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Issue 9, Winter 2001
Read our full review
We play the new
PPC/Warp3D Version
SEAL Update ...................... 3
World of Amiga South East. 4
Reader Opinion................... 10
Payback PPC Preview........ 11
DTP Explained.................... 12
DTP Utilities ........................ 17
Mediator Multimedia CD ..... 24
Metaview............................. 20
ArtEffect Plugins Collection 22
Epson Stylus Photo 790 ..... 26
Memory Card Reader ......... 27
PhotoScope ........................ 28
Shogo ................................. 29
PD Paradise........................ 32
Archive Utilities ................... 40
Top Tips .............................. 34
DTP Tutorial ........................ 36
Back to Basics Archiving ... 39
IRC Tutorial ......................... 41
Clubbed is published quarterly by South
Essex Amiga Link. For subscription details
please contact us at the address below or
visit our website.
Editor: Robert Williams
Design: Robert Williams
Contributors: Elliott Bird
Mick Sutton
Kevin Twyman
Jamie Winter
Proof Reading: Sharon Sutton
Cover Art: Roy Burton
Contact Us
If you have any queries suggestions or
want to contact us for any reason please
use one of the following:
Post: Clubbed, 26 Wincoat Drive,
Telephone: +44 (0) 1268 569937
(19:00 - 22:00 UK time only please)
Only Amiga Made it Possible
Clubbed is designed and laid out using:
Amiga 3000
CyberStorm PPC/060
CyberVision PPC
128Mb RAM, about 8Gb HDD space.
Amiga OS 3.9 by Amiga
PageStream 4 by Softlogik
ImageFX 4 by Nova Design
Photogenics 5 by Paul Nolan
Final Writer 5 by Softwood
Ghostscript 6.50 from Aladdin Enterprises
There are also some essential utilities we
couldn’t live without: Directory Opus 5,
SGrab, MCP, Turbo Print 7, MakeCD.
Our thanks to the creators of this and all
the other great Amiga software out there.
Clubbed is entirely created on the Amiga,
no other machines are used at any stage of
the design or layout process.
It has to be said that things have been
fairly quiet at SEAL meetings over the
last few months, we think there are
several reasons for this. Firstly it has
been the summer when many people
are on holiday or at least would rather
be outside than sitting in front of a com-
puter. Secondly it has been a quiet time
in the Amiga market as a whole, there is
a great feeling of “wait and see” with
several big developments on the
horizon. Finally several of SEAL’s
movers and shakers have been very
busy with the forth coming WoASE show
which has also meant that this issue of
Clubbed has greater urgency than usual
Future Meetings
Once the show is over we aim to
revitalise SEAL meetings, hopefully this
will be aided by the release of new hard-
ware and software at around the same
time. So SEAL members, now is the
time to be thinking about topics you
would like to see covered at future
meetings and if you could contribute in
any way to make them more interesting.
W elcome to the ninth issue of
Clubbed, if everything has
gone to plan you could well
be reading this just before the World of
Amiga South East show which we’re all
working hard preparing for as I write.
I’m sure regular readers won’t fail to
spot that this issue is on time for a
change! I would like to thank all the con-
tributors to this issue, and everyone who
lent a hand in getting it finished. Special
thanks should go to Mick Sutton who
spent a lot of his evenings helping me
with the layout, in addition to writing
several articles.
One idea we do have is a “bring and buy
sale” where members can bring along
any kit they want to sell and can also
buy from other members, we had one of
these in SEAL’s first year and it was a
success. Also SEAL has received
several donations of hardware and soft-
ware in the last year and those items
which are not needed for the club
machines will be available for sale at
this meeting, all contributions going to
club funds.
The next few months look like being a
time of significant changes for Amiga
users, several major products, from
Amiga and others are expected in this
time frame. There is the Amiga One and
OS4, then there are the other solutions
based on OS 4 from Elbox, Matay and
anyone else who chooses to take up a
license. MorphOS, probably best
described as an Amiga compatible PPC
OS, with the BPlan Pegasos mother-
board will probably be shown to the
public for the first time at a show in
Cologne, Germany in mid November.
Finally we have the Amiga OS XL x86
emulation package from H&P, which
gives Amiga users yet another option!
we’ve had to look for a new printer for
this and future issues.
All that said we have had some interest-
ing meetings, bizarrely most featuring
CyberVision 64/3D graphics cards! We
had a go at fitting an AMon automatic
monitor switch to Alf Whitfield’s
CV64/3D. Next Elliott Bird asked for
some help setting up a CV64/3D in his
A4000, he had installed the card under
Picasso 96 but it was very unstable.
This turned out to be a hardware incom-
patibility between early DCE manufac-
tured CV64/3Ds and Zorro II (see Top
Tips on page 38 for more details). Then
Steve Willis brought along a Power
Tower, Z4 bus board and, you’ve
guessed it, a CyberVision 64/3D making
him the latest SEAL member to ex-
perience the wonders of high resolution,
high colour fast screens.
Before I go into the ramifications of this I
would like to thank Jeff for all the hard
work he’s put into getting Clubbed
printed, including putting up with my last
minute phone calls of... “don’t print it yet,
I’ve spotted a major typo!” (oh yes folks,
Issue 7’s cover very nearly referred to
the little known prehistoric era the
“Scantasic” instead of “Scantastic”!).
Everyone at Clubbed and I’m sure all
our readers wish Jeff the very best of
luck in finding a new job.
SEAL on the ‘net
SEAL has several, rather under used,
resources available on the Internet, with
more and more members getting on line
I think it’s time to give them a bit of a
plug. There are several mailing lists
which use the Yahoo Groups service,
these allow anyone with EMail to easily
receive information about the club. Seal-
announce is for club related announ-
cements and is a very low traffic list, it
would be great if all members with EMail
could join this list as it makes sending
announcements much easier. To join the
list, which is free, simply send a blank
EMail to: seal-announce-subscribe Seal-talk is an in-
teractive list for members to communi-
cate outside meetings, to join send a
blank Email to:
Then you can post your Amiga problems
and comments to everyone belonging to
the group by sending one EMail to:
Next Issue........................... 43
Gallery ................................ 44
From our initial enquires with local prin-
ters it seems that our printing costs are
going to increase considerably, probably
nearly doubling in fact. Because
Clubbed is non profit making there is no
way we can absorb this increase.
Therefore we have had to make a
decision as to how to continue without
making a loss on every issue sold. As
we need to have the magazine printed in
time for World of Amiga South East (ex-
actly four weeks away as I type this) we
have decided that we must put up the
price of the magazine in time for the
show. The new price is £3.50 per issue
with UK subscriptions at £14.00, current
subscriptions will not be effected, but
renewals from this issue will be at the
new price. We hope people will feel the
magazine is worth it and we will do our
best to make it good value for money.
From a Clubbed point of view we’d like
to hear your opinions on these develop-
ments, and which products, if any, you
choose to buy when they are released.
We can then start thinking about the fu-
ture direction of the magazine, although
that will also depend on the choices
made by our contributors.
Do The
But not everything revolved around the
Phase 5 designed card, new member
Philip Beasley had trouble with booting
his A4000, when we opened it up at the
meeting it not only had some interesting
hardware (a time base corrector for
video work and a GVP ‘040 accelerator)
but it also showed just how much dust
can collect in a machine that hasn’t
been opened for six years. We also
found a leaky battery, as mentioned in
the Top Tips section of issue eight. Sam
Byford is another member with an inter-
esting Amiga, his A4000 is in a Power
Tower with the new Elbox PCI bus
board, he’s just waiting for the Mediator
PCI logic to arrive so he can use those
exciting and inexpensive expansions.
The views expressed in this magazine are those
of the author of each piece, they do not
necessarily reflect the views of the editor, other
contributors or SEAL.
Please Note: Clubbed is produced by SEAL
members in their spare time, while we will always
strive to produce the magazine on time and
include all the advertised contents this is not
always possible due to other commitments. The
price you pay for Clubbed covers our costs and
nothing more, we don’t make a profit from it.
If you wish to contact a contributor please send
your message to one of the addresses above and
we will pass it on.
Amiga is a registered trademark and the Amiga
logo, AmigaDOS, Amiga Kickstart, Amiga
Workbench, Autoconfig, Bridgeboard, and
Powered by Amiga are trademarks of AMIGA Inc.
All other trademarks mentioned are the property
of their respective owners.
Along with the big changes in the Amiga
world we have had quite an eventful
month here at Clubbed. Currently the
magazine is printed for us by SEAL
member Jeff Martin who works in the
printing department of a large insurance
company. This means we get Clubbed
printed at cost price and in the excellent
quality you saw in issues three to eight
(and the second print run of issues one
and two). Unfortunately Jeff has in-
formed us that the printing department is
closing at Christmas and more impor-
tantly for us the machine used to print
the Clubbed covers has broken down
and probably won’t be fixed. Therefore
We’d like to make Clubbed more “in-
teractive” so we need your input!
Got a question you’d like answered
or an opinion you’d like to share?
Write to us and we’ll include it in a
letters page.
SEAL also has an IRC (Internet Relay
Chat) channel on Arcnet called #SEAL,
here you can chat with other members
in real time, for more information on IRC
see Elliott Bird’s tutorial on page 41.
There are full details of all SEAL’s
Internet activities on the website at:
Got a tip for other readers or even an
article up your sleeve? Send it in and
you could very well see your name in
Well that’s about it from me, enjoy the
magazine and see you at World of
Amiga South East!
Got a suggestion or comment on the
magazine? Let us know and we’ll try
and make Clubbed better for you.
Robert Williams
CLUBBED - Issue 9
Winter 2001
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World of Amiga South East
New Look
AmigaOS on
In the Amiwest update sheet included
with issue 8 of Clubbed we were
surprised to find that two, ostensibly
similar Amiga Emulators were being
developed in tandem. One was
Amithlon, developed by Harald Frank
and Bernd Meyer, which was demon-
strated by Bill McEwen at Amiwest and
the other, previewed in Amiga Active
issue 23 turned out to be AmigaXL from
Haage and Partner.
Amiga drivers to support your hardware,
for example if you want to print on a
modern inkjet you would still need
TurboPrint. From what has been said
Using Amithlon will be very much like
using a very fast 68k Amiga, it will still
have the limitations of an Amiga such as
limited driver support, but on the other
hand it you like your Amiga driver soft-
ware for scanning, printing, CD writing
etc. you should be able to continue
using it, just much faster.
The main Aminet website has been
given a make over, the site is still simple
and quick to load (if anything I think the
one graphic is smaller than before) but
now all the common functions are easily
available on the main page. Straight
away you can see the list of the last
week’s uploads and the search function
is in the side bar along with direct links
to the top level directories.
At the moment the new look only seems
to be available on the US site at:
Both emulators run on a host OS, Linux
for Amithlon and QNX for AmigaXL, but
hide the fact from the user. They are
both derived from UAE although
Amithlon’s developers say
almost every aspect has
been rewritten, we don’t
know yet how much of
UAE remains in AmigaXL
although H&P do say it
uses a “modified and highly
accelerated 68k emulator”.
Another common factor between
the two is their claimed speed, on a
fast x86 PC speeds of up to 20 times
‘060 have been quoted, which is quite
amazing! Finally both will read your ex-
isting Amiga hard disks allowing easy
transfer of programs and data. With both
emulators offering such similar facilities
and Amiga and H&P being partners in
various developments it seemed clear
they would have to come to some sort of
agreement. The end result is that Haage
and Partner will publish both emulators
in a package called AmigaOS XL which
includes all the necessary licences,
neither will be available separately.
AmigaXL is said to make much more
use of the underlying QNX operating
system, for example it uses QNX printer
drivers and network access is via the
QNX TCP/IP stack. From what
has been said it doesn’t
seem possible to access
the various interfaces of
the PC as Amiga devices
from AmigaXL, the FAQ
states that several ap-
plications requiring device
level access to interfaces (for
example CD burning and scan-
ning) will not work under the emula-
tion. On the plus side being more reliant
on the host OS means that AmigaXL
can offer features like USB support and
even access to QNX programs like
Opera and Voyager web browsers (com-
plete with SSL, Macromedia Flash,
MPEG, RealAudio, JavaScript and Java-
support) within the emulation.
From the FAQ it seems that AmigaXL
will also have some what better support
for programs using the Amiga chipset
than Amithlon which is purely for pro-
grams that run on a graphics card.
However with a fast PC there is no
reason why one couldn’t run UAE within
either of them to support older software.
Elbox has announced new drivers for
Ethernet cards based on the Realtek
RTL8139 chipset, which supports
10MBit/s and 100MB/s operation, this
will be the first 100MB card available for
the Amiga. The new drivers are avail-
able for Elbox’s Mediator range of PCI
bus boards and will also require the user
to own the recently released Mediator
Multimedia CD (see our preview on
page 24 for further details). The
RTL8139 is used on many PCI Ethernet
cards and tends to be very economically
priced, you should be able to find a
compatible card for well under £20.
P reparations for the World of
Apart from the bar other highlights of the
show will be several presentations in-
cluding one from Fleecy Moss of Amiga
and several games tournaments. Keep
an eye on the show website for further
details and a time table of presentations.
Amiga South East have been
going very well, we now have a
list of exhibitors and a floor plan as you
can see here. In addition to the main
hall, the venue boasts a bar which will
be staffed throughout the show and a
smaller hall that will be used as a café
and presentation area.
Formatt Home Computing
100% Amiga
Until the package is released or at least
demonstrated it is hard to know how the
emulators will compare in performance
and the “feel” of their emulation. From
the specifications and other information
released so far it seems that the main
difference between them is how much
use they make of the services offered by
the host OS.
The show is taking place on Saturday
the 3rd of November 2001 at:
Poplars Hall,
Poplar Drive,
Essex, CM13 1YU.
The AmigaOS XL package with both
emulators, licensed OS 3.9, 3.1 ROM
image, QNX and Picasso 96 will cost
299DM which is about £100. For loads
more information visit Haage and
Partner’s AmigaOS XL web site at:
Note: The detailed information is under
the “Products” link at the top of the
Mediator Support
This is the current list of exhibitors, as
usual with these things there will
probably be some minor changes by the
day of the show but this is what to ex-
Virtual Programing
and Amiga Active
Weird Science
Stellar Dreams
Hyperion Games Area
It will run from 12:00 until 17:00. If you
haven’t bought your tickets already they
will be available on the door at just
£3.50 each. Full details including direc-
tions from the M25 and on public
transport are on the show website:
Mediator boards and the MMCD are dis-
tributed in the UK by Power Computing,
for further details visit:
or telephone them on (01234) 851500.
Gloucestershire Amiga Group
Amithlon seems to make very little use
of its Linux base, it uses Linux drivers to
access basic motherboard resources
(mouse, keyboard, IDE and SCSI con-
trollers etc.) and to initialise graphics
cards. From that point on you must have
Pagan Games
We also have an assurance from Haage
and Partner that they will be there to
demonstrate the Amiga OS XL package
but we don’t know exactly what form
their attendance will take yet.
HAUG and
The UK distributor for the Package is
Virtual Programming:
+44 (0) 1202 41111 7
user groups
To Be Announced
Elbox have a website at:
CLUBBED - Issue 9
Winter 2001
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DV Editing
GREX Bites Back
Earth Ten
Years On
In the last few weeks DCE have
announced a host of new drivers for PCI
cards installed on their GREX family of
PCI expansion boards. At the time of
writing none of these new drivers have
been released. Here is a run down of
the drivers being developed and some
other GREX related news.
E.P.I.C. Interactive have announced that
they will be publishing a port of Earth
2150: Escape from the Blue Planet, the
follow up to Earth 2140 reviewed last
issue, they plan to release a Mac ver-
sion and then one for MorphOS running
on bplan Pegasos hardware. Like Earth
2140, 2150 is a real time strategy game
but unlike it’s predecessor it features a
true 3D environment. The game was
very popular in the PC world, in fact
there has already been a sequel, The
Moon Project and yet another E2150:
Lost Souls is about to be released.
E.P.I.C. state that ports of these games
will follow at a later date.
4000D Replaces the
A4000’s daughter board.
Titan Computer have released some
specifications and screen shots of their
new non-linear digital video editing
package Motion Studio. Titan are the
publishers with the product being devel-
oped by Motion Studios, the people be-
hind the Elastic Dreams and Fantastic
Dreams image manipulation packages.
Like those two titles Motion Studio
features a very flash non-standard user
interface which you can see in this
screen shot.
To run Motion Studio you will
need a computer with a
PowerPC G3 running at
400Mhz, firewire ports and
MorphOS 1.0. Titan ore ob-
viously aiming this product at
computers based on the
bplan Pegasos motherboard
which is expected to be
shown to the public running
MorphOS later this year. In
the mean time, to whet your
appetite take a look at the
titan website:
Drivers for Universal Serial Bus PCI
cards will enable many common, low
cost peripherals to be connected, initially
Human Interface Devices (HIDs) such
as keyboards and mice will be sup-
ported and according to an interview
with the developer “many other devices
will soon follow of course”. There are
two standards used by USB controllers
(such as those found on PCI cards),
OHCI and UHCI currently the driver sup-
ports UHCI and has been tested with a
card based on the VIA 83C572 con-
troller, OHCI support is planner for the
final release.
STB and 3Dfx .
To run Visionary you will need
CyberGraphX running on a PCI card in
your GREX. No release date has been
set but it is expected to be available
some time in October, probably coincid-
ing with the new GREX board for the
A4000 desktop.
Other GREX News
According to DCE the second model in
the GREX family of PCI bus boards has
now entered production. The GREX
4000D is a replacement for the A4000
desktop’s Zorro daughter board and
provides four PCI slots, four Zorro slots
and one video slot. Unlike the other
options that will fit a 4000 (Matay’s
Prometheus and Elbox’s Mediator Z3
and Mediator 4000) the GREX will fit
properly in the standard A4000 desktop
case. A CyberStorm MkIII or PPC is
required because the GREX plugs
directly into the local bus slot of these
Motion Studio is designed for MorphOS
and supports the bplan Pegasos
motherboard, using its Firewire connec-
tion to load Digital Video (for example
from a digital camcorder). 40 video
effects are included and most of them
are performed in real-time on a system
which meets the minimum
specifications. There is also full sound
support with over 20 sound effects in-
cluding echo, fades and decrackle.
Plugins are supported so additional
effects can be easily added. Finished
projects can be saved in common
Quicktime and AVI formats and we
assume back to a DV recorder.
For further details visit the E.P.I.C.
Interactive website is at:
The official Earth 2150 site is:
Hyperion Spread
the Curse
TV Cards
Visionary is a new
driver system for
TV cards based on
the popular
Booktree 878, 879
and 848 chipsets
with Microtune or
Philips tuner chips
are supported.
This encompas-
ses many cards
from different
the Vision Factory
site already lists
thirteen different
cards which have
been tested and found
to be compatible. The developers also
say that Visionary is designed to be
easily expanded to support more chip-
sets and tuners where developer
documentation is available.
AMP Plays
In the last issue of Clubbed we reported
that Hyperion had released Voodoo 3
Warp3D drivers for Matay’s Prometheus
PCI board enabling Warp3D ap-
plications, in particular games such as
Shogo and Heretic II to take advantage
of the Voodoo 3’s hardware 3D ac-
celeration. Since then drivers for DCE’s
GRex board have been released and
Hyperion have signed a deal with Elbox
to produce Mediator compatible drivers.
As we go to press Elbox have
announced that the Mediator drivers are
now available and that they also support
the Voodoo 4 4500 and Voodoo 5 5500.
However Ben Yoris or Hyperion has
stated “We did do Voodoo 3 drivers for
them but no Voodoo 4/5. It’s a remote
possibility that these Voodoo 3 drivers
work on a Voodo 4/5 but...we have no
way of testing or knowing this.” We will
wait with interest to see exactly what is
going on!
A new version of AmiDog’s Movie Player
has been released with a major new fea-
ture, it can now play DVD movies, the
first utility on the Amiga to do so! AMP
version 2 (not to be confused with
Amiga AMP the MPEG audio player) is a
PPC only movie player using WarpUP, in
addition to DVD it also supports video
CDs and MPEG video files. DVD
playback requires a fast PPC card and a
DVD-ROM drive attached to a fast inter-
face, the author recommends a SCSI
drive on a DMA controller. For owners of
slower PPC cards there is a low resolu-
tion which decodes the video at half the
width and height approximately doubling
playback speed.
In addition to the Visionary TV card
drivers DCE have also announced that
drivers for three other PCI cards will
soon be available for GREX users. The
first is for 100MBit Ethernet cards based
on the popular and inexpensive Realtek
RTL8139C chipset. Two sound cards will
also be supported with AHI drivers, the
Terratec128i and 512i, Terratec is a
German company and from what I can
see both these cards are affordable at
around £25 and £50 respectively. In the
Visionary screen shot you can also see
the sound mixer utility for these cards.
Long standing UK Amiga hardware and
software dealer Blittersoft has been
bought by Virtual Programming, a rela-
tively new company developing,
amongst other things, software for Tao’s
Elate platform that forms the basis for
the AmigaDE. One of VP’s directors is
Mark Hinton, the publisher of Amiga
Active and he is joined by Paul Lesurf of
£10 in cash to the author, buy on-line
and get the keyfile EMailed to you
through regnet for 18USD or buy it on
CD from Kicksoft for £18.
Virtual Programming say that they in-
tend to support both the classic Amiga
and new Amiga markets and will con-
tinue to support Blittersoft’s existing cus-
tomers. You can find Blittersoft’s range
of classic Amiga products on the VP
website and development is set to con-
The program can be used for 30 days
before registering, so you can download
the latest version from:
and see what you think., the official Vision
Factory site is an excellent source of
news on the GREX, Visionary and
matters graphics card related.
Visionary features a “skinnable” user
interface which allows the user to design
their own GUI, from the screen shots
provided it seems to be very flexible,
with the option to reposition the
elements of the GUI, as well as chang-
ing the graphics. It supports Visual
Reality skins which are supplied with TV
tuner cards from companies including
Although AMP is a command line pro-
gram it is supplied with an attractive MUI
GUI allowing you to easily change its
options and basic controls are provided
in the playback window to seek to a
position in the movie and to pause and
restart. There are several options to get
a registered copy of AMP, you can send
Hyperion are at: also has some
interesting product information.
You can order from Kicksoft at:
On their site you can register and then
download the latest version of Warp3D
from the download area.
Further details can be found on the new
Virtual Programming website at:
Details of the other registration options
are in the AMP documentation.
CLUBBED - Issue 9
Winter 2001
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W hile compiling the news for
Perfect Paint 2.7 MUIBase
this issue we noticed several
software packages that had
been given a minor update, although
these updates might not normally make
the Clubbed news page we thought
these programs were so good or inter-
esting that they were worth mentioning.
Georges Halvadjian has been at it
again, gradually improving the freeware
Perfect Paint making it a really com-
prehensive package, particularly for
detailed work like game and web
graphics. Here are some of the useful
features which have been added since
we last looked at Perfect Paint way back
in version 2.4:
MUIBase is a powerful shareware rela-
tional database with, you’ve guessed it,
a MUI interface. It supports multiple
tables with an unlimited number of
records which can be dynamically
loaded from RAM. A wide selection of
field types are allowed including
datatypes fields for displaying images
and other file types. Other features in-
clude a query editor and powerful
search, sort and filter functions.
A new version of Isreesoft’s essential
print enhancement system is now avail-
able, 7.20, like the earlier 7.10 release is
a pure driver upgrade, keeping
Turboprint up to date with the new prin-
ters that are constantly released. As
there are no functional upgrades you
don’t need to upgrade unless you have
one of the newly supported printers.
• A new bridge tool that enables you to
exchange pictures, brushes, palettes
and animations with any program with
an AREXX port, settings files are
provided for most common graphics
applications and also Final Writer and
Epson Stylus Photo 750, 790, 870,
890, 1200, 1270, 1290 with full photo ink
HP DeskJet 810, 812, 815, 830, 832,
840, 882, 930, 950, 970, 98x, 99x
supplied and users are asked to con-
tribute other languages.
• Improved gradients which can now
have translucent elements and up to
10 different colours.
Italian developer Audio Labs has made
several announcements regarding their
professional audio software ProStation
Audio. If you’re not familiar with
ProStation it is an application for editing,
mixing and mastering digital audio. It
provides a virtual mixing desk and time
line user interface which supports auto-
matic and manual control. ProStation
supports some sound cards directly
such as the Sunrise AD516 and all
cards with an AHI driver, it is compatible
with many audio file formats, ideal for
working in a multi platform environment.
The latest version, 1.6, adds an AREXX
interface (which compliments the built in
programming language), enhancements
to printing and relationship display and
improved HTML documentation.
Some of the new printers supported:
Canon BJC 1000, 2000, 4400
Canon BJC 3000, 6000, 6100, 6200,
7100, 8200 with full support for photo
Canon S 400, 450, 600, 800, 4500 with
full support for photo cartridge
Epson Stylus Color 460, 660, 670,
760, 860,880, 900, 980
For a list of all the printers TurboPrint
supports visit the IrseeSoft homepage:
The full version of TurboPrint costs
£38.95 from Eyetech, they don’t yet list
the 7.20 upgrade but according to
Irseesoft lit it is 69DM, about £20.
• Load and save transfer anims for
Voyager, AWeb and IBrowse.
• A thumbnail bar which shows you the
currently open images (buffers).
MUIBase is well worth a look, the
evaluation version is slightly limited and
times out after four weeks, registration
costs $30 which is around £20. For
more information visit:
• Many improved animation features
including transitions between two
frames, dissolves and motion blur.
Download the latest version of Perfect
Paint, absolutely free, from:
• Perfect Paint is now localised, a 98%
complete French translation is
The Voyage
The Future of the Amiga?
Mick Sutton and Robert Williams try and make sense of recent developments,
it’s thought provoking stuff!
Audio Labs’ first announcement was of a
new upgrade to ProStationAudio 4.20
which provides enhanced plug-ins sup-
port. Next was that they have tested
PSA with a Mediator and Sound Blaster
128 sound card in a professional studio
environment and found the combination
passed their tests. Later a similar an-
nouncement was also made about the
DCE GREX and Terratec PCI sound
cards, again they are said to work well
and Audio Labs are working with DCE to
ensure the best compatibility. Audio
Labs also noted that these bus boards
support the installation of two PCI
graphics cards, ProStation supports this
configuration with two monitors to in-
crease the screen real estate available.
I thought it was about time we gave
Vaporware’s Voyager web browser
another mention in these news pages as
at the moment it is by far the most
frequently updated Amiga browser, new
beta versions for the 3.3 are being
released approximately monthly and the
beta is now becoming very usable.
Voyager is also the only browser to sup-
port Flash and PDF plug-ins that display
these files inside the browser window.
The major feature in version 3.3 is a
new layout engine which is being
designed for better HTML, Javascript
and Style Sheet com-
patibility and to be
much faster too. The
latest beta versions
which the Voyager
team note still contain
a debugging code
and lack op-
timisations are al-
ready much faster on
complex pages than
previous versions.
major additions in recent betas:
W hen Amiga announced the
AmigaOS. If the world becomes split
between “classic” 68k Amiga users, OS4
PPC users and x86 emulator users,
plain 68k code will be the only thing that
runs on all the platforms, which could
stifle the development of OS4 specific
probably most importantly it will be the
platform for future AmigaOS develop-
ment, the x86 emulators will be stuck
with OS3.9 (although on OS4 port would
almost certainly be technically possible).
It is increasingly hard to see where any
future AmigaOS development will come
from, either for OS4 or OS3.x, there are
now very few developers of any size,
can you imagine a major new applica-
tion or original game being released in
the current Amiga market? In a market
with little new development the dif-
ference between OS4 on the AmigaOne
and OS3.9 on x86 is much less, you are
running your existing programs under
emulation in both cases. But x86 also
offers you the option to run other OSs
complete with their library of programs.
• Big overhaul of the download manage-
Amithlon Amiga OS emulator
for x86 Pc’s at AmiWest
2001 it caused a huge uproar amongst
Amiga users, since then much more in-
formation has become available and
another emulator has been announced,
Amiga XL from Haage & Partner. Both
these emulators claim to run modern
68k Amiga software at speeds far in ex-
cess of current 060 based Amigas using
run of the mill PC hardware. As these
two emulators are potential competitors
and both require a licensed AmigaOS
3.9 Amiga and Haage & Partner decided
to release them both together as a
package called AmigaOS XL.
• Javascript improvements, many to fix
problems with specific sites.
• Single window mode, multiple pages
can be shown in one window, using
tabs at the top.
So what about PPC programs that we
know won’t be compatible with the x86
emulators? Many PPC programs are
also available in a 68k version that
should run much faster than on a current
‘060 system, they could well perform at
a similar speed to the PPC versions on
current hardware! While there are major
PPC only programs these tend to be
ported games which, to be brutally
honest, can probably be found in the
bargain bin of your local PC store, they
may be good but they’re not going to be
a selling point of a new platform.
Beta versions can be downloaded from
the V3 portal at:
ProStationAudio is available in several
configurations starting at 125USD
(about £90), a demo version can be
downloaded from:
The idea of running your favourite
Amiga programs at break neck speed on
readily available and therefore cheap
hardware is pretty exciting stuff for many
Amiga users. However,if the emulators
are successful they could well jeopar-
dise sales of the AmigaOne and other
OS4 based systems, especially amongst
Amigans who would find it useful to run
other OS’s and have access to their
software on the same machine as the
Maybe we’ve got this all wrong, and as
Amiga say current PC users will try
AmigaOS XL and, to miss quote Victor
Kyam “like it so much they buy the
AmigaOne”! Maybe there will be some
major developments for OS4 that make
it really worth while, we’ll just have to do
what Amiga users do best... wait and
The AmigaOne (and other similar
systems such as Elbox’s Shark) will cer-
tainly have many good points for ex-
ample it should have much better com-
patibility with older software, especially
titles which use the custom chipset and
will also run existing PPC software. But
Apart from general
bug fixes and speed
ups here are the
CLUBBED - Issue 9
Winter 2001
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