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Summer 1963 Volum8 II Number2
$2.50 U.S.
$3.50 Canada
And Even More GamesfortheCommodore64
Butterfield Fools with Boolean
EnglandTakesthe VIC Seriously
"*• -^""-
Permit No. 1705
Phlla, PA
Cammodort Business Machinal, Inc.
1200 Wilson Dfmi- ■ Wi-.i PA 19380
No one, not even the author, has
ever achieved the fast Gridrunner. It
is an extremeiy fast-paced arcade-
quality game designed to test your
coolness under fire and challenge
your reflexes.
As the pilot of the Gridrunner, a
combat ship, you must annihilate
the various enemies traveling
along the "Grid." High scores are
possible only through the mastery
of the patterns ofthe X/Y Zappers
and the Gridsearch Droids which,
when destroyed, mutate into
potentially lethal Pods.
Gridrunner has 32 levels of diffi
culty(20 levels in
the VIC 20 ver
sion). To this
date, the 13th
level has been
the highest
Is available
for VIC 20™
Can you beat
See your local
computer or
games dealer
and find out.
Human Engineered Software
71 Park Lane
Brisbane, CA 94005
a divisionoi U5I
vie 20 and Cornmodurg B4 ars trademarks f>r
Commodo'o Electronic* LW.
♦ t,
Commodore 64™
expansion products
from Micro Systems
A The InterbusSeries. Three interfaces lor theVIC20 and
Commodore 64: one for IEEE 488, one for RS 232 and one
for Parallel.
The VIE and C1E are IEEE 488 interfaces for the VIC 20.
When plugged into the expansion port, the cartridge is
"transparent," that is, the user can still attach other peripherals
without any interference. Devices such as 4040,8050, 2031, 2032,
4022 and8023 can be controlled. The IEEEsoftwarecan becalled
by using the 'SYS' command, even in the middle ofa
BASIC program.
The V232 and C232 are serial interface cartridges which
allow connection of various input/output devices such as printers,
modems, plotters, etc. to VIC 20 or Commodore 64 computers.
Features include: positive and negative voltage swings to meet full
EIA standards, straps and jumpers to allow reconfiguration to meet
pinouts for any RS232 device, and software selectable reconfigura
tion such as baud rate, parity, and duplex mode.
The VPI and CPI are parallel Interfaces for the VIC 20 and
Commodore 64. These interfaces provide direct BASIC use of the
parallel printer bus and give "invisible" access to thebus. The
VPI can be used only on theVIC20 and uses the expansion port.
The CPI will work with both the VIC 20 and Commodore 64 and
does not use the expansion port. The CPI also has switches (or set
ting insertion or deletion ofline feed, conversion of Commodore
ASCII into standard ASCII or visa versa, addresses printer to device
A. 5, 6 or 7, and allows normallyunprintable Commodore characters
to be printed in a recognizableform.
B Expandoport Series. Expandoport 3 and Expandoport 6 are
three- and six-slot expansion boards for the VIC 20. Each slot on
the Expandoport 6 has a switch for controlling power to that con
nector. The switch allows the use of cartridges which respond to the
same memory space. The Expandoport 6 also has a fuse and reset
switch.The fuse prevents excessive current drain fromthe VIC 20
and protects it from 'shorts'. The reset switch allows the user to
'Restart' the V)C 20 without turning poweroff, This feature allows
RAM, which is located in the ROM expansion area, to be protected
during 'Restart'.
Expandoport 4 is a four port expansion board forthe
Commodore 64. It has thesame featuresas the Expandoport 6and
even allows for the use of varying width cartridges.
C Terminal PakSeries. D Audit) Link.
C Terminal PakSeries. The VTE 40 Terminal Emulator
(VTE 40}is a hardware and software package which converts the
VIC 20 into a 40-column communications terminal. TheVTE 40
cartridge is complete. Various set-up parameters such asbaud rate,
parity, duplex, and bits percharactercan be selected through a
'menu' format. VTE 40 features are: 40 x 25 text display, user
definable communication specs, smooth or normal scroll, print infor
mation to printer or disk, generation of control codes, selective
omission ofdata, continuous status line.
The CTE/VTETerminal Emulator(CTE/VTE) is a software
program which converts the VIC 20 or Commodore 64 into a ter
minal. The usercan 'softwareselect' the baud rate compatible with
the modem used Full upper and lower casecharactersare supported
Call toll free
for nearest dealer
Lifetime warranty
available upon
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E Monitor link.
D Audio Link. An audio cassette adapter interface for the
VIC20. Features include: use of regular cassette recorders, conver
sion of VIC 20 digital data to audio and visa versa, normal and
invertedcassette signal, remoteon/off control andcontrol of
external devices.
E Monitor Link. This cable assembly allows the VIC20 and/or
the Commodore 64 to interface with a monitor instead of aTV. The
Monitor Link providesseparate video and audio output, This enables
the sound output to go directly into astereo system for unmatched
audio quality. The Monitor Link is great for applicationswhere aTV
is not desired. It allowsthe Commodore 64 user to have high quality
resolution on black and white monitors,
Expnndupcrt, Audio Link. Ininbut. Terminal ft*. VRAM and Monitor(.ink artcopywriJal by Micro
Sync™ Dl I
■home compuCinq
Summer 1983 Volume II Number 2
New Carlri
sat-.?-. ^
34 And Even More New Cartridge Games forthe Commodore 64
by Diane LeBold
Three Bally/Midwayarcadehits top the list ofexciting new cartridge games
for the Commodore 64.
38 OOPS! byJeffBruette
ACommodoregame programmerreveals howyoucan usecertain bugs
(let'scall them"undocumented features") toscorehigher inCommodore's
OmegaRace and GORFcartridges for theVIC20.
dge Games
40 Omega Race: AJoystickWorks, Tool by David Owens
You can gethighscores in OmegaRace usingajoystick.Areader replies to
DavidBerezowki's claim, intheWinter issue, thatpaddlesarethe bestway
to get those 200,000+ scores.
42 Making FriendsWith SID, Part3: The Commodore 64 Piano
TurnyourCommodore 64 into apianokeyboardthatsoundslike a real
piano, as Paul continueshisseriesonusingyour Sound Interface Device.
46 Bit-Mapped Graphicsonthe Commodore 64 byJim Gracely
Our newtechnical editormakes hisdebutwith somevaluableinsightinto
producinghigh resolution graphicsonyour 64.
50 England Takes theVIC Seriously by Mike Smith
Fournew business packages fortheVIC 20, created intheUnitedKingdom,
will soon bemarketed inthe U.S.A memberofCommodore's Software
ProductsGroup in the U.K. explains them.
Omega Race
9 Braindrops From the Editor
11 We'reGladYouAsked
Technical editorJimCracelyanswers readers'questions
12 TheVICMagician
CreatingAttractive ScreenTitles byMichaelTomczyk
15 Butterfleld
Foolin'with Boolean by Jim Butterfield
20 The CommodoreChallengeContest
A tit between two greatgame programs submitted by ourtalented readers. Typeand
savePIO by George CurrieAND TheMaze by George Short.Then fill out the entry
blank and send ina copy ofyour best. Maybe you'll be the next winner!
25 HighScores
How doyou measureup inourongoingcompetition? Canyouheat thesechampion
flamesters' scores? Send in a photo ofyour best.
27 UserCroup Spotlight
Remote Terminal: The Old Harbor, Alaska, UserGroup byJohnO'Brien
28 Access: CommodoreUserGroups
Acomplete list ofuser groupsaround theworld
53 No MorePencils, NoMoreBooks...
A Flr«t Lookat LOCO by David Malmberg
We welcome David asa regularcontributor. Watch his column each issueforthe
latest scoop on learningat home.
58 Kids' Comer
The best from our "Commodore Kids" is nowa regulardepartment, edited by Betsy
Bymeofthe New Mexico Commodore User Group. Look here from now on forthings
by and about kids.
71 Jiffies
The Octopus Maze byGerald and Betty Schueler
Alphamalch by Barbara J. Moody
Joyrite byMike andAnnette Hinshaw
Reinventing theWheel in PETBASIC by Dean S. Rossa
STAR:AnAstronomyProgram byAlex Bakman
88 Programs
Some simple programs to type andsave.
FOR... NEXT Sound Effects byJim Lockrfdge
)Sulii'tlii hi1- Machine Language Revisited byCarl Robertson
90 Tele/Scope
Dynamic File Translator bvJeffHand
93 Program Review
Vixel forFun and Learning byJohn Watkin
94 Glitch Fix
Ifwe make a mistake, this iswherewe repair il.
100 NewProducts
New developments forCommodore computers from independent manufacturers.
103 Commodore Product List
108 Advertisers Index
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