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A C o l l e C t i o n o f C h A r A C t e r C A r e e r s & A d v A n C e s
O f f i c i a l W e b e n h a n c e m e n t
m a s t e r l i s t O f c a r e e r e n t r i e s & e x i t s
Thanks to the following fine folks for making this web enhancement a reality:
Nate Borys, Clive Oldfield, Trent Urness,
the talented writers who worked on the Career Compendium,
and the WFRP fan community for their feedback and support
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Version 1.1
Web Enhancement
Career Entries and Exits: he careers presented in the Career Compendium were kept faithful to the original source material presentation
and layout where deemed appropriate, so readers would know how the information originally appeared, and could decide how they chose
to integrate content from other sourcebooks. For greater convenience, we are pleased to provide this web enhancement which provides
updated career entries and exits in an easier to digest format. his web enhancement retains the original information presented in the Career
Compendium, but also provides the entry and exit paths linking many of the careers found in sourcebooks other than the core rulebook.
Abbot (ToS 183) Entries: Anointed Priest, High Priest, Monk, Scholar
Exits: High Priest, Scholar
Admiral (SoE 77) Entries: Noble Lord, Sea Captain
Exits: Ambassador, Explorer, Guild Master
Agent of the Shroud (NDM 96) Entries: Barber-Surgeon, Fieldwarden,
Initiate of Morr, Scholar, Student, Tomb Robber, Vampire Hunter
Exits: Killer of the Dead, Priest of Morr, Scholar, Spy, Vampire Hunter,
Witch Hunter
Agitator (Core 31) Entries: Burgher, Captain, Exciseman, Herald,
Highwayman, Lamplighter, Litigant, Newssheet Vendor, Scribe, Seer,
Servant, Skald, Student, Zealot
Exits: Charlatan, Demagogue, Ex-Convict, Herrimault, Outlaw,
Pamphleteer, Politician, Raconteur, Rouge, Zealot
Ambassador (RotIQ 98) Entries: Admiral, Captain, High Priest, Ice Witch,
Noble Lord, Wizard Lord
Exits: Captain, Merchant, Noble Lord, Politician
Anchorite (RC 53) Entries: None
Exits: Badlander, Mystic, Outlaw, Swamp Skimmer, Vagabond
Animal Trainer (CC 12) Entries: Bear Tamer, Entertainer, Farmer, Hunter,
Muleskinner, Peasant, Rat Catcher
Exits: Bear Tamer, Entertainer, Hunter
Anointed Priest (Core 61) Entries: Exorcist, Priest
Exits: Abbot, Cantor, Catechist, Cult Attendant, Demagogue, Exorcist,
Flagellant, High Priest, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Scholar, Warrior Priest,
Witch Hunter
Apothecary (SH 121) Entries: Apprentice Wizard, Barber-Surgeon, Hedge
Wizard, Hedgecraft Apprentice, Student
Exits: Apprentice Wizard, Artisan, Astrologer, Barber-Surgeon, Embalmer,
Grave Robber, Hedgecraft, Apprentice, Merchant, Physician, Scholar
Apprentice Runesmith (RoS 216) Entries: Artisan, Runebearer, Scribe,
Exits: Journeyman Runesmith, Runebearer, Scholar, Scribe, Shieldbreaker
Apprentice Witch (RotIQ 98) Entries: Any
Exits: Ice Maiden, Initiate of Ulric, Witch
Apprentice Wizard (Core 31) Entries: Apothecary, Astrologer, Dilettante,
Embalmer, Hedge Wizard, Hedgecraft Apprentice, Scholar, Scribe, Student,
Warlock, Witch
Exits: Apothecary, Astrologer, Journeyman Wizard, Scholar, Scribe
Artillerist (WC 105) Entries: Engineer, Sergeant
Exits: Artisan, Captain, Guild Master, Mercenary, Veteran
Artisan (Core 62) Entries: Apothecary, Artillerist, Cartographer, Engineer,
Forger, Freeholder, Hedge Master, Militiaman, Navigator, Tradesman
Exits: Apprentice Runesmith, Demagogue, Engineer, Forger, Guild Master,
Merchant, Militiaman, Pamphleteer
Assassin (Core 62) Entries: Border Courtier, Champion, Cloaked Brother,
Duellist, Judicial Champion, Outlaw Chief, Spy, Targeteer
Exits: Champion, Cloaked Brother, Outlaw Chief, Rogue, Sergeant, Witch
Astrologer (SH 122) Entries: Apothecary, Apprentice Wizard, Charlatan,
Dilettante, Journeyman Wizard, Master Wizard, Navigator, Noble,
Physician, Scholar, Strigany Mystic, Student
Exits: Apprentice Wizard, Charlatan, Explorer, Navigator, Scholar
Ataman (RotIQ 99) Entries: Captain, Horse Master, Noble, Steppes
Nomad, Veteran
Exits: Politician, Priest, Noble Lord
Badlander (RC 52) Entries: Anchorite, Peasant, Vagabond
Exits: Cat Burglar, Vagabond
Badlands Ranger (RC 54) Entries: Explorer, Outlaw Chief, Scout
Exits: Captain, Explorer, Outlaw Chief
Bailif (Core 32) Entries: Bodyguard, Jailer
Exits: Militiaman, Politician, Protagonist, Racketeer, Smuggler, Toll Keeper
Barber-Surgeon (Core 32) Entries: Apothecary, Dilettante, Hedgecraft
Apprentice, Initiate, Student
Exits: Agent of the Shroud, Apothecary, Embalmer, Interrogator, Grave
Robber, Physician, Tradesman, Vagabond
Battle Pilgrim (KofG 95) Entries: Grail Pilgrim
Exits: Faceless, Sergeant, Vagabond, Veteran
Bear Tamer (RotIQ 99) Entries: Entertainer, Initiate (of Ursun), Priest (of
Exits: Animal Trainer, Entertainer, Initiate of Ursun, Pit Fighter, Soldier
Black Guard (NDM 96) Entries: Knight, Priest of Morr, Sergeant, Squire,
Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter
Exits: Captain, Champion, Priest of Morr, Killer of the Dead, Knight of the
Inner Circle, Knight of the Raven, Vampire Hunter
Boatman (Core 33) Entries: Ferryman, Frogwife, Riverwarden, Smuggler,
Stevedore, Wrecker
Exits: Fisherman, Marine, Navigator, Riverwarden, Seaman, Smuggler,
Stevedore, Swampaire, Wrecker
Bodyguard (Core 33) Entries: Bondsman, Estalian Diestro, Jailer,
Mercenary, hug
Exits: Bailif, Bounty Hunter, Interrogator, Jailer, Mercenary, Protagonist,
Bondsman (ToC 146) Entries: Mercenary, Norse Berserker, Pit Fighter
Exits: Bodyguard, Freeholder, Marauder, Mercenary, Norse Berserker,
Reaver, Skald, Veteran, Warleader
Bone Picker (Core 34) Entries: Dung Collector, Frogwife, Peasant, Rat
Catcher, Strigany Mystic, Vagabond
Exits: Camp Follower, Cat Burglar, Dung Collector, Fence, Frogwife, Grave
Robber, Grave Warden, Smuggler, Swampaire
Border Courtier (RC 55) Entries: Captain, Courtier, Noble, Outlaw Chief,
Politician, Sergeant
Exits: Assassin, Captain, Courtier, Noble Lord, Spy
Bounty Hunter (Core 34) Entries: Bodyguard, Fieldwarden, Hunter,
Kislevite Kossar, Mercenary, Pit Fighter, Streltsi
Exits: Enforcer, Mercenary, Protagonist, Scout, Targeteer, Vampire Hunter,
Verenean Investigator
Burgher (Core 35) Entries: Embalmer, Horse Archer, Horse Coper,
Innkeeper, Lamplighter, Muleskinner, Servant, Skald
Exits: Agitator, Fence, Freeholder, Horse Archer, Horse Coper, Innkeeper,
Litigant, Merchant, Militiaman, Muleskinner, Newssheet Vendor,
Pamphleteer, Tradesman, Valet
Cadet (SoE 91) Entries: Estalian Diestro, Mercenary, Militiaman, Noble,
Roadwarden, Soldier, Squire, Student
Exits: Herald, Mercenary, Pistolier, Sergeant, Squire, Student
Web Enhancement
Camp Follower (Core 35) Entries: Bone Picker, Frogwife, Servant
Exits: Charcoal-Burner, Charlatan, Dung Collector, Frogwife, Raconteur,
Servant, Smuggler, Spy, Tradesman, Vagabond
Cantor (ToS 194) Entries: Anointed Priest, Entertainer, High Priest, Initiate,
Minstrel, Monk, Priest
Exits: Catechist, Entertainer, Initiate, Minstrel, Priest, Zealot
Captain (Core 63) Entries: Ambassador, Artillerist, Badlands Ranger, Black
Guard, Border Courtier, Crusader, Explorer, Ghost Strider, Grandmaster,
Grail Knight, Ice Witch, Knight, Knight of the Inner Circle, Knight of the
Raven, Knight of the Realm, Knight Panther, Noble Lord, Outlaw Chief,
Questing Knight, Runelord, Sergeant, Slaver, Warleader, Winged Lancer,
Witch Hunter
Exits: Agitator, Ambassador, Ataman, Border Courtier, Explorer, Merchant,
Outlaw Chief, Politician
Carcassonne Shepherd (KotG 95) Entries: Grail Pilgrim, Hunter, Man-at-
Arms, Outlaw, Outrider, Peasant, Woodsman, Vagabond
Exits: Grail Pilgrim, Herrimault, Man-at-Arms, Outlaw, Scout, Vagabond,
Veteran, Yeoman
Cartographer (CC 42) Entries: Coachman, Messenger, Navigator, Scout,
Scribe, Student, Tradesman
Exits: Artisan, Explorer, Forger, Navigator, Scholar, Scribe, Vagabond
Cat Burglar (Core 63) Entries: Badlander, Bone Picker, Charlatan,
Chimneysweep, Ex-Convict, Grave Robber, Rat Catcher, hief
Exits: Crime Lord, Fence, Master hief, Racketeer, Vagabond, Verenean
Catechist (ToS 195) Entries: Anointed Priest, Cantor, Dilettante, Friar,
Priest, Scholar, Scribe, Student, Zealot
Exits: Demagogue, Friar, Initiate, Scholar, Zealot
Cenobite (RC 53) Entries: None
Exits: Mystic, Outlaw, Servant, Vagabond
Champion (Core 64) Entries: Assassin, Black Guard, Grandmaster, Duellist,
Judicial Champion, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Knight of the Inner Circle,
Knight of the Raven, Knight Panther, Scourge of God, Targeteer, Veteran,
Warleader, Witch Hunter
Exits: Assassin, Scout, Sergeant, Witch Hunter
Charcoal-Burner (Core 36) Entries: Camp Follower, Hunter, Miner, Peasant
Exits: Chimneysweep, Hunter, Lamplighter, Miner, Scout, Vagabond,
Charlatan (Core 64) Entries: Agitator, Astrologer, Camp Follower, Cloaked
Brother, Courtier, Dilettante, Entertainer, Envoy, Ex-Convict, Fence,
Forger, Gambler, Hedge Wizard, Hedgecraft Apprentice, Horse Archer,
Horse Coper, Journeyman Wizard, Minstrel, Mystic, Penitent, Raconteur,
Rapscallion, Rogue, Seer, Smuggler, Strigany Mystic, hief, Warlock, Witch
Exits: Astrologer, Cat Burglar, Demagogue, Herrimault, Outlaw, Politician,
Chekist (RotIQ 99) Entries: Kossar, Protagonist, Streltsi, hug, Watchman
Exits: Jailor, Interrogator, Mercenary, Racketeer, Sergeant, Soldier, Spy,
Veteran, Watchman
Chimneysweep (FoN 12) Entries: Charcoal-Burner, Miner, Peasant, Rogue,
Exits: Cat Burglar, Mercenary, Militiaman, Protagonist, Rat Catcher
Cloaked Brother (Toc 126) Entries: Assassin, Courtier, Crime Lord,
Demagogue, Friar, Master hief, Politician, Scout, Spy, Veteran, Witch
Exits: Assassin, Charlatan, Crime Lord, Demagogue, Master hief,
Politician, Scout, Spy, Veteran, Witch Hunter
Coachman (Core 36) Entries: Outrider, Messenger
Exits: Cartographer, Drover, Ferryman, Herrimault, Highwayman, Outlaw,
Roadwarden, Scout, Smuggler, Toll Keeper
Courtier (Core 65) Entries: Border Courtier, Grail Knight, Ice Maiden,
Knight of the Realm, Noble, Herald, Pistolier, Politician, Questing Knight,
Exits: Border Courtier, Dilettante, Charlatan, Cloaked Brother, Cult
Attendant, Duellist, Noble Lord, Politician, Spy, Steward
Crime Lord (Core 65) Entries: Cat Burglar, Cloaked Brother, Demagogue,
Faceless, Fence, Guild Master, Master hief, Outlaw Chief, Politician,
Exits: Cloaked Brother, Demagogue, Faceless, Master hief, Outlaw Chief,
Crusader (ToS 201) Entries: Knight, Noble Lord, Sergeant, Veteran
Exits: Captain, Judicial Champion, Explorer, Initiate, Knight of the Inner
Circle, Noble Lord, Veteran
Cult Attendant (ToS 194) Entries: Anointed Priest, Courtier, Initiate,
Messenger, Priest, Valet
Exits: Politician, Priest, Squire, Steward
Daemon Slayer (Core 66) Entries: Giant Slayer
Exits: Glorious death
Deepwatcher (Companion 83) Entries: Rat Catcher, Shieldbreaker, Soldier,
Tomb Robber, Watchman
Exits: Engineer, Explorer, Mercenary, Sergeant, Smuggler, Veteran
Dilettante (CC 60) Entries: Any career that includes Read/Write as a skill
Exits: Apprentice Wizard, Astrologer, Barber-Surgeon, Catechist, Charlatan,
Courtier, Initiate, Navigator, Raconteur, Student, Tomb Robber, Tradesman,
Verenean Investigator
Demagogue (Core 66) Entries: Agitator, Anointed Priest, Artisan, Catechist,
Charlatan, Cloaked Brother, Crime Lord, Faceless, Flagellant, Foreman,
Friar, Gambler, Hag Witch, Herrimault, Initiate, Litigant, Mediator,
Minstrel, Monk, Mystic, Newssheet Vendor, Outlaw, Outlaw Chief,
Pamphleteer, Pilgrim, Politician, Prelate, Raconteur, Rogue, Vampire
Hunter, Village Elder, Wise Woman, Witch Hunter
Exits: Cloaked Brother, Crime Lord, Faceless, Friar, Mercenary, Outlaw
Chief, Pamphleteer, Politician
Drover (RotIQ 100) Entries: Coachman, Horse Master, Messenger,
Outrider, Steppes Nomad
Exits: Highwayman, Horse Archer, Horse Coper, Horse Master, Messenger,
Outlaw, Outrider, Roadwarden, Scout
Duellist (Core 67) Entries: Courtier, Estalian Diestro, Highwayman,
Pistolier, Protagonist, Rapscallion, Sergeant, Targeteer
Exits: Assassin, Champion, Highwayman, Rogue, Sergeant
Dung Collector (FoN 12) Entries: Bone Picker, Camp Follower, Peasant,
Rat Catcher, Vagabond
Exits: Bone Picker, Grave Robber, Rat Catcher, Sewer Jack, hug
Embalmer (NDM 97) Entries: Apothecary, Barber-Surgeon, Student,
Exits: Apprentice Wizard, Burgher, Grave Robber, Physician, Scholar
Enforcer (RC 54) Entries: Bounty Hunter, Hunter, Roadwarden, Watchman
Exits: Spy, Witch Hunter
Engineer (Core 67) Entries: Artisan, Deepwatcher, Miner, Student,
Exits: Artisan, Artillerist, Explorer, Guild Master, Pamphleteer, Pistolier,
Entertainer (Core 37) Entries: Animal Trainer, Bear Tamer, Cantor,
Gambler, Herald, Lamplighter, Newssheet Vendor, Raconteur, Rogue,
Strigany Mystic, hief, Vagabond
Exits: Animal Trainer, Bear Tamer, Cantor, Charlatan, Gambler, Minstrel,
Pamphleteer, Raconteur, Rogue, Skald, hief
Envoy (Core 37) Entries: Student, Tradesman
Exits: Charlatan, Merchant, Rogue, Seaman, Student, Vagabond
Estalian Diestro (Core 38) Entries: None
Exits: Bodyguard, Cadet, Duellist, Highwayman, Protagonist, Rogue
Web Enhancement
Ex-Convict (CC 70) Entries: Agitator, Grave Robber, Outlaw, Protagonist,
Rogue, Smuggler, hief, hug, Tomb Raider
Exits: Cat Burglar, Charlatan, Fence, Grave Robber, Highwayman, Outlaw,
Protagonist, Racketeer, hug, Vagabond
*Replace the Escape Artist talent with Contortionist in the career listing
Exciseman (TiT 11) Entries: Messenger, Scribe
Exits: Agitator, Litigant, Merchant, Militiaman, Outlaw, Roadwarden, hief
Exorcist (SH 123) Entries: Anointed Priest, Priest
Exits: Anointed Priest, Lay Priest, Scholar, Witch Hunter
Explorer (Core 68) Entries: Admiral, Astrologer, Badlands Ranger,
Cartographer, Captain, Crusader, Deepwatcher, Engineer, Faceless, Grail
Knight, Herald, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Knight of the Realm, Master
hief, Master Wizard, Mate, Navigator, Questing Knight, Scholar, Scout,
Sea Captain, Spy, Wizard Lord
Exits: Badlands Ranger, Captain, Merchant, Sea Captain, Spy
Faceless (KotG 96) Entries: Battle Pilgrim, Crime Lord, Demagogue,
Grail Knight, Knight of the Realm, Noble Lord, Outlaw Chief, Politician,
Questing Knight, Steward, Veteran, Village Elder, Yeoman
Exits: Crime Lord, Demagogue, Explorer, Highwayman, Outlaw Chief,
Village Elder
Farmer (CC 75) Entries: Innkeeper, Merchant, Peasant, Tradesman, Veteran
Exits: Innkeeper, Merchant, Militiaman, Politician, Steward
Fence (Core 68) Entries: Bone Picker, Burgher, Cat Burglar, Foreman,
Forger, Grave Robber, Innkeeper, Racketeer, Rapscallion, Smuggler, Steward,
hief, Tomb Robber
Exits: Charlatan, Crime Lord, Master hief, Racketeer
Ferryman (Core 38) Entries: Coachman, Smuggler, Toll Keeper
Exits: Boatman, Highwayman, Riverwarden, Roadwarden, Seaman,
Smuggler, Swampaire, Wrecker
Fieldwarden (Core 39) Entries: Hunter, Militiaman, Toll Keeper
Exits: Agent of the Shroud, Bounty Hunter, Mercenary, Scout, Vagabond,
Vampire, Hunter
Fisherman (Core 39) Entries: Boatman, Peasant
Exits: Freeholder, Marine, Merchant, Militiaman, Navigator, Seaman,
Flagellant (Core 69) Entries: Anointed Priest, Friar, Penitent, Priest, Zealot
Exits: Demagogue, Interrogator, Killer of the Dead, Penitent, Priest, Scourge
of God, Soldier, Veteran
Foreman (WC 23) Entries: Peasant, Scribe, Stevedore, Tradesman
Exits: Demagogue, Fence, Guild Master, Politician, Racketeer
Forger (SH 123) Entries: Artisan, Cartographer, Messenger, Smuggler,
Student, Tradesman
Exits: Artisan, Charlatan, Fence, Scholar, Scribe, Student, Tradesman
Freeholder (ToC 146) Entries: Bondsman, Burgher, Fisherman, Skald,
Whaler, Tradesman
Exits: Artisan, Innkeeper, Marauder, Merchant, Slaver
Friar (Core 69) Entries: Catechist, Demagogue, Initiate, Lay Priest, Monk,
Physician, Pilgrim, Prelate, Scholar, Vagabond, Zealot
Exits: Catechist, Cloaked Brother, Demagogue, Flagellant, Lay Priest, Monk,
Prelate, Priest, Scholar
Frogwife (BotD 28) Entries: Bone Picker, Camp Follower, Peasant
Exits: Boatman, Bone Picker, Camp Follower, Grail Pilgrim, Herrimault,
Servant, Swampaire, Tradesman, Vagabond, Village Elder
Gambler (SH 121) Entries: Entertainer, Noble, Rogue, Mercenary, Student,
hief, Vagabond
Exits: Charlatan, Demagogue, Entertainer, Highwayman, Rapscallion,
Ghost Strider (Core 70) Entries: Scout
Exits: Captain, Outlaw Chief, Targeteer, Vampire Hunter
Giant Slayer (Core 70) Entries: Troll Slayer
Exits: Daemon Slayer
Grail Knight (KotG 96) Entries: Questing Knight
Exits: Captain, Courtier, Explorer, Faceless, Noble Lord, Politician
Grail Pilgrim (KotG 97) Entries: Carcassonne Shepherd, Frogwife, Hunter,
Herrimault, Outlaw, Peasant, Swampaire, Tradesman, Vagabond
Exits: Battle Pilgrim, Carcassonne Shepherd, Mercenary, Herrimault,
Grandmaster (ToS 209) Entries: Knight of the Inner Circle
Exits: Captain, Champion, Noble Lord, Witch Hunter
Grave Robber (Core 40) Entries: Apothecary, Barber-Surgeon, Bone Picker,
Dung Collector, Embalmer, Ex-Convict, Grave Warden, Rat Catcher
Exits: Cat Burglar, Ex-Convict, Fence, Rat Catcher, Student, hief
Grave Warden (NDM 98) Entries: Bone Picker, Rat Catcher, Peasant
Exits: Grave Robber, Initiate of Morr, Militiaman, Temple Guardian,
Vampire Hunter, Watchman
Guild Master (Core 71) Entries: Admiral, Artillerist, Artisan, Engineer,
Foreman, Litigant, Merchant, Physician, Runelord, Wizard Lord
Exits: Crime Lord, Politician, Racketeer
Hag Mother (RotIQ 101) Entries: Hag Witch
Exits: None
Hag Witch (RotIQ 101) Entries: Wise Woman
Exits: Demagogue, Hag Mother, Politician, Witch
Hedge Master (SoE 59) Entries: Hedgecraft Apprentice
Exits: Artisan, Hedgewise, Scholar, Spy, Witch
Hedge Wizard (Core 40) Entries: Hedgecraft Apprentice, Mystic, Strigany
Mystic, Wise Woman
Exits: Apothecary, Apprentice Wizard, Charlatan, Hedgecraft Apprentice,
Initiate, Outlaw, Seer, Vagabond, Witch
Hedgecraft Apprentice (SoE 58) Entries: Apothecary, Peasant, Hedge
Exits: Apothecary, Apprentice Wizard, Barber-Surgeon, Charlatan, Hedge
Wizard, Hedge Master, Initiate (Ranald, Taal & Rhya) , Outlaw, Scribe,
Hedgewise (SoE 60) Entries: Hedge Master
Exits: Physician, Scout, Warlock
Herald (Core 71) Entries: Cadet, Messenger, Raconteur, Valet
Exits: Agitator, Courtier, Entertainer, Explorer, Politician, Squire
Herrimault (KotG 98) Entries: Agitator, Carcassonne Shepherd, Charlatan,
Coachman, Frogwife, Grail Pilgrim, Hunter, Innkeeper, Knight Errant,
Man-at-Arms, Mediator, Noble, Peasant, Rogue, Swampaire, Woodsman
Exits: Demagogue, Grail Pilgrim, Mediator, Scout, hief, Vagabond, Veteran
High Priest (Core 72) Entries: Abbot, Anointed Priest, Warrior Priest
Exits: Abbot, Ambassador, Cantor, Politician, Scholar, Witch Hunter
Highwayman (Core 72) Entries: Coachman, Drover, Duellist, Estalian
Diestro, Ex-Convict, Faceless, Ferryman, Gambler, Minstrel, Muleskinner,
Outlaw, Outrider, Rapscallion, Roadwarden, Toll Keeper
Exits: Agitator, Duellist, Master hief, Outlaw Chief, Sergeant
Horned Hunter (TiT 9) Entries: Initiate (of Taal), Scribe
Exits: Hunter, Militiaman, Outlaw, Scout, Vagabond
Horse Archer (RotIQ 102) Entries: Burgher, Drover, Horse Master,
Messenger, Steppes Nomad
Exits: Burgher, Charlatan, Horse Master, Merchant, Rogue
Horse Coper (RotIQ 103) Entries: Burgher, Drover, Horse Master,
Messenger, Steppes Nomad
Exits: Burgher, Charlatan, Horse Master, Merchant, Rogue
Web Enhancement
Horse Master (RotIQ 103) Entries: Drover, Horse Archer, Horse Coper,
Mercenary, Noble, Outlaw, Outrider, Pistolier, Roadwarden, Scout, Soldier,
Squire, Steppes Nomad, Winged Lancer
Exits: Ataman, Drover, Horse Archer, Horse Coper, Merchant, Sergeant,
Winged Lancer
Hunter (Core 41) Entries: Animal Trainer, Charcoal-Burner, Horned
Hunter, Kithband Warrior, Woodsman
Exits: Animal Trainer, Bounty Hunter, Carcassonne Shepherd, Charcoal-
Burner, Enforcer, Fieldwarden, Grail Pilgrim, Herrimault, Knight of
the Verdant Field, Kithband Warrior, Man-at-Arms, Mediator, Miner,
Muleskinner, Scout, Soldier, Swampaire. Targeteer
Ice Maiden (RotIQ 104) Entries: Apprentice Witch
Exits: Courtier, Ice Witch, Scout, Sergeant, Veteran, Witch
Ice Witch (RotIQ 105) Entries: Ice Maiden
Exits: Ambassador, Captain
Initiate (Core 41) Entries: Apprentice Witch, Bear Tamer, Cantor, Catechist,
Crusader, Grave Warden, Hedge Wizard, Hedgecraft Apprentice, Knight,
Knight of the Blazing Sun, Lamplighter, Penitent, Pilgrim, Raconteur,
Scourge of God, Scribe, Student, Temple Guardian, Vampire Hunter,
Verenean Investigator, Witch Hunter, Zealot
Exits: Agent of the Shroud (Morr), Barber-Surgeon, Bear Tamer, Cantor,
Cult Attendant, Demagogue, Friar, Horned Hunter, Knight of the Verdant
Field, Lay Priest, Monk, Penitent, Priest, Scribe, Temple Guardian, Verenean
Investigator, Zealot
Innkeeper (Core 73) Entries: Burgher, Farmer, Freeholder, Servant
Exits: Burgher, Farmer, Fence, Herrimault, Merchant, Outlaw, Smuggler
Interrogator (Core 73) Entries: Barber-Surgeon, Bodyguard, Chekist,
Flagellant, Jailer, Scourge of God, hug
Exits: Physician, Racketeer, hief
Jailer (Core 42) Entries: Bodyguard, Chekist, Rat Catcher
Exits: Bailif, Bodyguard, Interrogator, Rat Catcher, Sewer Jack, Watchman
Journeyman Runesmith (RoS 216) Entries: Apprentice Runesmith
Exits: Master Runesmith, Scholar, Shieldbreaker
Journeyman Wizard (Core 74) Entries: Apprentice Wizard
Exits: Charlatan, Master Vigilant, Master Wizard, Scholar
Judicial Champion (Core 74) Entries: Crusader, Sergeant, Veteran
Exits: Assassin, Champion, Sergeant, Witch Hunter, Zealot
Killer of the Dead (NDM 98) Entries: Agent of the Shroud, Black Guard,
Flagellant, Knight of the Raven, Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter
Exits: None
Kislevite Kossar (Core 42) Entries: Steppes Nomad
Exits: Bounty Hunter, Chekist, Mercenary, Sergeant, Shieldbreaker, Streltsi,
Veteran, Winged Lancer
Kithband Warrior (Core 43) Entries: Hunter, Messenger
Exits: Hunter, Outrider, Scout, Vagabond, Veteran
Knight (Core 75) Entries: Noble Lord, Pistolier, Sergeant, Squire, Vampire
Hunter, Warrior Priest
Exits: Black Guard, Captain, Crusader, Initiate, Knight Errant, Knight of
the Blazing Sun, Knight of the Inner Circle, Knight of the Raven, Knight
Panther, Noble Lord, Vampire Hunter
Knight Errant (KotG 98) Entries: Knight, Noble, Squire
Exits: Herrimault, Knight of the Realm
Knight of the Blazing Sun (SH 124) Entries: Anointed Prest (Myrmidia),
Knight, Noble Lord, Priest (Myrmidia), Sergeant, Squire
Exits: Champion, Explorer, Initiate (Myrmidia), Knight of the Inner Circle
Knight of the Inner Circle (Core 75) Entries: Black Guard, Crusader,
Knight, Knight of the Blazing Sun, Knight of the Raven, Knight Panther,
Witch Hunter
Exits: Captain, Champion, Grandmaster, Knight of the Raven, Noble Lord,
Witch Hunter
Knight of the Raven (NDM 99) Entries: Black Guard, Knight, Knight of
the Inner Circle
Exits: Captain, Champion, Killer of the Dead, Knight of the Inner Circle,
Witch Hunter
Knight of the Realm (KotG 98) Entries: Knight Errant
Exits: Captain, Courtier, Explorer, Faceless, Noble Lord, Politician, Questing
Knight of the Verdant Field (ToC 20) Entries: Hunter, Initiate (of
Myrmidia), Mercenary, Militiaman, Outrider, Soldier, Woodsman
Exits: Priest (of Myrmidia), Scout, Veteran
Knight Panther (ToC 128) Entries: Knight, Noble Lord, Sergeant, Squire,
Witch Hunter
Exits: Captain, Champion, Knight of the Inner Circle, Veteran, Witch
Lamplighter (SoA 12) Entries: Charcoal-Burner, Peasant, Rat Catcher,
Exits: Agitator, Burgher, Entertainer, Initiate, Servant, Smuggler, Toll Keeper,
Lay Priest (CC 131) Entries: Friar, Initiate, Priest
Exits: Friar, Prelate, Priest
Litigant (TiT 16) Entries: Burgher, Exciseman, Scribe, Student, Watchman
Exits: Agitator, Demagogue, Guild Master, Merchant, Politician, Scholar
Man-at-Arms (KotG 99) Entries: Carcassonne Shepherd, Hunter, Peasant,
Swampaire, Vagabond, Woodsman
Exits: Carcassonne Shepherd, Herrimault, Mediator, Outlaw, Outrider,
Veteran, Wall Warden, Yeoman
Marauder (ToC 147) Entries: Bondsman, Cult Acolyte, Freeholder, Norse
Berserker, Reaver, Skald, Whaler
Exits: Chaos Warrior, Mercenary, Reaver, Slaver, Warleader
Marine (Core 43) Entries: Boatman, Fisherman, Reaver, Riverwarden,
Seaman, Stevedore, Wrecker
Exits: Mate, Outlaw, Riverwarden, Sergeant, Smuggler, hug, Wrecker
Master Runesmith (RoS 217) Entries: Journeyman Runesmith
Exits: Runelord, Scholar, Veteran
Master hief (Core 76) Entries: Cat Burglar, Cloaked Brother, Crime Lord,
Fence, Highwayman, Racketeer, Spy
Exits: Cloaked Brother, Crime Lord, Explorer, Outlaw Chief, Targeteer
Master Vigilant (NDM 99) Entries: Journeyman Wizard, Master Wizard
Exits: Master Wizard, Spy, Vampire Hunter, Witch Hunter, Wizard Lord
Master Wizard (Core 76) Entries: Journeyman Wizard, Master Vigilant
Exits: Explorer, Master Vigilant, Scholar, Wizard Lord
Mate (Core 77) Entries: Marine, Reaver, Seaman
Exits: Explorer, Merchant, Navigator, Sea Captain
Mediator (KotG 99) Entries: Hunter, Man-at-Arms, Herrimault, Peasant,
Exits: Demagogue, Herrimault, Rogue, Village Elder
Mercenary (Core 44) Entries: Artillerist, Bodyguard, Bondsman, Bounty
Hunter, Cadet, Chekist, Chimneysweep, Deepwatcher, Demagogue,
Fieldwarden, Grail Pilgrim, Kislevite Kossar, Marauder, Militiaman, Miner,
Norse Berserker, Outrider, Pit Fighter, Reaver, Sewer Jack, Skald, Soldier,
Streltsi, Swamp Skimmer, Temple Guardian, hug, Watchman, Yeoman
Exits: Bodyguard, Bondsman, Bounty Hunter, Cadet, Gambler, Horse
Master, Knight of the Verdant Field, Outlaw, Sergeant, Shieldbreaker,
Veteran, Yeoman
Merchant (Core 77) Entries: Ambassador, Apothecary, Artisan, Burgher,
Captain, Envoy, Exciseman, Explorer, Farmer, Fisherman, Freeholder, Horse
Archer, Horse Coper, Horse Master, Innkeeper, Litigant, Mate, Muleskinner,
Pamphleteer, Scholar, Stevedore, Steward, Tradesman
Exits: Guild Master, Militiaman, Politician, Racketeer, Slaver, Spy
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