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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : A Question of Breeding
Written by Adam Flynn
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Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : A Question of Breeding
A Timeline of Past Events
The Setup
About 200 years ago (approx. 2320)
Heinrich Haushalter, a knight and veteran of the
chaos incursions, returns home. Much of his
other estates having been destroyed, along with
family members, he builds a stone manor house
on property inherited from his mothers side - the
hamlet now called Marlehof. To house the
bodies of his dead kin he commissions a family
crypt. To see to their souls, he builds a small
Temple of Morr and installs a priest to maintain
A Synopsis of the Current Situation
The Burgher Heinz Haushalter is a respected
merchant whose daughter (Etelka) is engaged
to wed a minor local noble, Karl Volte. The
marriage is favorable to both parties, as Volte is
fairly impoverished and Haushalter is keenly
interested in social climbing. However
Haushalter has a rival, Burgermeister Gunthar
Steinhoff, who would prefer the noble wed his
own daughter. Although Steinhoff can offer a
richer dowry than Haushalter, Haushalter has a
distant claim to noble heritage that is very
important to Volte. To the bankrupt noble it is
vital to maintain the appearance that he is not
marrying below his station. In public Steinhoff
maintains a friendly mien so that, as yet,
Haushalter is unaware of the depth of
Steinhoff's animosity to him.
About 100 years ago (approx. 2420)
Bechtram Haushalter, the middle-aged and
near-destitute Lord of Marlehof, sells the land to
Gerhard Von Kleist, a distant cousin. Bechtram
then moves his family, including his 16 year-old
son Vorster, to the nearest town and invests his
money in a merchant enterprise. By the end of
his life Bechtram leaves behind his destitute
past and re-invents himself as a rich burgher.
Although Haushalter's noble heritage is
commonly accepted history by many townsfolk,
recent rumors (spread by Steinhoff's agents)
have sprang up that it is untrue and the
Haushalter family has been lying for years
about this. Unfortunately Haushalter doesn't
have any proof that his family history is true.
With the rumors now reaching the ears of Volte,
Haushalter is anxious to provide solid evidence
of his heritage.
70 years ago (2450)
The Von Kleist family appropriates the
Haushalter crypt for their own uses during a
time when no priest is maintaining the Temple
of Morr in Marlehof. Older bodies are removed
and stacked in other parts of the crypt to make
room from new ones. By the time a new priest
is appointed, no one admits the crypt holds
anything other than the Von Kleist family dead.
15 years ago (2505)
The head of the Von Kleist family and Lord of
Marlehof, Felix, becomes afflicted with a
disfiguring mutation. Working on his family
loyalty and fears of discovery, his younger
brother Frederik convinces Felix to fake his own
death and live in exile. Once Felix is “dead”,
Frederik conveniently becomes the head of the
family and the new Lord.
Heinz Haushalter was aware that his family
moved into the town four generations ago and
later grew into prominence. But he has recently
determined that prior to this his family held
lordship of the hamlet of Marlehof, some 3 days
journey by foot from the town. Journal entries
made by his great-grandfather (Vorster) indicate
that a family crypt of some size existed near this
hamlet. With the wedding approaching he sent
two of his hired men on horseback to ask
questions and see if there was anything in the
family crypts to prove his great-great-
grandfather's nobility. They were expected
back in a week. It's been two weeks and they
haven't returned. The wedding is 8 days away,
Volte is getting skittish, and Haushalter is
getting desperate. This is where the player
characters come in.
8 years ago (2512)
Hugo Faustmann, an ex-initiate of Morr, poses
as a full priest in order to assume custody of the
Temple of Morr in Marlehof. Over time he
befriends the recluse, Felix, and learns his
Two months ago (2520)
Lord Karl Volte agrees to marry Etelka, the
daughter of the Burgher Heinz Haushalter,
because of her large dowry and her family’s
noble blood. Gregor Steinoff, the
Burgermeister, is incensed that his daughter’s
hand is refused.
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : A Question of Breeding
One month ago (2520)
Vicious rumors surface, spread by Steinoff’s
agents, that the Haushalter family are
commoners and liars. Word of this reaches
Volte’s ears and he demands proof of the nobility
of his betrothed before the wedding date.
Steinoff sets men to spy on Haushalter to see
what he does in reaction.
nearby hamlet of Marlehof) can be located almost
anywhere in the Empire that the GM desires. The
only constraints are the roles of the NPCs and the
distance between the town and Marlehof. The
default assumption is that the town in question is
Delberz. Throughout the text the word “town” is
used in favor of Delberz to minimize confusion if
the GM moves the adventure to another location.
Ignoring Scenes
If for purposes of playing time, pacing, or lack of
interest the GM wishes to exclude certain scenes
this is easily done. The only crucial scenes are 1,
4, 6, and 11. All others could be removed to have
a very quick and straightforward story with
minimal conflict. The optional scenes, if included,
serve to add complications, opportunities for
roleplaying, and interest to the adventure.
Two weeks ago (2520)
Haushalter uncovers where his family is from. He
sends two of his men (Udo Hockschwarzer and
Fritz Mansel) to Marlehof to find evidence of the
family’s noble line. Steinoff dispatches Adolf
Grobschmeid to follow them. Grobschmeid
meets with the Lord of Marlehof, Frederik Von
Kleist, after Haushalter’s men do. Grobschmeid
convinces Frederik that the men are searching for
evidence that will be used to dispossess the Von
Kleist family of their land.
Altering Scenes
In order to provide the maximum flexibility to the
GM, many of the scenes presented below include
suggestions on how to modify them to improve
pacing or to address problematic situations.
Hockschwarzer and Mansel meet with the priest,
Faustmann, and ask to see the crypt of the
Haushalter family. Faustmann knows of no such
family and, in searching the temple archives,
pieces together how the Von Kleist family stole
the crypt from them. Infuriated, Faustmann
opens the crypt for the men to search but, while
waiting for them to return, is discovered by Felix.
When confronted by the priest about the Von
Kleist family’s dishonorable action, Felix kills
Faustmann rather than have it revealed. Then he
locks the two men in the crypt to die.
Sections titled “Keeping it Short” offer ways to
bring the scene or encounter to a quick and
decisive end. These can be used to make the
adventure play faster and to increase or maintain
the energy level of the players.
Sections titled “Drawing it Out” offer ways to
expand a scene into something larger or more
elaborate. These can be used if the players are
enjoying a specific scene or to make the
adventure play longer. Note that using the longer
version of more than a few scenes will likely
cause the adventure to run longer than one or
two sessions.
Hockschwarzer and Mansel recover a book of
Haushalter family records and the signet ring of
Heinrich Haushalter. But before they can leave
they are set upon by giant rats and both men are
Sections titled “Solving Problems” offer the GM
ways to get the game going again if the PCs
make choices or mistakes that derail the plot.
This is not to say that the GM can’t give the PCs
a free hand to make any choice they want to and
wander into uncharted territory. It only offers
tools for GMs who want to run the adventure as
described without improvising additional scenes
or content.
Two days ago (2520)
Haushalter becomes resigned that his men will
not return. Determined to hire armed
mercenaries, he seeks out a printer to print an
offering notice. Steinoff’s spy notifies his
employer of this. Steinoff send Adolf
Grobschmeid back to Marlehof with another
warning for Frederik. Meanwhile, Steinoff sets
about hiring some mercenaries of his own to take
care of anyone lured by Haushalter’s offer.
Sections titled “Victory Nigh” apply to combat
scenes where the PCs are close to winning.
These discuss not only the exit strategy of the
opponents but also additional complications the
GMs can throw in to further challenge PCs and
add spice to a “cakewalk” combat
Sections titled “Looming Defeat” apply to combat
scenes where the PCs are close to losing. These
discuss ways the GM can believably offer rescue
or relief to PCs confronting death who are unable
The town in which the adventure starts (and the
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : A Question of Breeding
(or too stupid) to flee.
to convince Lord Karl Volte to wed his own
daughter, Anna, instead.
3+ degrees
Same as 2 degrees + two men who were loyal
family retainers of the Haushalter for many years
have recently disappeared. The story is they
were seen riding out of town 2 weeks ago and
haven’t been seen since.
Setting the Scene
Getting the PCs Involved
On the day that the PCs arrive in town, notices
are being posted around the town in the main
plazas and near the gates. The cheaply printed
pamphlets read as follows:
Arriving for the Interview
When the PCs arrive at Haushalter's warehouse
it is busy with men loading and unloading goods.
However, mention of the offer will cause
Haushalter to be quickly sent for. Although
obviously distracted (he's followed by his
accountant, with two lists - one of business
matters and one of a menu for the wedding feast)
he is eager to greet the PCs. The better dressed,
and better armed, the PCs are the happier he will
be in meeting them (if the PCs don't carry
weapons openly Haushalter may worriedly
remark on it).
To reliable persons of virtue and skill:
Your assistance is required with a short task of
singular importance and minimal danger. A
single week of work will be sufficient to complete
the task. Applicants who are accepted will be
handsomely rewarded upon success. Interested
parties should present themselves at the
Haushalter warehouse on Handelsstrasse during
daylight hours.
A few town criers, paid by Haushalter, also
wander through the market shouting a shortened
version of the offer and brandishing more of the
After dismissing the accountant (who appears
miffed at this interruption) and inviting the PCs
into his office, Haushalter will spend but a few
minutes asking after the names, skills, and any
credentials they care to offer. He especially asks
regarding their skill at arms, all the while
downplaying any danger involved in the task he
has. As long as the PCs don't prove highly
disreputable, he will be willing to offer them the
Learning the Lay of the Land
The PCs may make a Routine[+10%] Gossip
Test upon entering the town or on learning of
Haushalter’s offer. The degree of success
indicates which tidbits of information they are able
to gather regarding it. Note that even on a failure
they hear about the offer itself, since everyone in
town knows about that.
Haushalter openly explains the wedding situation
(as he knows it – he is unaware of Steinoff’s
secret activities). He then asks them to travel as
fast as possible to the hamlet of Marlehof, seek
out his family crypt there, and locate any
evidence that indicates the family's noble origins
(he is certain there is some to be found). If the
PCs press him for specifics, he will state that he
is unsure what may be found, but urge them to
look for the oldest family relics and any records of
the Haushalter heritage.
The PCs hear a town crier shout in their ears
about the Haushalter offer.
0 degrees
Same as Failure + the PCs hear that Haushalter’s
daughter, Etelka, is getting married to Lord Karl
Volte in 8 days time.
1 degree
Same as 0 degrees + the Haushalter wedding
may not go forward. Lord Volte only agreed to
marry her because Etelka possessed a good
pedigree, but the talk amongst town is that the
Haushalter family is actually as common as mud
and the Haushalters have been lying all these
If one character is designated to represent the
group to Haushalter and does most of the
speaking during the interview, have that character
make an Average[+0%] Charm Test. Alternately,
if all the characters are speaking for themselves,
have the character with the lowest Charm skill
make an Average[+0%] Charm Test. This
determines Haushalter feeling for how trustworthy
the characters are as a group.
2 degrees
Same as 1 degree + the PCs hear that
Burgermeister Gunthar Steinhoff tried and failed
Haushalter offers the group 1 gc each up front,
plus 5 gc each if they are successful in returning
with the evidence in time. If the Charm Test was
Fan Material for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay : A Question of Breeding
a success, Haushalter adds an additional 1 gc
each up front.
Haushalter will mention that he would very much
like to know what happened to his men, but this is
of secondary importance because of the wedding.
If a PC makes a successful Opposed Haggle
Test, Haushalter can be talked up to 3 gc each up
front and 7 gc each if they are successful in
finding evidence in time. He is also willing to use
his business contacts to help the PCs secure
information or materials of a legal nature if they
are successful. Note that if the players believe
that the sum offered is insufficient, it may be
valuable to remind that for a week’s work they are
being paid more than twice what an average
mercenary receives in a month.
An Enemy at Work
Because of the loss of his two men, coupled with
the recent rumors spread about his family,
Haushalter has begun to suspect that someone is
working against him. He won't reveal this final
conclusion unless pressed by the PCs regarding
any enemies he has. Haushalter doesn’t know
who would wish him ill. If the PCs have heard of
Steinoff and suggest that he could be the culprit,
Haushalter will dismiss this concern. He will state
that Steinoff and he do business, and both have
made overtures to insure that there is no bad
blood. Steinoff even sent two silver goblets as a
wedding present.
If the PCs accept Haushalter’s offer he will urge
them to leave town with all speed, since time is
short. He wishes them good luck and tells them
to bring the evidence straight to him as soon as
they return.
The Invocation to Morr
Before the PCs leave, Haushalter will press upon
them a sealed piece of paper that contains a brief
invocation to Morr (see handout 1). Haushalter
will state that he is eager for the PCs not to
offend any lingering spirits of his ancestors and
consulted with a priest of Morr. So when they
enter the crypt or remove any evidence they find,
he would be appreciative if they would read the
prayer to placate any listening ears. If asked he
will tell the PCs that he did not supply his hired
men with the prayer as neither of them could
read. Note that this invocation is just a standard
prayer, is not magical and, unless the GM intends
otherwise, has no effect when read. It’s just
something to make the PCs worry.
Keeping it Short
Just the Facts
The pace may slow down if the PCs are being
slow to accept the offer or have gotten all the
information they need and are asking
unproductive questions. To move things alone
the GM can have the accountant, Etelka
Haushalter, some of the warehouse workers, or a
combination of these enter the office
unannounced and demand Haushalter’s attention
on another urgent matter. Haushalter will delay
any intruders for a moment and then, looking both
eager and resolute, ask the PCs if they will
accept his offer. The PCs can make one
Opposed Haggle Test (if they have not already
done so) before accepting or refusing the offer. If
they accept, Haushalter is gratified and pays
them immediately. If they refuse he looks
disappointed but thanks them for their time and
tells them that they should return if they
reconsider. In either case, he then shows them
to the door.
Solving Problems
What if the PCs aren’t interested?
If, after meeting with Haushalter the PCs are
undecided or uninterested, the GM can try to
coax interest with the arrival of Haushalter’s
daughter, Etelka. She can arrive at the
warehouse as the PCs are leaving, or later at the
inn in which the PCs have taken lodging. In
either case, she will attempt to persuade them to
help her family. She will confess that although
she doesn’t love her betrothed, she wishes
greatly to please her father and that being Lady
Volte would be no bad thing. At the GMs
discretion she can simply cajole the PCs with
praise, offer additional money (up to 10 gc total),
a prized piece of jewelry (worth 25 gc), or an
glowing introduction to her new husband at the
wedding feast.
Drawing it Out
A Few Things Left Unsaid
The Loss of Two Men
If asked about any danger, Haushalter will admit
he sent two of his own men (Udo Hockschwarzer
and Fritz Mansel), both loyal and reliable, to
perform the same task 2 weeks ago and they
have not returned. He has no reason to suspect
the area is particularly dangerous (though as a
townsman he hears tales of the dangers that can
fall upon travelers on lonely forest roads), but
thinks some evil has befallen these men.
What if the PCs are on foot?
If the PCs don’t have horses, the deadline still
allows them enough time to walk there (3 days),
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