Fallout PnP - Enclave.pdf

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Fallout :
The Enclave Of
The United States Of
A rtificial I ntelligence M achines
The Enclave of The
United States of
I. History of The Enclave:
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : general Jason L. Richardson note
about The Enclave
Security status : none
Date of modification : December, 21 st
We, the citizens of the Enclave, who do
believe in the Enclave as the legal continuation
of United States of America, rule that we will
do everything that our country, its government,
or citizens may need to achieve our goal of
resurrecting the United States of America once
-- Constitution of The Enclave, First Paragraph
Many years have passed since the
foundation of The Enclave and not many
remember its origin and history. I feel
responsible for the education of my
descendants. I shall store this valuable data
in the EnclaveNet computers so it will
remind our people of what we once were
and what we will become again. The story
begins in year 2055, when the US
government became aware that a nuclear
conflict with our enemies would lead to a
total collapse of governmental
infrastructure. The mythical Armageddon
made real, if you will. A private company
called Vault-Tec was licensed to construct
a series of underground shelters in case of
a war, called Vaults. These would help
average citizens survive but we needed to
have a command and government centre
that would also survive and would be much
larger than a Vault.
Northern Californian and Nevada
were chosen because of the relative lack of
targets compared to the vast open spaces.
Then some Pentagon specialists found an
old oil platform that would form an
excellent base for construction of an
underwater city. Construction of this Top-
Secret base started in 2057 and Hydropolis,
the capital of what was to become The
Enclave, and was finished by 2074. The
government also built also some outposts
in the mainland.
Unlike the Vaults, which contained
only sufficient supplies and knowledge to
survive after the war, the knowledge of
humanity was stored in the EnclaveNet
This text is considered to be an extension
of Fallout Pen&Paper currently available at
by Jason Mical ( unasoda@hotmail.com ) .
Reading just this won’t allow you to play
the game.
Any comments you have please send to Jan
Domanik ( domanik@wp.pl ) . I wish you
good gaming. I’m aware of the fact that
some things vary from what it was
approached in Fallout series but those are
not any major changes and do not affect
general gameplay.
GM information:
Enclave expansion is recommended either
for high level (12 and above) player
characters form the Wastes or can be
played from the very beginning (level 1)
when using player characters that are
Enclave citizen.
You should also be aware that this is a
high-tech add-on and it introduces many
cyberpunk ideas which can sometimes not
fit into your post nuclear world but in my
opinion when used in moderation it
provides good gaming opportunities. For
further information on playing Enclave
characters turn to chapter IV.
You have been warned.
computers, much like a modern-day
“Library of Alexandria.” The first citizens
came to Hydropolis in 2076 and the
maximum population of 250,000 was to be
achieved by 2081. In 2077 the much-
feared war broke out stopping further
construction and leaving some outposts
As I was the commander of an elite
101 st Airborne Division by then I expected
to be sent to front line but instead an order
came that me and half of my division are
going to defend some top secret base in the
middle of nowhere, the rest is going to
war. I was mad by then but as time passes I
see that otherwise I would end as an
radioactive heap of bones somewhere in
China. We just sat there in Hydropolis and
saw as the came out one by one. First the
NATO command, then Pentagon and
Washington, NORAD, Area 51, Iron
Mountain all those cities in EANU and
here, in states… And we were not allowed
to send any transmissions… After all that
madness ended we were left alone. We had
no contact with anyone, with all satellites
shot down and all long range
communicators in the mainland destroyed.
We send lots of scouts but they never
returned. After losing several hundred of
men we discovered that our old T51b
Powered Armour just couldn’t stop
radiation so high as it was by the time. So
we just hidden underwater, which sheltered
us from radiation and made no contact with
outside world ever since. About 25000 of
us live here. I’m no longer the leader of
The Enclave (we named is after the war, or
rather the War, because we are the only
part of USA that survived), we have a
senate and a president. Everything is going
smoothly and in a few years we will
emerge to the outside world once again.
- Jason L. Richardson, General of
101 st Airborne Division, Commander-in-
Chief of Enclave Army
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
File : corporal Samuel W. Richardson note
about The Enclave history
Security status : red
Date of modification : March, 3 rd 2155
Well the time has come for me to continue
the work of my father. Many years have
passed since someone has wrote down our
history but there were many more
important things. After my fathers death in
2098 many things have changed. The most
important is that we once more established
a stronghold on the mainland, it was in
2105 and the base called Navarro exists to
current day. We once more went into the
wasteland and saw that many people
survived even if we thought it to be
impossible. But they were not interested in
rebuilding the USA, most of them being
the second generation as the first died out
quickly after the war all they desired was
our technology. We also met some foul
creatures known as ghouls and mutants for
the first time. We quickly learned that we
won’t rebuild the USA with those losers,
we had to achieve this task by ourselves.
By the time we have regained three missile
cruisers – their crew probably killed by
radiation and we had capabilities to make
some real shipments to Navarro (later on
we also tried to travel to different places
but all was the same, radiation or some
aggressive locals). We tried to make
contact with some Vaults but most of the
did not survive the war and others just
didn’t trust us and refused to open their
doors, which is not surprising as we
haven’t been heard of before the bombs
went. We slowly grew in number and even
seized control of an old nuclear reactor and
built some bases deeper in wasteland but
those all had to be deserted from various
reasons. Probably the most important thing
happened in 2115. The High Commission
of Science and Warfare (HCSW) was
founded. I would mark this as an end of
republic and the beginning of technocracy
in The Enclave. The scientists quickly
gained control of every important decision
and the senate had something to say only
EnclaveNet : OnLine
in domestic policy not to speak about the
president. Army quickly grew enormously
large and this assured that HCSW would
not give back its power. The positive
aspect is that we made a few important
discoveries by then, like Vertibirds or T67
but there are also many negative aspects.
Drugs appeared in our society and we
started to send weapons shipment into the
wasteland to assure that they will have
enough weapons to kill each other, with
“little” help from our spies. But population
wealth grew and no one was or is against
but I feel that those are not true ideals of
the pre-war USA. Well that was for the
good part. In 2145 we sent our scouts to a
high tech robot factory before the war and
discovered the only power that could stand
against us. This was a long forgotten pre-
war project of building an army of battle
cyborgs and robots (Artificial Intelligence
Machines Project). If not for them HCSW
would probably have finished off most of
the towns in Nevada and California and
built our own upon their burning ruins. We
thought the project was terminated but
were wrong, our scouts got killed and our
attack was repulsed. Nobody really knows
why the commission has launched an
immediate attack instead of negotiations, I
suspect that our metal enemies(?) might
have known something that could break
the HCSW supremacy in The Enclave. Its
hard to say because all documents
regarding those events were given white
access code and only the chairman of the
HCSW can access those. From that time
the HCSW has ordered a blockade and
launches an attack from time to time, as
well as robots do, but the situation has
been much of stalemate for last 10 years
and is causing HCSW popularity to fall.
We cannot defeat them and they cannot
defeat us but either us or them cannot
allow other to grow in power. And in my
opinion this will not change if we keep to
the same policy, but its not my matter to
comment on this. 100000 of us live in
Hydropolis and another 3000 in Navarro.
Not much for pre-war standards but it’s
well for a beginning, however I suspect
that the way that HCSW has taken leads to
nowhere but it’s up to my descendants to
see what will happen. And there is one
final thing that I’ll write about as last and
that will probably cause this text to be
given red access code and I’ll be arrested,
but in my age I do not care what they will
do with me and this is the thing that must
be written. I know that our soldiers have
committed severe atrocities in the name of
rebuilding the USA –we destroyed the off-
shore tribes and took some Vaults by force
in order to gain access to their supplies.
We all probably the most advanced nation
in this mad world but we haven’t chosen
the best way to rebuild civilization. That’s
for sure.
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
II. Enclave Technical Data
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : EnclaveNet - system description
Security status : green
Date of modification : June, 1 st 2160
EnclaveNet is an semi-AI computer
responsible for maintenance of all systems
in Hydropolis, Navarro and several other
facilities that are not accessible since year
2077. EnclaveNet is also made to aid all
secondary functions of The Enclave
inhabitants such as health, science,
entertainment, power control and much
others. EnclaveNet is also assistant to the
Enclave Armed Forces HQ and a
consultant of HCSW.
Technical data:
Work speed: 6789 terraflop
Storage memory: 25973 attobytes
Semi-AI IQ: 350
Architecture: Neural net
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : Enclave power display
Security status : green
Date of modification : March, 5 th 2160
Main fusion reactor: On, 30%
Secondary fusion reactor: On ,5%
Solar panels: Off
Backup power: Off
Poseidon Oil reactor: Contact Lost
Orbital power transmitters: Destroyed
Fusion fuel reserves: 1553,24 year
Current power usage: 10 MWh
Hydropolis: Powered
Navarro: Powered
Forcefields: Inactive
Traps: Inactive
GPS targeting: no satellite present
SDI defences: SDI satellites destroyed
Oil Rig main forcefield: Inactive
Internal turrets: On Guard
Counter insurgency: Inactive
Self-destruction control: 1024 bit access
code required
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
III. Population of the Enclave
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : Enclave Cloning Centre Information
Security status : none
Date of modification : June, 1 st 2160
Enclave Population (total): 110000
Enclave growth is strictly controlled and
all citizens are given a “genetic category” –
the higher the category the less damage
caused by radiation can be observed in
their DNA. Only two first categories are
allowed to have children (75% of Enclave
citizens belongs to those two categories)
all others are prohibited to have children
and are usually sterilised. Contraception is
common in the Enclave as HCSW set
limits of growth each 10 years (thus giving
the number of children family can have)
and each odd children rises the taxes for
his/hers parents. If growth is less than
expected then clones are made to reach
required values. However many think of
HCSW policy as foolish it’s made by a
group of specialist to best fit in
requirements and capabilities. If something
unexpected occurs plans are modified. The
Enclave growth rate is quite high and stays
at the level of about 2.5%.
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : Hydropolis geographical data
Security status : orange
Date of modification : June, 26 th 2160
Enclave headquarters is located 175 miles
off of the coast of California in the Pacific
ocean. Coordinates are 37 degrees 18
minutes north latitude by 120 degrees 7
minutes west longitude.
End of Record, EnclaveNet Off-Line
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : Hydropolis security status
Security status : orange
Date of modification : June, 2 nd 2160
Perimeter defences: OnLine
OilRig defences: OnLine
Radar: Active
Long range sensors: damaged, 50%
Main Laser Batteries: 10/14 operational
Secondary Laser Batteries:5/40 operational
Main Missile Batteries: 5/12 operational
Secondary Missile Batteries: 10/30
155 mm Guns: 0/10 operational
280 mm Guns: 1/5 operational
650 mm Torpedo Tubes: 1/10 operational
Supercavitation Torpedo Tubes: 0/3
Underwater minefield: Not Present
Deep Charge mortar: 5/15 operational
Defensive bots: On Guard
Security cameras: Active
EnclaveNet : OnLine
File : Enclave Agricultural Information
Security status : none
Date of modification : May, 28 th 2160
Most of food used by population of
Hydropolis and Navarro is being produced
in the greenhouses of Hydropolis under
artificial light. Process requires attention of
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