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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520
Macon GA 31201
The Wallflower: A Hunting Love story, Halle Puma Series Book 1.
Copyright © 2008 by Dana Marie Bell
ISBN: 1-59998-918-2
Edited by Angela James
Cover by Anne Cain
All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Samhain Publishing, Ltd. electronic publication: April 2008
The Wallflower
Dana Marie Bell
To Mom, for always helping me look on the bright side and cheering me on even
when you weren’t certain you knew what you were cheering about.
To Dad, who grinned so wide I thought his face would crack when he heard I was
going to be published. Yes, I promise I’ll write a fantasy story one day, just don’t expect
me to leave out the romance.
To my grandmother, who’s read every word I’ve ever written and loved it even when
we both knew it sucked. I love you, Memom!
To my husband, Dusty; you’ve made all my dreams come true. (Other than the
cabana boy one. But that’s okay. You’re not getting your big-breasted masseuse either, so
we’re even.) Thank you for believing in me. I love you, sweetheart.
Special thanks to A and BR for reading this, helping me fix it and polish it up, and
for cheering with me when I got the contract. Also thanks to JG and JW for the technical
The Wallflower
“So, have you heard? Max is back.” Marie watched with a friendly smile as Emma
carefully wrapped her purchase. Emma felt her heart give a little jump at the news,
though it wasn’t the first time she’d heard it. The knowledge that the hunky Dr. Cannon
had moved back home for good after ten years away was hot gossip to all the women
who trooped through her store.
Marie Howard was there to pick up a hand-crafted mirror with beautiful hand-
painted tiles. Livia was there, even though she hated both Emma and Becky, because she
was friends with Marie. As far as Livia was concerned, they were directly responsible for
her breakup with Max.
Livia Patterson was one of the town beauties and knew it. Fine boned with alabaster
skin, she had just the right dusting of rose at her cheeks to set off her pale blonde
perfection. Add blue eyes the color of forget-me-nots and a tall, wispy build, and she was
the epitome of the fragile blonde. The woman could brawl like a linebacker when the
time came; she could shriek, and bats for miles around fell dead to the ground; but man if
she didn’t work the whole Penelope Pitstop thing, and men fell for it. They loved that
whole delicate flower of womanhood crap she managed to pull off so flawlessly. Not that
Emma envied her or anything. Not really.
Men looked at Emma and saw sturdy womanhood. Hips made for birthing, plain
brown eyes and nondescript brown hair, at five-foot-two inches Emma would never,
literally, be able to stand up to Livia. Add in the fact that most of the town thought she
was in a gay relationship with Becky and her social calendar remained depressingly
“Apparently Max is planning on taking over Dr. Brewster’s practice; he and Adrian
will be partners,” Livia cooed.
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