehistory. H. P.
Lol-ecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos, The EdgeofDarknw, Prthisloryof
1M Cthulhu Mylhos, and (with Kevin Ross) Books of 1M Cthulhu
Mythos. Mark Morrison (with lynn Willis) wrote Dead M3n $
Brooks created the readY-Io-play inVtsligalors and compiled sample
gear and prices. Kevin Ross tracked down many quotes and sources,
and added material and statistics. Scott Aniolov.'Ski concentrated on
monster descriptions and statistics. Long ago Bill Dunn wrote the Guide
10 Sanity Losses. William Hamblin wrote thrtt Sadowsky episodes h<'rt
summariztd as ~In Rerum Supernatura.~ Michad lice, Eric Rowt. and
Shannon Appel assembltd much of the prtSeJlt Sanity information.
Shannon Appel also conSlruClro 1M Alien Tedmology S«tion, using
somt im"ffilions from past supplrments. and did rrvisiollary work on
Deities, Creatures, and Mylhos Prehistory. Bruce BaIlon, Chaosium's
psychiatric consultant, updated tht Sanity chapter and wrote the
Dangerousness Criteria example, the timeline, and the summaries of
drugs and treatments. Jan Engan contributed the occult book sum·
maries. Brian Sammons created the two·pan Mythos tomes table. Sam
johnson wrote the tournament notes for the kttper's chapter,morc stats
fo r Ihe weapon table, and about research modifiers in the k~'s tool·
kit section. The l890s prices and skills dcri\'e from the work of Bill
Banon, as do the stals for Chaugnar Faugn, the Colour, and others.
Thanks to Alexis G. Dial,"~ questions pi'U'o'Olo:al5th edition,and
to Iohn TalTlOll'ski.
0"'C r .Jit
eAl/oj Crhlltll iI puNi.!Kd lw O-Swm 111<.
eAll oj Ctltllihll l6ih Nitioxl) '" ropyright 01'1111. 1983.199~.I9'lJ. JW5.
1998. 1999,2001.1004, 200S !If 0I.t0sium Inc.;.n rich!) ~wd
c.JlojClhU.",.\ m.: ~ Iradtm&rtofOlaoAum Inc.
~imilarities bttwm! cNf3<:\m in e,,11 II{ CIIt" /It,, and ~ li"fins or dead
lIT "0.:11y (Oinciunlln
All mattrial ronm~ing Shutlddl"dl and 11M: Cthoniaru, and ;all DIM ioW"n'
Iillosoi Ikian Lumley as portra~ in hi~"",k>'SJ'C"if ...lly Tht /Jur", ...m
/kllt'll/II. alT usN with hi$ kind Pl'rm'~~Hln. J. RiIImstyumpbt"lls"Cold I'l"In(
Ot969 AugU$l omrth. Wmi.1m I.umlty'sand n P.l.cMcfllft~"TM D~ryot
AIomo TvptJ' 01970 by "IISIQI t1otrkth. Culin Wilsoo's"Thr Rtturn Ii 11M:
Uoigor'" 01969 Augusl Dtrk1h. Frank IItlwp long's "tkJurl<b 01 Tind.llo."
CiI946 f.sIlIe U fnnk BtIWr lon& am ....,,"on Srnith·~ "Thr Rttulll of 11M:
Sooam"C>1931 a".1On ""'!\U'lin Inc.OartA$/uun Smith's""IM s..meIn.
OfI"sp.... "I!C1932 Q.,y1OCl1obptiMS. III<. Th<<Jwll5 frum"Thr InMbrt.wol
1M t"bo"~CI1964 by ~ R.iII~ ~.Uut.A5titODSm;th's 'Thc~
~"CI934 PopuW FKtioo Pubt"Jllng Co. l~rleth's"Thr DwdkT m
D.rknris"OI95.\AagusI Dnieth. F.Jdy t.l.Iert,~" ",My);m>t 4"
Ct976 Edward P. Btralul\J.lIludl'. '''<.>t.:-hooi. Found in a J)Qo:rt~ HIluS/:"
01951 W,;m Taln. Derl<1h',"ThrG.bIf Window"Ct9S7 Ca.ndu Pubh.tJing
Co. Dtrkth's"~ Lurker at lilt Thrril<>Id"Ct9~5 "uguSI Otrlrth. Donald).
Walsh, Jr.'s"The Rings 01 the- p~p;llorl)lg7t ""g~1 om.tb.lln1rth·s"Tht
Thing That \'hJktd on lbe "'"md" C 19)3 Thr 0av1OO Magnines Inc 81.U1!',
"Morr Ligbi" Ot9iO ADM ~kCltt~. Kuttntr'. "1M Salem Horror' C19J7
Poru1or Ficlion Publiohm~ Co. Oart MIllon ~mlth's"Thr Treader Ii tho: ~I"
C1935 Popular n.:lklll Pul>!io!linseo tlnklh'~ ~!..tir aim.: SUr-5r-n"
019_\~ I'IlpuIar FICtion I'\JbIIShins (0. Carltl's -ZoIh-Olnmog" Ot 97tt E.h.,ud
P. BftsIund IkmTlin·,"Thr.x.omtb 1a.::anu.IIOII"OI963 JoMpb i'a!"""
Bmuun. Hmry Hasst's Iht Horror .t \"n:ra" C t 9tI8 Cryplic Publicahoru.
U"h p',y""m foc 'h~:'~J~:;'<~~ of (rn,'h, S""
Marsh, James Memmot, Wade Round, Paul Work, Sam Clegg. Marc
Hutchison, Bill Hamblin,and Eric Petersen. Chaosium playtesttrs wt're
AI ~"C)' (keeperh and in alphaooical order Yurek Otodak, Allan
Dalcher, Charlotte Coulon, AI Dewey, Bruce Dresselhaus, Jerry
Epperson, Shmnan Kahn, Ken Kauftr,OIarlie Krank, Fred Malmburg.
Hal Moe, Stnor Perrin, Rory Root, Greg Stafford, Anders Swenson, and
lynn \·tillis.
.P. LOI"~nff$ worts 01963. 1%4. t96S I>r "\IlI.~1 Dtrkth. Il10ricJ ... ilhin 'I(
qo.ooccd lOr JIIIlP06n Ii illu.<lralion.
,,"tion ill~tralions lIId .,J,jLI"III;d ~idtbu illu,lr.llionl are by Paul C,lIIi..k.
Srmller desigrl rkmen~, u wdl ;&.\ ~ itlll.<;(.lt'MI in lhe >effllrios.are by
Dreyt\u. ~1iIi<1 areatl by lOOn T. \11)*r. Moo.Sltls,,xitin,al\J ~nimal$
ind\>dt an bl' Toll)' Adbnd, Lori IMtri.:k, uri Gatr.• nd Tom 'iulh,-,.n.AIic-n
Tn:hnnIogy illustraliMs are by Dr"uhi Khrndup. Additional ijluslraliDm := by
Gmt and Tom l.unir.ln f.lctpI ",Ih" puNic.l"", and maiN adm!iq
or unln.s othmrisc 19TeN1O.1l"tW!d. oriJinai to CaD 01 Cthulhu mn.IIIU, tIw:
propt"lIr Ii tIw: ,ndi.idu;aI arlm. -' iH'''ryn~ by N .artist under his or
M ~ralc«wri8ht.
~ rtproduction of malcNI (rom with,n lhil book lOr tbr purpous ol pc'f'
IOOiIl or corpo.'UIC profil. by pIwotographi... OJ'Iic.aJ,do:<troI'I.ic,or DlIltr mtdi.1
or mnboo.Ia oI.'loragunJ ITlri.. i1. is prohibil~
5pecil\ f 1~I\Nk5
Thanks arc also dut to ~he original autho rs (esp«ialty Steve Perrin)
and play group connected With the 1978 roleplaying game RunrQuesr,
now owned by Hasbro, from which tht mechan ics of Call of Cthulhu
"we adapted via the intermediary and out-of-print Basic Roltplayillg.
Mark Morrison has remarked that when ht wishes to see how somt
problem of ph)"Sical action is handled in a game, he turns first to
RuntQutsr. He is nol tht only one.
Sandy Pttersen, who authoredlht original Cthulhu rules, labored
and to great effect on his game's behalf, He still exercises strong
,,",""'" the game through his thoughtful forebt arance and in his
agretable notions of rules «onomy. Everywhere his words ha\'c ~n
wtighed and mined.
Addrnt '!IIf"llion, ~nd ronlnltl115 bl" m.illo
(h_ ium. l n<.
893 8 SIfW U 2.1
H')'Wllrd CA 9-IS4 1 U.s.A.
P\m.e do no( r/IOno: in pOlK qIInIinns. tIw: qwd<.!-sI al1>~r mil' n<>I he lhe
bat lI\.<wtJ_ Oar wdI"IC w...w.m.,..,um.<XIm u...,m comaillS Iau:st rtlast
~_,nd turmII ,,",(5..
~ 2.11111'> t'i8);·lj: 9;"11·1-56&12·181-3
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Publ,shed in Froroury 20\l5.l'r1m~ in Canada
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